workplace – Mini GTS Fiction Stories about women who quite a bit larger than normal. Mon, 19 Feb 2024 02:03:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 workplace – Mini GTS Fiction 32 32 229544190 Chapter 7: The HR Meeting Wed, 16 Aug 2023 01:43:00 +0000 As the leaves began to change color and the air grew crisp with the arrival of fall, the Unit found itself busy with new challenges and projects. With the departure of the summer interns, Jake proposed to Anna and Victoria the idea of hiring a full-time administrative assistant. He brought their attention to a government program sponsored by the Department of Male Affairs that offered generous subsidies for hiring unmarried men residing in Men’s Support Centers. Despite initial skepticism, Jake managed to persuade them of the benefits, and Gary was soon brought on board.

Gary hit the ground running and quickly proved himself to be a valuable addition to the team. While Jake had resented the often tedious administrative tasks that Victoria had assigned to him, Gary took them all on without a hint of complaint. He lacked Jake’s ambition and lofty aspirations; he was just grateful for the opportunity to support himself, after being a ward of the state since his mother died when he was 16.

With Gary handling the clerical work, Jake was able to focus more on collaborating with Klara on higher-profile projects. As a result, Jake and Klara’s partnership continued to thrive, and they found themselves making significant contributions to the Unit’s strategic goals.

However, their efforts to keep their romantic involvement a secret at the office were beginning to take a toll on them both. Jake and Klara exchanged meaningful glances and subtle gestures, struggling to contain their emotions within the confines of professionalism.

Despite their best efforts to maintain a professional facade, subtle signs of their bond began to emerge. Their colleagues couldn’t help but notice the shared glances, the inside jokes that only they seemed to understand, and the unspoken camaraderie that seemed to set them apart. Tiffany, Victoria, and even Gary were beginning to pick up on the underlying dynamic between Jake and Klara, although they kept their suspicions to themselves.

One evening, after another particularly demanding project had stretched into late hours, Klara and Jake found themselves alone in the office. The dim lighting cast a warm glow over the room, and the silence between them was charged with unspoken emotions. Finally, Klara seemed to come to a decision. She swiveled her chair away from her computer and looked down at her cherished little man. “Jake, we need to talk.”

Jake’s heart skipped a beat, a mixture of anticipation and anxiety washing over him. “Of course, Klara. What’s on your mind?”

Klara took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. “Jake, I can’t help but feel that we’re reaching a point where we can’t keep our relationship hidden any longer.”

Jake hesitated, his gaze never leaving Klara’s. “I don’t disagree. I am deeply and madly in love with you, Klara, and most days I want to shout it from the rooftops. But I don’t want our relationship to compromise our careers or create tension within the Unit.”

Klara nodded in understanding, her expression a blend of sincerity and determination. “I feel the same way, Jake. I care about you more than I ever thought possible, and I don’t want our relationship to hinder our professional growth or jeopardize what we’ve built here.”

Klara took Jake’s little hand in her much larger one, her grip gentle yet firm.

Jake looked into Klara’s eyes, his heart pounding in his chest despite the reassurance of her touch. “So, what do you suggest we do, Klara? How do we navigate this?”

Klara leaned closer, her voice soft but resolute. “I think it’s time we come clean about our relationship, Jake. I will request a meeting with HR. I’m sure they’ll want to include Anna and Victoria, so we’ll be able to explain the situation to them together. We’ll emphasize our commitment to maintaining professionalism and not letting our personal feelings interfere with our work.”

It was a bold move, and he knew there would be risks involved. After many years, he’d finally moved up a single rung on the corporate ladder. And his secret girlfriend’s career was just starting out. But he trusted that Klara knew what was best. Besides he couldn’t hide his feelings for Klara forever. “You’re right, Klara. It’s a risk, but I believe in us and our ability to handle whatever comes our way.”

Klara smiled warmly, her eyes locking onto his. “I believe in us too, Jake. And no matter what happens, we’ll face it together.”

The next morning, Jake felt a jolt of anxiety as a meeting request from Human Resources appeared in his inbox for Friday morning. Somehow, that felt both too soon and too far away. He didn’t know how he and Klara were going to get through the next few days.

As the fateful meeting drew steadily closer, he and Klara continued to navigate their interactions at the office with heightened caution, making sure not to reveal any overt signs of their romantic involvement. It was hard to focus on their work, as they tried to mentally prepare themselves for the conversation ahead of them. The office buzzed with its usual activity, but to Jake and Klara, everything seemed muted as they focused on the impending disclosure of their relationship.

Soon enough, it was Friday morning and Jake and Klara found themselves in a small HR conference room, with Anna and Victoria sitting on one side and the HR representative sitting on the other. The air felt charged with tension as they exchanged polite greetings and settled into their chairs. In such a confined space, surrounded by four towering women, Jake felt smaller than ever. He could feel Anna’s keen gaze sweep over him and Klara, her expression a mix of curiosity and seriousness.

