marriageproposal – Mini GTS Fiction Stories about women who quite a bit larger than normal. Mon, 19 Feb 2024 02:28:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 marriageproposal – Mini GTS Fiction 32 32 229544190 Chapter 8: The Revelatory Summer Fri, 18 Aug 2023 02:14:00 +0000 Spring arrived, bringing with it a renewed sense of energy and change. It started with a phone call Jake received from his sister, Sarah. She sounded excited and animated as she shared the news that she had been accepted into a prestigious summer institute run by Innovatrix Technologies, a well-known technology company. Jake couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride for his younger sister’s achievements, and he congratulated her with genuine enthusiasm.

“That’s amazing, Sarah! I’m so proud of you,” Jake exclaimed. “You know, they have a location in the same office park that I work in.”

“I know!” Sarah replied, her excitement contagious. “And guess what? That’s where I’ll be interning. So, I’ll be able to get lunch with you and Klara and maybe we can hang out more often in the evenings!”

Over the next few weeks, Sarah’s excitement about her upcoming internship was palpable. She called frequently to share updates about her preparations and to ask Jake and Klara for advice on how to make the most of her experience at the summer institute. Jake and Klara both found themselves energized by Sarah’s youthful enthusiasm.

When the first day of the Innovatrix summer institute finally arrived, Jake and Klara got an early start so that Klara could pick Sarah up on the way. As Klara turned onto the street Jake had grown up on, they could see that Sarah was already waiting at the end of the driveway, a backpack slung over her shoulder, dressed in professional attire that seemed to emphasize how much she had grown. As if her ever more towering height hadn’t already driven that point home.

From there it was a quick drive to the building where Sarah would be spending her summer. As Klara pulled up next to the curb, she and Jake said their goodbyes to Sarah and wished her luck on her first day. Sarah thanked Klara for the ride, and then leaned forward to give her older brother a quick peck on the cheek. Then, without a further glance back, she got out of Klara’s car headed for the entrance. Her excitement and determination were evident in her every step.

As Jake sat strapped into his booster seat and watched Sarah disappear into the building, he couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions. The first day of Sarah’s internship marked a significant milestone in her life, and it brought a mix of pride and nostalgia for Jake. Seeing his little sister, who used to look up to him with admiration, now stepping confidently into the professional world filled him with a sense of wistfulness. He couldn’t help but recall the days when they used to play together in the backyard, and the contrast between those memories and the grown-up young lady before him was bittersweet.

But fortunately or unfortunately, Jake didn’t have time to dwell on it for long. While Sarah settled into her internship at Innovatrix Technologies, Jake and Klara found themselves navigating their own evolving circumstances.

Klara had recently given a presentation on one of the projects she and Jake had collaborated on. A number of higher-ups within the company had been in attendance, and they were uniformly impressed with her poise and firm grasp of the material. Soon afterward, they’d asked Anna to bring her into a high-profile new initiative that was very hush-hush. Jake was really proud of her, and it was clear that Klara was invigorated by the challenge of working on something so significant and impactful; each day, she marched into the office with a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment.

But as the summer days grew longer, a stark contrast emerged between the paths Sarah and Klara were navigating in their respective professional journeys, and the challenges Jake was facing internally.

Klara’s involvement in the secretive new initiative demanded a great deal of her attention and time. Her interactions with Jake had become more fleeting, and they were collaborating less and less. The new initiative, shrouded in confidentiality, had Klara working closely with executives, which often required her to stay late and engage in hushed conversations behind closed doors. More often than not, Jake was going home with Sarah at the end of the day, and found himself sleeping at their parents’ house again most nights.

One evening, as Jake sat in his childhood room, he reflected on the changes that had taken place over the past few months and the sense of isolation that he had felt steadily growing as the summer progressed. He missed the simplicity of before, when he and Klara had worked side by side, their connection strong and unwavering. He longed for the closeness they had shared.

It didn’t help that Jake was feeling increasingly overwhelmed with his own job. The absence of Klara’s presence by his side, both personally and professionally, left a void that he couldn’t shake. Victoria tried having him collaborate with other women on the Admin Team, but nothing stuck. The other women resented having to work with a man, and were preemptively dismissive of his suggestions. More and more, he felt like one person trying to do the work of two. Meanwhile, Gary was hopeless trying to manage the Admin Unit’s new batch of college interns. He was a great office assistant, but Gary had neither the experience nor the temperament to manage a group of assertive young women twice his height. So Jake found himself getting pulled back into that mentorship role, which in turn made it even harder to get his own work done.

As much as Jake enjoyed meeting up with Klara and Sarah for lunch outside at the food trucks, hearing Sarah talk about how she was thriving at Innovatrix and Klara talk about how she was relishing the complex challenges of her new role only heightened Jake’s sense of frustration and inadequacy.

“Oh, there you are! I was looking for you!” Victoria’s voice called from behind him he came back from lunch one afternoon. “Where are you at with the quarterly projections? I was expecting them from you two days ago.”

