reddresswoman – Mini GTS Fiction Stories about women who quite a bit larger than normal. Mon, 19 Feb 2024 17:28:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 reddresswoman – Mini GTS Fiction 32 32 229544190 Chapter 19: The First Moon Sat, 28 Oct 2023 02:40:00 +0000 A new era for the Tsai family began on a day that at first seemed much like any other. The twins had finished seventh grade the week before, and were enjoying their brief window of freedom before their schedules filled with summer activities. In the warm glow of the July sun, the Tsai family home looked inviting, even idyllic. The flowers along the front of the house had begun to bloom, vibrant and colorful.

At breakfast, Kelly was more irritable than usual. She complained about a headache, and a weird feeling in her stomach. But Klara and Jake were already running late for work, and didn’t have time to console her. And Kyle felt completely normal; when he meekly suggested that she maybe take some ibuprofen, Kelly only got more irritable.

By the Klara and Jake got home, however, it was clear that something out of the ordinary was going on. Kyle usually had dinner on the table waiting for them when they got home, but the kitchen was dark and it didn’t look like he’d even started preparing a meal.

They found him in the living room, sobbing.

“What’s wrong, Kyle?” Jake asked, immediately fearing the worst.

“It’s Kelly!” Kyle replied between sobs. “She was so mean to me today! And not in a teasing way. Just vicious and cruel.”

“Where’s your sister?” Klara demanded, her concern about her son’s hurt feelings quickly overtaken by worry for her beloved daughter’s welfare.

“She’s up-up-upstairs,” Kyle replied, continuing to choke back sobs. “In her r-r-room. She said couldn’t stand to look at my pathetic little face a single moment longer.”

Klara immediately darted upstairs, while Jake hung back to console his son.

Kyle’s eyes were red from crying, and his small frame seemed even more fragile in the midst of the emotional storm.

“Hey, buddy,” Jake said gently, sitting down beside his son on the couch. “I can see how upset you are. Do you want to talk about what happened?”

Kyle sniffled and wiped his tears with the back of his hand. “It’s just… she’s never been this mean before. I thought we were best friends.”

Jake nodded, understanding the pain his son was feeling. ” Sisters can be tough sometimes,, especially as they get older. But we’ll figure this out together, okay?”

“But Dad,” Kyle said with frustration, “why does she have to be so mean? And you always say we’re equal, but it doesn’t feel that way.”

Jake sighed, realizing that his son was grappling with complex emotions. “Kyle, I always say that I love you both equally, and I do. But that doesn’t mean you’re equal in every way. Your sister is a lot bigger and a lot stronger, and if we escalate things, it might not end well.”

“But she needs to know she can’t treat people like this!” Kyle insisted, his frustration turning into determination.

“I get that, Kyle, but you’ve got to look at the bigger picture. The truth is, we live in a world where things aren’t always fair. Men, like you and me, are physically smaller and less powerful than women. That’s just the way it is.”

“But that doesn’t mean she can treat me like this, Dad,” Kyle protested again.

Jake hesitated. ” I’m not saying your sister’s behavior is okay. But we live in a world that wasn’t built for us, and that means we need to navigate situations more carefully. The truth is, Kyle, we have to pick our battles. Sometimes, standing up for ourselves might not be the safest or smartest choice. I’m not excusing Kelly’s behavior, but…”

“But what, Dad? Why can’t I stand up for myself?” Kyle’s frustration turned into a mixture of confusion and defiance. “Why can Kelly say whatever she wants and be mean, just because she’s a girl?”

Jake considered his words carefully. “Kyle, it’s not about whether you can stand up for yourself. You absolutely should stand up for what’s right, but you need to be strategic about it. I know it’s not fair, and it’s something that I’ve struggled with too. But you simply don’t have the luxury of being as reckless as your sister.”

Before Kyle could respond, the creaking of the staircase caught their attention. Looking up at his wife and daughter, Jake saw that Klara had a comforting arm around Kelly, but a triumphant smile on her face. Kelly, for her part, looked both embarrassed and relieved.

Jake, still with a reassuring hand on his son’s shoulder, looked up at Klara with a quizzical expression. “What’s going on?”

Klara, beaming with pride, announced, “Jake, Kelly gotten her First Moon! She’s entering womanhood.”

Kelly, although still slightly embarrassed, stood a little taller. Klara embraced her daughter, and Jake, understanding the importance of the moment, joined in the family celebration. They gathered in the living room, the atmosphere now filled with a mix of emotions ranging from joy to a hint of nostalgia.

Kelly, seeing that her brother’s face was still red from crying, immediately apologized. “I’m so sorry for the way I acted, Kyle. I don’t know what came over me.”

“It’s completely natural, my love,” Klara reassured her. “We all get more aggressive during our cycles. You’re growing, becoming more powerful. It’s something to be proud of.”