“Klara, you requested this meeting. What’s on your mind?” Anna’s voice was composed and professional, her tone unreadably neutral.

Klara took a deep breath, her eyes meeting Anna’s with unwavering determination. “Anna, Victoria, we want to address something that we believe is important for the integrity of our work and the unity of the team.”

Klara’s words hung in the air, and the room seemed to hold its breath as Anna and Victoria exchanged a look that might have been curiosity or might have been concern.

Klara continued, her voice steady as she spoke. “Jake and I have developed a close personal relationship outside of work. We’ve come to care deeply for each other, and we believe it’s time to be transparent and upfront about our feelings.”

Anna and Victoria exchanged another glance, this one more overtly concerned. By contrast, the representative from HR looked remarkably unruffled. Jake’s heart raced, but he maintained his composure, his gaze fixed on Klara.

Klara took a moment before continuing, “We want to assure you that our personal relationship will not interfere with our professionalism or our commitment to the Unit. We’ve been careful to maintain the boundaries required for our roles, and we’ll continue to do so.”

Anna leaned back in her chair, her expression thoughtful. “I appreciate your honesty, Klara. Personal relationships within a professional setting can be complicated, but I believe in addressing potential issues openly. I’m confident in your ability to keep things professional in the office, but do you really think Jake has the maturity to handle it?”

Klara’s gaze shifted to Jake, her eyes filled with a mix of affection and assurance. “Anna, I can personally vouch for Jake’s maturity and professionalism. We both understand the importance of maintaining a professional environment and not allowing our personal relationship to affect our work. We’re committed to making sure that our romance does not compromise the unity and effectiveness of the Unit.”

Victoria chimed in, her tone skeptical. “It’s no secret that personal relationships can lead to favoritism or conflicts of interest. How can we be certain that won’t happen here?”

In response, the HR representative spoke up for the first time. “If Klara were Jake’s supervisor, we’d definitely be worried about favoritism or conflicts of interest. But since they both have the same job title, it’s less of a concern. They’ll both need to sign a disclosure form. It basically has them confirm that the relationship is consensual, and that the relationship was never a term of employment. It also obligates them to formally agree that the relationship will not affect job performance and acknowledge that transfers and promotions may be affected by policies that prohibit supervisor/subordinate relationships. Beyond that, Anna, it’s really up to you how you want to handle it.”

Anna took a moment to think about it. “I’d hate to lose my superstar pairing. Tori, what are your thoughts?”

As Anna turned to Victoria for her input, the tension in the room was palpable. Victoria leaned back in her chair, her mouth tight as she considered the implications of Jake and Klara’s relationship.

“I have to admit, I have reservations about potential complications,” Victoria began, her voice measured. “But I also see the dedication and commitment both Klara and Jake have shown to the Unit. And every time I’ve underestimated Jake in the past, I’ve ended up regretting it.”

Anna’s thoughtful gaze settled on Klara and Jake. “I’m going to trust your judgment on this, Klara. But keep in mind that the success of the Unit is paramount. If this relationship ever compromises our goals or team dynamics, I won’t hesitate to take action.”

“Understood, Anna.” Klara replied. “I will make sure that what Jake and I share outside of the office doesn’t hinder our professional contributions.”

The meeting concluded with a sense of cautious acceptance from Anna and Victoria. Klara and Jake breathed a collective sigh of relief as they left the HR conference room, their hearts still racing from the intense discussion. The HR representative had them stop by her desk so she could draft up the disclosure agreement, and they both signed it without hesitation.

Over the next few days, the news of Jake and Klara’s relationship spread quietly through the office grapevine. Colleagues exchanged knowing glances and whispered speculations, but the overall reaction from their colleagues was surprisingly positive. Some even expressed a sense of admiration for their courage in facing the challenges of an office romance head-on.

Tiffany, who had only grown more outspoken since her promotion, approached Klara one afternoon as they were both grabbing coffee in the break room. “So, I guess congratulations are in order,” she said with a knowing smile.

Klara returned the smile, her demeanor calm and collected. “Thank you, Tiffany. What can I say? I’m a lucky woman.”

“I’d say Jake’s the lucky one.” Tiffany grinned, leaning in a bit closer. “I have to say, I’m impressed. You both managed to keep this under wraps for quite a while.”

Klara shrugged, feeling a bit self-conscious. “We wanted to make sure we were on the same page before we involved the rest of the office.”

Tiffany’s expression softened, a hint of sincerity in her tone. “I have to admit, I had my doubts about you two working so closely together, but seeing how you handled this, I think you might actually pull it off.”

And Jake and Klara did. Over the course of the winter, the atmosphere within the Unit began to settle back into a sense of normalcy. Jake and Klara found themselves more at ease, no longer needing to guard their interactions with the same level of caution.

But nothing lasts forever, and the warm weather would bring with it a couple of major tests for their relationship that would force them to make some difficult choices.

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