Chapter 3: The New Boss





A tall young blonde woman wearing a suit with matching shorts towers over a young man with dark hair, who is seen from behind.

Anna was still in the process of unpacking her belongings and arranging things on her desk in Patricia’s old office when Jake entered, a bit hesitantly.

She glanced down at him with a distracted smile as she flattened one of the emptied cardboard boxes. “Hey, Jake. Come on in. I’m still getting settled, as you can see. Please, have a seat.”

She gestured with a wave to one of the smaller guest chairs, proportioned for male employees. The advantage with the smaller chairs was that Jake didn’t have to climb up into the seat, he could just sit down. The disadvantage was that he was so low to the ground that it only further emphasized his relative smallness.

“Yeah, looks like you’ve got a lot going on. Congratulations on your new job, Anna.”

Anna finished flattening the last of the boxes, and then turned her full attention to Jake. He had to crane his neck to make eye contact with the towering young woman.

“Thanks Jake! Look, I know this transition might feel a bit awkward for both of us. I want you to know that I value your contributions and the work you’ve done so far. But as you’re aware, things have changed.”

Jake nodded, a bit sullenly. “Yeah, I know. It’s just… I thought I was in line for Patricia’s backfill. I didn’t expect–“

Anna cut him off before he could complete his thought. “I understand your frustration, Jake. I know this might have come as surprise, and I’m sure you had your hopes up. But the decision was made based on what the upper management believes is best for the company. They see potential in me to lead, and I intend to prove them right.”

Jake sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. “I appreciate that, Anna. It’s just… it’s going to take some getting used to.”

“I get that, Jake. I know this is a lot to take in, but I believe in the potential of our team. With your experience and dedication, I’m confident that we can achieve great things.”

“I’ll do my best to adjust, Anna,” Jake replied, his voice tinged with bitterness.

“Jake,” Anna said, her voice softening, “I want you to know that I haven’t forgotten where I started. When I first started here as an intern, you were the one who mentored me. You guided me through the company’s culture, the projects, and the team dynamics. I learned a lot from you, and I respect the contributions you’ve made.”

“Thanks, Anna,” Jake said, his tone a little softer. “I remember those days. You caught on quickly, and it’s been great to see how far you’ve come.”

Anna nodded, a genuine smile forming on her face. “I appreciate that, Jake. And I want you to know that I recognize your valuable contributions to the company. You’ve been an integral part of the team, and I have no doubt that your experience and insights will continue to be invaluable. When I met with the other team members, this is the point in the conversation where I’d have them tell me about what they do and what they feel their strengths are. But I already know what you do and what your strengths are, so I won’t waste either of our time. Any questions before we wrap this up?”

“Just one.” Jake looked up at Anna, his brows furrowed. “What happens now?”

Anna uncrossed her arms and leaned forward, her tone becoming more authoritative. “Over the next few weeks, I’ll be implementing a restructuring plan for the unit. I expect all team members, including you, to fully cooperate and respect the new hierarchy and direction we’ll be taking. If that is all, please send Victoria in next.”

Jake swallowed hard, his apprehension growing. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding about the changes Anna was about to introduce.

As he began to leave, Jake felt a large hand clasp his shoulder. Turning around, he looked up — way up — to make eye contract with his new manager. Anna seemed a bit hesitant, as if debating whether she wanted to say something else.

“One last thing before you go, Jake. Look, I don’t want to make a big deal about this, and I know you’re quite a bit older than me, but you should be calling me Ms. Everett now, right? I just think it’s important to establish clear boundaries in our new roles.”

“Uh yes, sorry… Ms. Everett.”

Jake left Anna’s office with a mix of emotions swirling within him. He felt a mixture of resentment, uncertainty, and a tinge of admiration for Anna’s accomplishments. The encounter had left him acutely aware of the shifting power dynamics within the office.

As he walked back to his own workspace, Jake couldn’t help but notice how his female colleagues didn’t share his trepidation. Ms. Everett had already made a strong impression on many of them, and there was a sense of excitement in the air. Jake envied their confidence.

He couldn’t help but notice the amused glances exchanged between Victoria and Tiffany as he approached his workspace. They swiveled their chairs around to face him, grinning mischievously.

“So, Jake, how did your LITTLE meeting with the new boss go? Did she think you’ll be able to REACH your full potential?”

Tiffany’s glasses jiggled on her nose as she giggled at Victoria’s puns about his stature.

Jake let out a reluctant chuckle, though the teasing from Victoria only exacerbated his unease. He sank into his chair, running a hand through his hair with a sigh. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. But seriously, it’s gonna take some time to adjust to all this.”

“Well, you know what they say about first impressions, Jake.” Tiffany chimed in, pouring fuel on the fire. “Maybe you should’ve brought a ladder to that meeting.”

Jake pointedly ignored Tiffany’s gibe, trying to change the subject. “Hey, Victoria, was your meeting with our new boss as… uh, interesting as mine was?”

Victoria smiled, a bit cryptically. “Actually, Jake, I thought it went really well. We had a great conversation about the direction she wants to take the unit. She seemed genuinely interested in my thoughts and insights. I can already tell that we’re going to see things eye-to-eye.”

That last pun made Tiffany actually snort.

Jake took a deep breath, trying to shake off the lingering awkwardness from his meeting with Anna. He turned to Tiffany, knowing he could deal with at least one thorn in his side for the immediate future.

“Hey, Tiffany, Ms. Everett wants to see you next,” Jake said, his tone slightly resigned.

Tiffany’s eyes lit up, and she straightened in her chair, pushing her glasses up her nose. “Finally! I’ve been waiting for this. I can’t wait to meet our new boss. I have so many ideas to share.”

Tiffany practically bounced out of her chair and adjusted her skirt before striding confidently towards Anna’s office. As he watched her go, Jake couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy. It seemed like his female colleagues were embracing the changes with open arms, while he was left grappling with his own insecurities. He leaned back in his chair, pondering what the future would hold.

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