Kyle sniffled, “But why was she so mean to me?”

Jake sighed, realizing he needed to explain the complexities of what Kelly was going through. “Sometimes, when people are dealing with big changes, they react in ways they don’t understand. Your sister is going through a significant transformation, and it can be overwhelming. But I promise you, she loves you, and this won’t change that.”

“And let’s not put all of this on your sister, Kyle. You just need to develop a thicker skin,” Klara added. “After all, girls will be girls. I remember being just as intense and unruly when I was Kelly’s age.”

Now that Kelly understood what was happening to her, she quickly became ecstatic at the idea of entering womanhood. A lot of her friends had already experienced their First Moons and Kelly had been feeling increasingly left out.

The mother-daughter bond between Klara and Kelly, already close, grew even tighter as Klara guided Kelly through the process. She taught her daughter how to use different feminine hygiene products and decide which she was most comfortable with.

In the days that followed Kelly’s First Moon revelation, the women of the family embarked on preparations for a momentous celebration. After all, the First Moon was not just a biological milestone but a significant rite of passage. It marked the emergence of a young woman’s power and authority, and it was celebrated with a grand party that held cultural and familial significance.

As was tradition, Klara worked closely her own mother and Jake’s mother to plan and organize the whole affair. Jake’s mother Michelle insisted that her granddaughter’s party be held at the same Matriarchal Hall where all of the Mitty women had held theirs: Not just where Sarah and Emily had celebrated their First Moons, but also where Michelle had had her own party, and Michelle’s mother had had her party, and so on, going back generations.

Jake had only been invited inside the Matriarchal Hall twice, for his sisters’ First Moon ceremonies, and had found the place to be dark and a little bit creepy both times. But he understood his mother’s desire to carry on traditions, and he was grateful to Klara for accommodating her. Soon enough, the details were arranged and Jake and Kyle were stuffing invitations into envelopes. While they hadn’t been included in the planning, it was obvious to both father and son that a lavish event was planned to mark celebrate Kelly’s milestone.

Jake, while initially feeling a bit out of place in the whirlwind of preparations, found his role in supporting Klara and ensuring the family’s emotional well-being during this significant time. In particular, he make sure to check in with Kyle regularly; he knew his son was still struggling to understand the complexities of the emotions and changes that accompanied his sister’s transition.

As the day of the celebration approached, Kelly spent more and more time together with mother and grandmothers, behind the closed door to Klara’s den. Jake and Kyle both knew better than to disrupt them. One day, the four of them didn’t get home until late, having spent the whole day dress shopping. A young woman’s First Moon dress was not just a beautiful garment but also designed to showcase her strength and confidence. And the red color was a visual announcement that she was a woman now. When Jake peeked at the receipt, he was shocked at how much it had cost – more than his entire wardrobe. But Klara insisted that Kelly deserved no less, and after all, it was Klara’s formidable salary that had paid for it.

The day of the party soon arrived, on the first Saturday following the new moon. As guests streamed into the Matriarchal Hall, Jake marveled at the diversity of First Moon dresses. They were all red, but otherwise extremely varied in style and design. The air buzzed with a sense of unity and celebration. Jake and Kyle, who were forbidden from wearing red on this occasion, felt a bit out of place in their powder blue suits.

Jake and Kyle caught snippets of conversation, as the various women and girls reminisced about their own First Moons. They were shocked at how different the experience was for everyone: Some had wild stories of getting theirs in terribly inconvenient places or times, some experienced it very young and others quite a bit older, and yet they all seemed to share a sense of camaraderie.

In a private dressing room near the back of the hall, Kelly shared a moment with her mother and grandmother. Klara, with tears of pride in her eyes, fussed a bit with Kelly’s dress, and slid the tiara into her daughter’s hair so it rested regally atop her head. The pale moonstone in the center of the tiara shimmered as it caught the light.

“You look absolutely breathtaking, my love,” Klara whispered, her voice filled with emotion. “We couldn’t be more proud of you.”

Kelly, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness, hugged her mother tightly. “Thank you, Mom. I couldn’t have asked for a better support system.”

As they emerged from the dressing room, the hall fell silent, and all eyes turned toward Kelly. The room erupted in applause, celebrating the young woman who had embraced her First Moon. Kelly, though initially shy, walked confidently with the grace of a newfound strength.

Klara, resplendent in her sleeveless red dress, moved gracefully through the crowd in her daughter’s wake, greeting various guests and ensuring that everything was in order. Jake, although feeling a bit out of place, took his place by her side. Kyle, clad in a miniature version of Jake’s suit, seemed a bit overwhelmed by the whole event. His eyes kept seeking out Nadira in the crowd; but his best friend was focused on Kelly instead of him. As Nadira had explained to him earlier, a First Moon ceremony was all about sisterhood, and that was something he simply couldn’t understand.

