Tag: househusband

  • Chapter 14: The Serendipitous Celebration

    Chapter 14: The Serendipitous Celebration

    The last day of third grade for the twins marked the end of Jake’s fourth consecutive year as a volunteer assistant. As the dismissal bell rang, Jake couldn’t help but reflect on how his time at the school had been a roller coaster of change and adaptation. Over the years, he had found it increasingly… Read more

  • Chapter 13: The Kindergarten Adventure

    Chapter 13: The Kindergarten Adventure

    The next couple years passed quickly and happily. Excitement filled the air as autumn approached yet again. Kelly and Kyle were about to embark on a new adventure – starting kindergarten. The twins had been eagerly anticipating this milestone, excited about the idea of making new friends, learning new things, and exploring the world beyond… Read more

  • Chapter 12: The Terrible Twos

    Chapter 12: The Terrible Twos

    Klara walked through the front door after another long but productive day. In the two years and change since the twins had been born, she had been able to really focus on her career with Jake handling things at home. Looking back, she was now amused by the guilt she had felt about the long… Read more

  • Chapter 11: The Household Evolution

    Chapter 11: The Household Evolution

    Klara and Jake came back from their honeymoon with twins Kelly and Kyle in tow, named after two of the people who had been instrumental in facilitating their early arrival. Jake only went back to the office one more time, to pack up his desk. It turned out that Klara had discussed her plans for… Read more