Tag: minigiantess

  • Chapter 26: The Office Scandal

    Chapter 26: The Office Scandal

    Still feeling the weight of Kelly’s absence at home, Jake entered the office on Monday morning eager to embrace the comforting normalcy of his routine. But as he made his way through the building, he quickly got the sense that something was off. The usual hum of activity seemed to hush momentarily as he passed… Read more

  • Chapter 25: The Move-In Day

    Chapter 25: The Move-In Day

    The sun was just beginning to rise as the Tsai family busily loaded up Klara’s SUV for the road trip to Herovia. Packed bags, snacks, and a mix of excitement and bittersweet emotions filled the air. Kelly and Nadira, both ready for their new chapter at Penelope Exeter Academy, had been counting down the days… Read more

  • Chapter 24: The Tumultuous Summer

    Chapter 24: The Tumultuous Summer

    The arrival of Kristina brought a whirlwind of joy and chaos to the Tsai household. The family, now a bustling quintet, adjusted to the demands of a newborn. Klara bounced back quickly from giving birth, and threw herself back into overseeing the Scythian acquisition. With Klara back to working late nights, Kelly took charge at… Read more

  • Chapter 12: The Terrible Twos

    Chapter 12: The Terrible Twos

    Klara walked through the front door after another long but productive day. In the two years and change since the twins had been born, she had been able to really focus on her career with Jake handling things at home. Looking back, she was now amused by the guilt she had felt about the long… Read more

  • Chapter 7: The HR Meeting

    Chapter 7: The HR Meeting

    As the leaves began to change color and the air grew crisp with the arrival of fall, the Unit found itself busy with new challenges and projects. With the departure of the summer interns, Jake proposed to Anna and Victoria the idea of hiring a full-time administrative assistant. He brought their attention to a government… Read more

  • Chapter 6: The Family Dinner

    Chapter 6: The Family Dinner

    Jake and Klara both enjoyed their casual coffee outing, and it laid the groundwork for their relationship to blossom into something beautiful and meaningful. Soon, Klara was taking him out on intimate dinner dates. Before long, they were spend all of their weekends together. Jake found himself enjoying Klara’s company more and more, and his… Read more

  • Chapter 5: The New Interns

    Chapter 5: The New Interns

    Over the next few weeks, Jake found himself collaborating with Klara on several projects, their combined expertise leading to innovative solutions and successful outcomes. As they worked together, Jake was pleasantly surprised to discover that Klara was not only intelligent and capable, but also genuinely respectful of his experience and insights. Their interactions helped to… Read more

  • Chapter 4: The New Hierarchy

    Chapter 4: The New Hierarchy

    As days turned into weeks, Jake’s concerns about the office’s new direction were slowly validated. Jake started to find himself excluded from important meetings. When it happened the first time, he had been assured that it was just a simple oversight. But it kept happening. Conversations about key decisions and strategies were happening behind closed… Read more