The majority of the invited guests were girls that Jake recognized from the twins’ grade, or from Kelly’s sports leagues. But there were quite a few older women of varying ages, too. Jake was impressed by how such a wide variety of personal styles could be expressed within the norms of this cultural tradition.

In the back of the room, Jake spotted his younger sister chatting with their mother and Klara’s mother. Emily had just finished her freshman year at the University of Connecticut, where she had been a starting freshman on the Division I basketball team that had made it to the Final Four. As one of only three players on the team over four meters tall, she was already being talked about as a first round NABA draft pick after graduation. She towered over everyone in the hall, even the other women; the top of Jake’s head only came up to midway on her thigh.

Kelly’s two grandfathers were also in the hall somewhere, along with her uncle Isak, but the other three men were completely lost in the forest of red dresses. Jake wondered if they felt as out of place as he and Kyle did. Normally Matriarchal Halls were completely off-limits to those with Y chromosomes; immediate family members for special ceremonies like this were just about the only exception.

Shortly after two in the afternoon, as the moon passed the meridian, the focus shifted to the stage at the front of the room. Kelly, accompanied by Klara, approached the stage where Kelly’s maternal grandmother, Klara’s mother, stood solemnly. As was tradition, the elder woman began the ceremonial speech, recounting the significance of the First Moon in the history of their matriarchal society.

“Kelly Tsai,” she began, her voice carrying the weight of tradition, “you stand on the threshold of womanhood. Today, we celebrate not just the physical changes within you but the power, resilience, and wisdom that come with being a woman in our proud lineage.”

The elder woman went on to recount proud history of the Tsai women, going all of the way back to ancestral China and Wu Zetian’s reign that had lasted for most of the seventh and eighth centuries. Her speech emphasized the strength and leadership that the women of their line had demonstrated throughout the ages. The audience listened attentively, the room filled with a sense of reverence.

Michelle Mitty, Jake’s mother and Kelly’s paternal grandmother, spoke next. Still a tall and imposing figure well into her seventh decade, she stood confidently with full awareness of the way her presence naturally commanded attention. Michelle began recounting the legacy of the Mitty women, emphasizing their resilience, intelligence, and accomplishments. The stories ranged from the first Mitty who had led a successful rebellion against oppressive rulers to more recent achievements, including her own run as a world-class athlete.

“As you step into womanhood, Kelly, remember the strength that courses through your veins,” Michelle declared. “You are part of a line of powerful women who have shaped the destiny of our society. Today, we celebrate not just your physical transition but the potential within you to make a lasting impact on the world.”

Klara joined her mother and mother-in-law on the stage. “Now, sisters, let us join hands for the hymn of initiation.”

All of the other women in the hall formed a circle around Kelly and began to sing in unison:

“In the moon’s gentle glow, a tale unfolds,
Of strength and wisdom, the story of old.
Born of ancient lineage, we proudly stand,
Women united, a power so grand.

“Oh, sisters of the moon, in unity we rise,
A tapestry of strength, woven through the skies.
To the young one among us, with torch held high,
A leader emerging, let the world testify.

“Nature’s design, a truth we embrace,
In our veins courses power, a divine grace.
Men, in their deference, find assurance anew,
For in women’s wisdom, a path that’s true.

“Oh, sisters of the moon, in unity we rise,
A tapestry of strength, woven through the skies.
To the young one among us, with torch held high,
A leader emerging, let the world testify.

“Young one, step forth, your journey begun,
In your hands, the torch, radiant as the sun.
Ascendancy, our birthright, let it resound,
In your newfound authority, forever crowned.

“Oh, sisters of the moon, in unity we rise,
A tapestry of strength, woven through the skies.
To the young one among us, with torch held high,
A leader emerging, let the world testify.

“Men, with respect, bow to her might,
In her wisdom, find the guiding light.
For in unity and love, our power prevails,
As the moon waxes, our legacy never fails.

“Oh, sisters of the moon, in unity we rise,
A tapestry of strength, woven through the skies.
To the young one among us, with torch held high,
A leader emerging, let the world testify.

“As the hymn concludes, the torchbearer stands tall,
In the sisterhood’s embrace, she’ll never fall.
A harmonious echo, through generations will ring,
In the power of women, let the universe sing.”

After the hymn of initiation echoed through the Matriarchal Hall, the women in the circle gently dispersed, creating a path for Kelly to approach the stage. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and nervousness as she stood before the three formidable women who had shaped her most: her maternal grandmother, who she called Nai Nai; her paternal grandmother, who she called Gran; and Klara, her mother.