Jake’s heart sank as he turned around to face Victoria, his exhaustion and stress evident in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Ms. Waters. I’ve been swamped with helping the interns and some other urgent tasks. I haven’t had a chance to finalize the projections yet.”

Victoria’s expression hardened, her frustration palpable. “Jake, this is the fourth time this month you’ve missed a deadline. I understand you’re struggling without Klara to help you carry your workload, but we can’t afford these delays in critical tasks.”

Jake felt a twinge of guilt at Victoria’s words. He knew he had a responsibility to fulfill, but lately, it seemed like there just weren’t enough hours in the day to manage everything. He glanced at the stack of papers on his desk, each one representing a task that needed his attention.

“I know, Ms. Waters. I’ll make sure to have the quarterly projections on your desk by close of business today,” Jake replied, his tone earnest.

“Good,” Victoria replied, her tone softening slightly. “I know you have potential, Jake. You just need to find a way to manage your time more effectively. If you can’t, we might have to reconsider the way we’re allocating responsibilities within the Admin Team.”

As the days went by, Jake found himself grappling with mounting pressure and a growing sense of inadequacy. Victoria’s words echoed in his mind, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was letting down the Unit and himself. The weight of his responsibilities, combined with his longing for the way things used to be with Klara, weighed heavily on him.

As Jake walked through the office one afternoon in late August, he couldn’t help but overhear snippets of hushed conversations among his colleagues. The secretive nature of Klara’s new initiative had led to a flurry of rumors and speculations, with some even suggesting that she was being considered for a promotion. Jake’s heart sank as he realized that he was becoming increasingly disconnected from Klara’s professional journey. When he got back to his desk, there was an unexpected meeting invitation from Anna for 4 PM in the conference room next to her office. Jake’s heart raced as he read the email, his mind racing with thoughts of what the meeting could be about.

When Jake entered Anna’s office, at 4 PM on the dot, Victoria and Klara were already seated with Anna at the table. Anna gestured for him to take a seat, her expression serious yet composed.

“Jake, I wanted to talk to you about the current state of the Admin Team,” Anna began, her gaze fixed on him. “Tori and I have noticed that you’ve been under a lot of pressure lately, and it’s clear that you’re struggling to keep up with your workload.”

Jake nodded, his throat feeling tight. “Yes, Ms. Everett. I’ve been doing my best to manage everything, but it’s been challenging.”

Anna leaned forward, her tone empathetic. “I understand, Jake. And I want you to know that your contributions to the Unit are valued. However, I also believe that you would benefit from some additional support.”

Jake’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Additional support? What do you mean?”

Anna’s lips curved into a sly smile. “We’re bringing in a new team member to collaborate with you on the higher-level projects you used to work on with Klara.”

“I could definitely use the support,” Jake admitted. “But isn’t Klara coming back to the Admin Team once she’s finished her work on that new initiative?”

Anna looked to Klara expectantly. “You want to share the exciting news?”

Klara reached out and took his hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “I’ve accepted a promotion, Jake. As part of the corporate expansion I’ve been involved in all summer, there is going to be a new Strategic Initiatives Unit to complement the work we’ve been doing in the Operational Analytics Unit. And they’ve chosen me to supervise it. It’s a significant step up, and I believe it’s a great opportunity for my career. But it also means even more responsibilities and a higher level of commitment.”

Jake sat there in stunned silence, his mind trying to process the information. Klara’s promotion was bittersweet news for him. He felt a surge of pride and happiness for her accomplishments, yet a sinking feeling in his chest as he realized that their paths were diverging even further.

“That’s incredible, Klara,” he finally managed to say, his voice a mix of genuine excitement and a tinge of sadness. “Congratulations on the promotion. You deserve it.”

Klara’s smile widened, her grip on his hand never wavering. “Thank you, Jake. Your support means the world to me.”

Anna chimed in, her tone a mix of encouragement and reassurance. “Jake, I believe that having a dedicated team member to collaborate with you will help alleviate some of the pressure you’ve been under. We’ve selected someone who has a strong track record in project management and a keen eye for detail. Do you remember Kat? She was one of the interns you mentored last summer.”

“Kat? Yeah, I remember her,” Jake replied, his voice tinged with surprise. “Her personality was… forceful. But she was a fast learner and showed a lot of potential during her internship.”

As Anna explained the details of how Kat would be joining the Admin Team to work alongside Jake, he couldn’t help but feel a mix of apprehension and curiosity. While he remembered Kat as a confident and assertive intern, he also recalled some clashes they’d had over differing opinions. Still, the idea of having someone to share the workload with was appealing, especially given the recent challenges he had been facing.

“I’m sure Kat will bring a lot to the table, Ms. Everett,” Jake responded, trying to sound enthusiastic despite his reservations. “And having a dedicated teammate will definitely help me manage my workload more effectively.”

Anna nodded, her expression pleased. “I’m glad you’re open to the idea, Jake. I believe that Kat will be a real asset to the Admin Team.”

The next morning, Victoria brought Kat around the office and introduced her to the rest of the Admin Team.

