Tag: tallgirlshortguy

  • Chapter 18: The Work Trip

    Chapter 18: The Work Trip

    Jake’s heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness as he prepared for his first business trip. Imani Reed had been promoted once again during the summer, and had been invited to be the closing keynote speaker at a conference in Wazhazhe Dsi, the capital of the Wahzhazhe Nation. Since the discovery of vast… Read more

  • Chapter 16: The Sibling Superior

    Chapter 16: The Sibling Superior

    Gary’s pep talk had reinvigorated Jake’s determination to claw his way back up the corporate ladder, even if it meant taking a longer route than he had originally anticipated. But a few days later, shortly before the end of his shift, Jake’s phone rang while he was in the middle of coordinating a series of… Read more

  • Chapter 8: The Revelatory Summer

    Chapter 8: The Revelatory Summer

    Spring arrived, bringing with it a renewed sense of energy and change. It started with a phone call Jake received from his sister, Sarah. She sounded excited and animated as she shared the news that she had been accepted into a prestigious summer institute run by Innovatrix Technologies, a well-known technology company. Jake couldn’t help… Read more

  • Chapter 3: The New Boss

    Chapter 3: The New Boss

    Anna was still in the process of unpacking her belongings and arranging things on her desk in Patricia’s old office when Jake entered, a bit hesitantly. She glanced down at him with a distracted smile as she flattened one of the emptied cardboard boxes. “Hey, Jake. Come on in. I’m still getting settled, as you… Read more

  • Chapter 1: The Job Interview

    Chapter 1: The Job Interview

    Jake has been stuck in the same entry-level position since he was hired nine years earlier. But with his supervisor recently promoted to senior management, he feels confident that he will be selected for her vacated position. But when the day of the interview comes, he is surprised to see Anna waiting in the reception… Read more