“Kelly Tsai,” Klara began, her voice resonating with pride, “you are now ready to demonstrate the physical strength that is an integral part of your womanhood. In this sacred space, surrounded by the love and support of the women who came before you, we will witness the Feats of Strength.”

Kelly nodded, a determined look on her face. She knew the importance of this moment and was eager to embrace the physical challenges that awaited her.

The Feats of Strength were a series of traditional tests designed to showcase a young woman’s physical prowess. In a society where women were naturally far larger and more powerful than men, these feats symbolized not just strength but also the responsibility and authority that came with that strength.

The first feat involved lifting a ceremonial stone, a symbol of the burdens and challenges that a woman might face in her lifetime. The stone, adorned with intricate carvings representing the lineage of Tsai and Mitty women, was deceptively heavy. Jake remembered when it had been delivered to the house. Even working together, he and Kyle hadn’t been able to make it budge. It had sat on the porch in the box until Klara had gotten home from work.

Up on the stage, Kelly took a deep breath and approached the stone. The room hushed in anticipation. With a determined expression, Kelly bent down and, with a controlled effort, lifted the stone. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as Kelly held the symbol of strength above her, showcasing her ability to bear the weight of challenges. Looking at his son’s expression beside him, it was clear to Jake that he was awestruck and more than a little intimidated by his twin sister’s display of physical might.

After the thunderous applause for Kelly’s successful completion of the first Feat of Strength began to subside, Klara stepped forward, her eyes glowing with maternal pride.

“Well done, Kelly,” she said, her voice projecting throughout the hall. “Now, as tradition dictates, let us move on to the second Feat of Strength.”

The next part of the ceremony involved a symbolic representation of leadership and guidance. A large, intricately carved staff was brought forward. It was a family heirloom, passed down through generations of Tsai women. Klara stepped forward, handing the staff to Kelly.

“Kelly Tsai,” Klara proclaimed, “you now bear the Staff of Wisdom, a symbol of your ability to lead and guide. May you use it with fairness, compassion, and strength.”

Kelly accepted the staff, her eyes reflecting a mix of determination and reverence. Holding the Staff of Wisdom high, she walked around the stage, acknowledging the nods of approval from the women in the audience. In a society where physical strength was coupled with leadership, this was more than a mere ceremonial act; it was a declaration of Kelly’s readiness to take on responsibilities and make decisions for the benefit of her family and community.

Kelly faced the audience and locked eyes with Jake across the room. “Father, please join me on stage.”

The air was thick with anticipation as the towering girls and women parted for Jake as he made his way to the front.

“Kelly,” Klara announced, “your father will attempt to wrest the Staff of Wisdom from your grasp, symbolizing the challenges and even resistance that may arise to your newfound authority. You must be firm and unyielding.”

Kelly, holding the Staff of Wisdom with a firm grip, looked at her father with a confidence that left no doubt in anyone’s mind about the outcome. The women in the audience exchanged knowing glances, and some even chuckled softly, anticipating the familiar scene that unfolded at every First Moon ceremony.

“Remember, sisters,” Klara’s voice resonated, “this is a demonstration of Kelly’s newfound strength and authority. But it’s also a reminder that nature has intended different roles for women and men. It serves as a reinforcement of the physiological realities underlying those different roles.”

The room was filled with a mix of excitement and amusement as Jake stood before his daughter, Kelly, who held the Staff of Wisdom with a determined grip. The women in the audience exchanged glances, some with knowing smiles, while others chuckled softly, anticipating the familiar scene about to unfold.

“Remember, Dad, no holding back,” Kelly teased with a confident smile as she lowered the Staff of Wisdom to within his reach.

“I won’t, Kelly,” Jake replied, playing along with the tradition. He gripped the staff, aware that the outcome was predetermined. This was a symbolic gesture, an acknowledgment of the physiological differences between men and women in their society.

As the two faced each other on the stage, a hush fell over the Matriarchal Hall. The room was filled with anticipation as the women watched the familiar scene unfold.

Jake yanked and pulled with all of his might, but he failed to move the staff even a millimeter. The crowd erupted into laughter and playful shouted encouragement as he exerted himself futilely, their mirth filling the hall. Kelly looked down at him with amusement. It was a scene repeated at every First Moon ceremony, a playful reminder of the societal roles assigned by nature.

Kelly, maintaining her composure, spoke to her father with a newly authoritative tone, “Do you yield, father? Do you yield to my authority and might?”

Despite his efforts, Jake couldn’t budge the Staff of Wisdom from Kelly’s grasp. Jake, a mix of pride and amusement in his eyes, theatrically bowed before Kelly. “I yield, my powerful daughter. Your strength is unmatched, and your authority undeniable.”

The room erupted into applause and cheers. It was a familiar script, but the gesture had undeniable symbolic importance.

