Tag: siblingrivalry

  • Chapter 24: The Tumultuous Summer

    Chapter 24: The Tumultuous Summer

    The arrival of Kristina brought a whirlwind of joy and chaos to the Tsai household. The family, now a bustling quintet, adjusted to the demands of a newborn. Klara bounced back quickly from giving birth, and threw herself back into overseeing the Scythian acquisition. With Klara back to working late nights, Kelly took charge at… Read more

  • Chapter 23: The Joyful Arrival

    Chapter 23: The Joyful Arrival

    With Klara’s due date approaching fast, the Tsai household buzzed with a mix of excitement and anticipation. Jake and Kyle had done their best to ensure that the nursery reflected Klara and Kelly’s vision. Toys, baby clothes, and essentials were neatly organized, ready for baby’s arrival. Klara, heavily pregnant, navigated a delicate balance between her… Read more

  • Chapter 22: The Diverging Paths

    Chapter 22: The Diverging Paths

    As the Yuletide Solistice came and went and a new year began, Jake found himself feeling sidelined both at home and at work. When the ultrasound revealed that the baby was a girl, Kelly and Klara were absolutely ecstatic while Jake’s sense of foreboding only grew. Soon, Klara and Kelly were deep into discussions about… Read more

  • Chapter 17: The Career Day

    Chapter 17: The Career Day

    Over the next couple of years, Jake dedicated himself to his work. When Kat Moncada got promoted to a senior management position on the executive floor, Imani Reed was named as the new supervisor for Administrative Support Unit. She had selected Jake to be her administrative assistant, paving the way for his first promotion since… Read more

  • Chapter 16: The Sibling Superior

    Chapter 16: The Sibling Superior

    Gary’s pep talk had reinvigorated Jake’s determination to claw his way back up the corporate ladder, even if it meant taking a longer route than he had originally anticipated. But a few days later, shortly before the end of his shift, Jake’s phone rang while he was in the middle of coordinating a series of… Read more