Over the next few days, Jake and Kat gradually settled into a rhythm of working together. But Jake couldn’t help but notice the contrast between their interactions and the dynamic he had shared with Klara. While Klara had always been a supportive partner who valued his input and opinions, Jake felt that Kat was more assertive and tended to take the lead. While he appreciated her efficiency and determination, he also found himself missing the sense of true collaboration and partnership he had shared with Klara.

During one of their working sessions, Jake and Kat found themselves disagreeing on a crucial aspect of a project. Their differing opinions led to a heated discussion, and Jake was discouraged when Victoria sided with Kat over him. Despite the setback, Jake remained determined to make the collaboration work and to fulfill his responsibilities within the Unit. And he was bolstered later that same afternoon, when Gary quietly pulled Jake aside and told him what an inspiration he was to him and the other men in the office.
With the summer winding down, Jake and Klara attended the end-of-summer event for Innovatrix’s summer program. They watched alongside Jake’s parents and baby sister Emily as Sarah received special recognition for her hard work and contributions. The event was a testament to Sarah’s determination and potential, and Jake couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride as he watched his younger sister shine.

Meanwhile, Klara had settled into her new role overseeing the Strategic Initiatives Unit. Her dedication and expertise had quickly garnered respect from her colleagues, and she was making a significant impact within the company. Klara’s promotion had brought new opportunities and responsibilities. But as her professional commitments grew, the distance between them seemed to widen.

So Jake was thrilled when the Labor Day long weekend arrived and Klara surprised him by taking him out to a fancy restaurant for dinner. The restaurant was dimly lit, with an elegant ambiance that set the stage for an intimate evening. It would have been way outside their price range before, but with Klara’s new title and salary she could easily afford it.

As they sat across from each other at the candlelit table, Jake and Klara savored the delicious food and engaged in light-hearted conversation. It was a rare moment of respite from their busy lives, and Jake was reminded how much he truly enjoyed Klara’s company. The warmth of the restaurant, the soft glow of the candles, and the soft strains of classical music playing in the background created a romantic atmosphere that seemed to transport them away from the pressures of their everyday lives. And Klara looked stunning in her green dress.

As the waitress took away the plates for their finished appetizers, Klara’s eyes held a mixture of affection and contemplation. She took a deep breath, her gaze never leaving Jake’s.

“You know, Jake,” Klara began, her voice soft but determined, “these past few months have been a whirlwind of change and growth for both of us.”

Jake nodded, his heart swelling with emotion. “You’re right, Klara. It’s been quite a journey.”

Klara reached out and took his hand in hers, her grip gentle yet reassuring. “And I want you to know that you mean the world to me, Jake. You’ve been my rock, my partner, and my biggest supporter. I’ve cherished every moment we’ve spent together, both personally and professionally.”

Jake’s heart raced as he listened to Klara’s words. He could sense that something important was on her mind, and he felt a mixture of anticipation and anxiety.

“Jake,” Klara continued, her voice a mix of vulnerability and resolve, “there’s something else I want to share with you. Something that will change our lives forever and, I hope, bring us even closer together.”

Jake’s eyebrows furrowed in curiosity, his mind racing to comprehend Klara’s words. He leaned forward slightly, his gaze locked onto Klara’s, waiting for her to continue.

Taking a deep breath, Klara met Jake’s gaze with unwavering sincerity. “Jake, I’m pregnant.”

Time seemed to stand still as Jake processed Klara’s revelation. His heart skipped a beat, and a rush of emotions surged through him. Shock, joy, and a hint of uncertainty mingled together within him.

“Pregnant?” Jake repeated, his voice a whisper as he searched Klara’s eyes for confirmation.

Klara nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. “Yes, Jake. We’re going to be parents.”

Jake’s heart swelled with a mixture of overwhelming happiness and a touch of apprehension. The idea of becoming a father filled him with a sense of wonder and responsibility that he had never experienced before.

“I… I can’t believe it,” Jake murmured, his gaze never leaving Klara’s. “This is… this is incredible.”

Klara’s smile grew wider, her eyes shining with affection. “I’m glad you think so, Jake. I’ve been thinking a lot about our future and the family we could build together.”

As Jake’s mind raced with thoughts of their future as parents, Klara reached into her bag and pulled out a small blue box. She slid it across the table toward him, her gaze steady and earnest.

“I have one more thing to share with you, Jake,” Klara said, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and vulnerability. “I want us to take the next step in our relationship, to commit to each other and our growing family.”

Jake’s heart pounded as she opened the box, revealing a beautiful engagement ring. He stared at it in awe, his emotions swirling within him.

“Jake, will you marry me?” Klara asked, her eyes locked onto his with unwavering hope.

Jake felt a rush of emotions as he looked at Klara, the woman he loved, the expectant mother of his future children, and his partner in every sense of the word. He realized that this moment was a culmination of their journey together, a testament to their love and the challenges they had overcome.

Tears welled up in Jake’s eyes as he met Klara’s gaze, his voice filled with sincerity and conviction. “Yes, Klara. A thousand times, yes.”

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