Klara stepped forward, a proud smile on her face. “Well done, Kelly. You’ve demonstrated not only physical strength but the ability to stand firm in the face of challenges. It is a testament to the power within you.”

As Jake descended from the stage, a sense of excitement and amusement lingered in the air. The Matriarchal Hall buzzed with an atmosphere of celebration and camaraderie, a testament to the close-knit community that had gathered to witness Kelly’s First Moon ceremony.

Kelly held the Staff of Wisdom with a newfound sense of authority as she awaited the commencement of the third and final Feat of Strength: The Pillars of Persistence. This particular feat symbolized a woman’s ability to endure and stand unwavering in the face of challenges. It was a physical manifestation of the resilience and determination expected of a woman who has come of age.

As Kelly’s aunts, Sarah and Emily, maneuvered the components of the challenge onto the stage, Klara approached Kelly with a reassuring smile. “Are you ready, my daughter?”

Kelly nodded, her eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and determination. The Pillars of Persistence was a formidable test, requiring not just physical strength but also mental fortitude.

Once Sarah and Emily had finished setting up, Klara gestured toward the designated area on the stage where two heavy pillars awaited. The crowd hushed, anticipation hanging thick in the air, as Kelly approached the pillars. One pillar was a Tsai family heirloom while the other was a Mitty family heirloom. Each was intricately engraved with symbols representing the strength and history of the women of that family line.

Klara addressed the audience, her voice resonating through the hall. “Sisters, witness the final and most challenging Feat of Strength. Kelly Tsai will now master the Pillars of Persistence. To succeed, she much prove her endurance and resilience.”

As Kelly positioned herself between the pillars, the room fell into a respectful silence. The women and girls watched with a mixture of awe and encouragement as Kelly tightened her grip on the cold, steel chain attached to the Tsai pillar and then the cold, steel chain attached to the Mitty pillar.

Slowly, steadily, she pulled the chains inward and the two pillars began to rise on either side of her, until finally they were fully upright.

From the side of the stage, Klara turned over the ceremonial hourglass.

The seconds turned into minutes as Kelly, with a steely determination, held her ground. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, but her focus remained unwavering. The atmosphere in the hall was charged with a quiet intensity, the only sound being the collective breaths of those witnessing the momentous occasion.

Klara, standing beside the hourglass, observed her daughter with a mix of maternal pride and a touch of nostalgia. She remembered her own First Moon ceremony, the weight of the pillars, and the empowering feeling as she endured the Pillars of Persistence. Now, it was Kelly’s turn to carry on the legacy.

In the audience, Jake had rejoined Kyle, and their wonderment was clear on their faces as they watched Kelly endure second after grueling second. Both father and son knew that neither of them could have made even one of the pillars budge. The physical prowess that Kelly was demonstrating was simply astounding. Though Jake had witnessed his sisters perform the same feat, he still felt a profound sense of appreciation for the way womanhood must be earned.

As the minutes passed, Kelly’s expression remained resolute. When the last grains of sand dropped to the bottom of the hourglass, the room erupted into applause and cheers.

Klara approached Kelly, her eyes filled with pride. “You’ve done it, my daughter. You’ve shown the strength within you—the strength that connects you to the countless generations of powerful women who came before you. As you release the pillars, know that you carry the legacy of our matriarchal lineage.”

With a final surge of determination, Kelly released her grip on the chains and the two pillars crashed down to the stage. The audience erupted into applause once more, celebrating not just the completion of the Feats of Strength but the symbolic transition of Kelly into womanhood.

Amidst the applause, the hall fell into a hushed anticipation as the priestess, a revered figure in their matriarchal society, stepped forward. Dressed in flowing crimson ceremonial robes, her presence exuded a sense of wisdom and authority. She was the same priestess who had officiated Jake and Klara’s union, and her words carried a weight that transcended generations.

“Sisters of the lunar cycle,” she began, her voice resonating through the hall, “today, we bear witness to the remarkable journey of Kelly Tsai as she steps into the fullness of her womanhood. The Feats of Strength have showcased her physical prowess, a testament to the strength that courses through the veins of all our mighty daughters.”

The priestess turned her gaze toward Kelly, a warmth in her eyes that conveyed both encouragement and recognition. “Kelly, you have faced the challenges thus far with unwavering determination and resilience. You have proven your ability to bear the weight of burdens, to lead with wisdom, and to endure in the face of adversity. Today, you stand not just as an individual but as a reflection of the power and grace of the women who came before you.”

The audience listened attentively, a profound sense of respect emanating from the women and girls gathered in the hall. The priestess continued, “Women have been blessed by nature with immense size and physical strength, but these blessings come with challenges and obligations. As you embody the blessings and burdens of your gender, Kelly, remember the legacy you carry—the legacy of women who have shaped destinies, challenged norms, and embraced the responsibilities that come with our natural strength.”

Kelly nodded, her eyes fixed on the priestess, absorbing the significance of the words being spoken. The priestess gestured with one hand toward the altar where two symbolic elements awaited—the Book of Matriarchs, a sacred tome, and the Timeless Torch, a representation of the enduring spirit of the women who had come before.

With measured steps, Kelly approached the altar.

“Kelly,” the priestess intoned, “read a passage from the Book of Matriarchs, and let the voices of your foremothers resonate through this sacred space.”

Kelly, her hands trembling slightly, turned the pages until she found a passage that spoke to her. As she read, her voice filled the hall:

“A passage from the Gospel of Miriam, blessed be Her name: ‘Do not mourn or grieve or be irresolute, for Nature’s grace will be with you all and will defend you. Let us rather praise Her greatness, for in the days of old She prepared us and made us for Her purposes: And yea, in the natural order ordained by Nature, the Mother of us all, women were endowed with stature and strength, towering over men in physical might.’”

The women in the hall, from the youngest girls to the revered elders, nodded in agreement as they listened with a sense of reverence. The Book of Matriarchs, a guiding scripture, had been recited at countless ceremonies, yet its words held a timeless resonance.

Kelly continued. “‘For Nature, in Her infinite wisdom, deemed it fitting that women should bear the mantle of leadership, guiding the course of destiny with grace and power. And in this great design, men, recognizing the divine balance, did bow in deference to the might of women. For humility was their virtue, and obedience their sacred offering.

“‘And in the sacred union of bodies, a profound covenant is formed—a covenant blessed by Nature, in which men offer their seed to the fertile wombs of women. Let it be known that in the womb of womanhood, the potential for creation lies dormant, awaiting the call of Nature to bring forth the next generation.’”

Kelly’s hand trembled slightly as she turned the page. “‘And so, sisters, go ye into all the world, and preach to every creature the covenant between women and men—a covenant ordained by Nature herself. For in the dance of life, women lead with strength, grace, and wisdom, while men, in their noble submission, offer the essence of creation to the fertile embrace of womanhood, aligned with the eternal rhythms of the moon.’”

The listening women and girls bowed their heads as she finished the passage and closed the Book of Matriarchs. The ancient wisdom attributed to Miriam resonated with the cultural beliefs ingrained in the very essence of their society. The Book of Matriarchs served not only as a religious text but as a guidepost for the path Kelly was destined to tread—a path where leadership, strength, and wisdom were intertwined in the fabric of womanhood.

The priestess, with a solemn demeanor, gestured toward the Timeless Torch. It was the most sacred object at each Matriarchal Hall, one that symbolized the unbroken legacy of female rule. The torch at this particular hall, crafted from a rare crystal that emitted an ethereal glow, had been brought across the ocean by early European settlers and had been ignited by countless young women upon their First Moon in the centuries since.

“Kelly Tsai,” the priestess intoned, “with the lighting of the Timeless Torch, you symbolize the unbroken legacy of female rule that has guided our society for generations. As you take this step into womanhood, know that the flame you ignite is not just for yourself but for the countless women who have come before you and the generations yet to come.”

Kelly, feeling the weight of the moment, nodded in understanding. She took a deep breath and extended her hand towards the Torch. As her fingers made contact, a surge of energy seemed to pass through her, connecting her to the long lineage of powerful women. She stood up straighter, and squared her shoulders back.

The room held its collective breath as Kelly, with a steady hand, took one of the flickering candles from the alter and used it to ignite the gas-soaked hessian inside the torch. A murmur of approval rippled through the audience as the torch burst to life, the crystal casting a radiant glow across the stage.

The priestess, her eyes reflecting the wisdom of centuries, spoke once more. “The flame you’ve ignited, Kelly, represents the endurance, strength, and wisdom of the women who have shaped our society. It is a beacon that has guided us through the ages, and now, you carry the responsibility to keep it burning bright.”

Kelly, holding the lit Torch aloft, felt a profound sense of connection to something larger than herself. The flame danced with a timeless energy, casting shadows on the walls that seemed to echo the stories of countless women who had stood in this very hall.

There was a basket of unlit candles at the priestess’s feet. She picked it up and showed it to the audience before returning her focus to Kelly. “Now, it is customary to invite family members and friends who have already experienced their first moons to honor this sacred moment by lighting candles from the Timeless Torch. It is a symbol of the interconnectedness of our community and the shared responsibility we bear.”

Kelly, without hesitation, turned toward Klara. “Mother!” she announced, and Klara wiped a tear from her eye as she accepted an unlit candle from the priestess.

Klara, holding the candle, looked into Kelly’s eyes with maternal warmth as she stepped forward. “This candle represents the special bond between mother and daughter, Kelly. May you someday know the pride for your daughter that I feel for you today.”

Kelly, her eyes reflecting the flickering light of the Timeless Torch, turned to face her grandmothers, Nai Nai and Gran. With a graceful gesture, she beckoned them forward.

“Nai Nai,” Kelly said, a sense of reverence in her voice. “Please honor this moment by lighting your candle from the Timeless Torch.”

Nai Nai, her eyes sparkling with pride, approached the stage. The priestess handed her an unlit candle, and she stepped forward to touch it to the eternal flame. As the candle caught the fire, Nai Nai spoke with a wisdom earned through the passage of many moons.

“Kelly, my granddaughter,” she began, “this candle represents the continuity of our lineage. Through you, the Tsai family name carries on.”

As Jake’s mother-in-law took her place beside Klara, Jake could see the eagerness on his own mother’s face.

“Gran,” Kelly said, her voice steady, “please join in this tradition and light your candle from the Timeless Torch.”

Gran, accepting the unlit candle from the priestess, moved forward. As she ignited it with the eternal flame, Jake could see the light dance across her muscular arms.

“Kelly, my powerful granddaughter,” Gran declared, “you may not have the Mitty name but the strength and athleticism of the Mitty bloodline flows inside you, symbolized by this candle.”

Jake’s mother stepped back, taking her place alongside Klara’s mother.

“Aunt Sarah,” Kelly called out. “Please honor me by lighting a candle from the Timeless Torch.”

Jake’s sister stepped forward and lit her candle. When she spoke, her voice resonated with the authority that she’d earned through years of babysitting the twins.
“Kelly, this candle signifies your journey so far, which I have been privileged to witness. You were an innocent baby when I met you, and now you are a magnificent young woman.”

As Sarah took her place next to her mother, Kelly called out for her other aunt.

“Aunt Emily,” Kelly addressed her. “Please share this proud moment with me by lighting a candle from the Timeless Torch.”

Emily, with her height commanding attention, bent down slightly to accept a candle from the priestess. After lighting it, she turned to Kelly.

“This candle signifies the journey yet to come. I can’t wait to see what you do next.”

Turning to her friends who had already experienced their First Moons, Kelly extended her hand toward them.

“Friends,” she said, “join me in this tradition. Light your candles and let our shared experiences illuminate our path forward.”

There were six of the them, the girls in her grade that she was closest to. One by one, they received unlit candles from the priestess and ignited them from the Timeless Torch, each expressing the unique bond they shared with Kelly. Some spoke of the trials and triumphs of adolescence, while others emphasized the joy of growing together as women in a society that valued sisterhood. As the last friend handed the candle to Kelly, the stage was aglow with the combined light of these symbolic flames. The Matriarchal Hall, filled with women of all ages, resonated with the collective energy of shared experiences and shared responsibilities.

But then, to the surprise of many, Kelly called out one additional name.

“Nadira,” Kelly said, a sense of reverence in her voice. “Last but certainly not least. I know we’re not particularly close, but I am so grateful for the friendship and guidance you have provided my beloved twin brother. You have enriched his life, which in turn has enriched mine. Please, honor this moment by lighting a candle from the Timeless Torch.”

Nadira, visibly touched by the unexpected gesture, stepped forward with a slight nod. She accepted the unlit candle from the priestess and carefully approached the Timeless Torch. As she ignited her candle, the glow reflected in her eyes.

“Kelly,” Nadira spoke, her voice sincere, “thank you for including me in this moment. Your brother is already like family to me, and participating in your First Moon ceremony is an honor I’ll cherish. May this candle represent the connections that go beyond blood, the bonds that shape our lives in unexpected and beautiful ways.”

With the addition of Nadira’s candle, the proceedings on stage were illuminated brightly. The Matriarchal Hall, bathed in the warm light of the flickering flames, buzzed with a sense of unity and celebration. The priestess, acknowledging the completion of the candle-lighting ritual, stepped forward once more.

“Sisters, let the light of these candles symbolize the interconnectedness of our community. As Kelly steps into womanhood, let us embrace the responsibilities we share in guiding and supporting each other. May the flame of unity burn bright in our hearts.”

The audience responded with a collective affirmation, their voices harmonizing in agreement. The Matriarchal Hall, adorned with vibrant red dresses and illuminated by the glow of candles, felt like a sanctuary of feminine strength and solidarity.

After the affirmation, the priestess gestured for Kelly to return to the center of the stage. The Timeless Torch, its flame now shared among the candles, continued to cast its radiant glow.

“Now, Kelly Tsai,” the priestess intoned, “the ceremony is nearly complete. I invite you to share your thoughts about what matriarchy means to you. While you entered this hall a girl, know that you speak now with the weight and authority of a woman.”

Kelly took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the faces of the women in the Matriarchal Hall. The weight of the moment settled on her shoulders, and she straightened her spine, feeling the gravity of the transition from girlhood to womanhood.

“As I step into womanhood,” she began, her voice carrying a mix of confidence and vulnerability, “I carry with me the wisdom of those who have walked this path before me and a responsibility to maintain the path for those who will walk it after me. I also carry the responsibility to nurture the bonds that tie us together. Matriarchy, for me, is a shared journey, a collective effort to create a world where every woman, regardless of her background, can flourish and thrive.”

She paused, reflecting on the journey that led her to this pivotal moment. “My mother, my aunts, and the women who have come before me have shown me the power of resilience and compassion. I am honored to stand with them now as an equal.”

The audience listened attentively, the flickering candlelight casting shadows on their intent faces.

She glanced at the candles that surrounded her, each representing a unique story and connection. “My father, my twin brother, and the other men in my life have shown me the virtues of humility and obedience. As I embrace the mantle of womanhood, my relationship with them evolves. No longer a child, I now stand above them as a superior, ready to guide and nurture.”

Jake and Kyle exchanged a wary glance, but the women and girls in red just nodded in agreement.

“As we celebrate my First Moon,” Kelly concluded, “let us remember that matriarchy is not about dominance or exclusion; it’s about balance. Loving female authority brings out the best in all of us.”
The priestess, her eyes reflecting the flame of the Timeless Torch, gave Kelly an approving pat on the back.

“Well spoken, Kelly. Now, before you extinguish the Timeless Torch and bid farewell to your girlhood, let us offer a moment of reflection.”

The Matriarchal Hall fell into a hushed silence. The flickering candlelight painted dancing shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere of solemnity and anticipation.

“Reflect, dear Kelly,” the priestess spoke, her voice carrying the weight of tradition, “on the girl you were—the dreams, the laughter, the innocence. Embrace those memories, for they are the foundation upon which your womanhood stands.”

Kelly closed her eyes, a montage of her childhood playing in her mind like a cherished film. The adventures she’d had with her twin brother, her father’s kind presence and dedicated involvement, the fun and exciting experiences with her aunts, the comforting warmth of her grandmothers, the support and encouragement of her mother—each memory a stepping stone leading her to this pivotal juncture.

As Kelly opened her eyes, the priestess continued, “Now, with gratitude for the girl you were, extinguish the Timeless Torch. Let its flame be a beacon illuminating the path you’ve traveled, and as its light fades, step boldly into the woman you are becoming.”

With one powerful breath, Kelly extinguished the flame of the Timeless Torch. Around her, the women she had involved in the ceremony blew out their candles. The room was plunged into darkness.

The priestess’s voice rang out in the blackness, invoking a final blessing. “May the moonlight guide our paths, and may the wisdom of Mother Nature watch over us. As we conclude this First Moon celebration, let the bonds of sisterhood and the wisdom of our foremothers be a source of strength and inspiration for all.”

The electric lights flickered on a few seconds after she finished speaking, revealing the smiling faces of the women who had shared in Kelly’s First Moon ceremony. The audience erupted into a final round of applause, a symphony of supportive cheers and claps echoing through the hall. The priestess gracefully descended the stage, her ceremonial robes flowing behind her.

As the guests began to head to the banquet room for the feast, Kelly was enveloped in hugs and well-wishes from friends and family. Aunt Sarah, with tears of pride in her eyes, embraced Kelly tightly.

“You’ve made us all so proud, kiddo,” she whispered.

Aunt Emily, towering over Kelly, bent down to hug her. “The journey ahead is as bright as the torch you extinguished. Embrace it, Kelly.”

Nadira approached, a warm smile on her face. “Thanks again for including me, Kelly.”

As the guests moved towards the exit, their chatter filling the air, the DJ and her assistants got to work transforming the Matriarchal Hall for the party that would follow the feast.

As Jake stood at Klara’s side, he caught a whiff of the delicious aroma of the catered meal, and his mouth began to water.

As the last of the guests shared their congratulations, his eyes lingered on his daughter, now a woman in the eyes of their society. A mix of emotions played across his face—pride, nostalgia, and a touch of apprehension.

His thoughts swirled as he contemplated the changes this transition would bring to their family dynamics. He remembered the days of parenting two lively twins, the shared laughter and occasional arguments, the comforting routines of bedtime stories and family dinners.

Now, Kelly was stepping into a new phase of life, a woman with responsibilities and privileges that were beyond his experience. It would be a shift for the entire family. There was a bittersweet beauty in this transformation, a realization that his baby girl had grown into a woman with her own path to forge.

Jake took a deep breath, inhaling the atmosphere of celebration and love that surrounded him. He knew he needed to embrace the inevitability of change. He had to have faith in the woman that his daughter was becoming, and do his best to help their family grow and adapt in the light of this new phase in Kelly’s life.

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