hotelroomnudity – Mini GTS Fiction Stories about women who quite a bit larger than normal. Mon, 19 Feb 2024 17:54:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 hotelroomnudity – Mini GTS Fiction 32 32 229544190 Chapter 18: The Work Trip Fri, 20 Oct 2023 02:13:00 +0000 Jake’s heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness as he prepared for his first business trip. Imani Reed had been promoted once again during the summer, and had been invited to be the closing keynote speaker at a conference in Wazhazhe Dsi, the capital of the Wahzhazhe Nation. Since the discovery of vast oil reserves roughly a century earlier, the small but mighty Wahzhazhe Nation had become extremely wealthy. Ms. Reed had requested that Jake join her to provide administrative support.

The day before the trip, Jake found himself busy with last-minute preparations. Klara, having extensive experience with international travel, provided guidance on the essentials. However, one notable difference in their preparations stood out—Jake’s suitcase was less than half the size of the one that Klara usually took with her. In fact, Jake doubted that he’d even able to lift Klara’s suitcase fully packed. But fortunately for Jake, his much smaller clothing took up far less space.

The next morning, Ms. Reed picked Jake up shortly before dawn. Before he headed out the door, Klara bent down and gave him a kiss. For once, she would be the one staying home with the kids while he got to go off on an adventure.

The ride to the airport was uneventful, but when Jake and Ms. Reed walked through the sliding door into the main concourse, the height difference between them suddenly became even more pronounced. As they made their way through the crowded airport, Jake felt a bit like a small minnow swimming in a sea of big and powerful sharks. Ms. Reed, on the other hand, moved with confidence, effortlessly gliding through the airport with her long strides that he could barely keep up with at a jog.
When they checked their bags, Jake could barely see the airline representative over the counter that loomed over his head. Nothing here was designed to accommodate men’s shorter stature. But then again, men couldn’t travel without a female escort, so he supposed that the lack of consideration for men’s much smaller statures wasn’t really that big of a deal.

At the security checkpoint, the TSA agent scanned Ms. Reed’s passport and then examined Jake’s travel permit closely.

When she was finally satisfied that the document was genuine, she handed it back to him and then turned to Ms. Reed.

“You’re responsible for him the entire time you’re out of the country, don’t forget that.”

“I’m aware,” Ms. Reed said, flashing the agent a warm smile.

When they boarded the plane, even the overhead bins on the plane were a problem. Jake, being considerably shorter, needed assistance from one of the flight attendants to stow his bag. He could barely lift it over his head with both arms, but the flight attendant grabbed the handle with one hand and flung it into the bin like it didn’t weigh anything.

And while Ms. Reed comfortably reclined her seat during the flight, Jake struggled to find a comfortable position in such an oversized (for him) seat. Fortunately, the flight attendants were attentive to the unique needs of the handful of male passengers aboard the flight, and offered Jake additional cushions to provide him with a better view out of the window.

Jake grew particularly excited when he watched the plane cross over the Mississippi River. While his mother had brought him and Sarah along on a number of international trips during her days as an elite athlete, those had mostly been in Europe and Asia. This was the furthest west Jake had ever gone.

The plane landed smoothly in Wazhazhe Dsi, and Jake couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe as he stepped onto the tarmac. The heat hit him immediately, a stark contrast to back home where an autumn chill was already in the air. Ms. Reed, who seemed unfazed, guided Jake through the bustling airport.

As they exited into the city, Jake marveled at the vibrant culture and the blend of modern architecture with the rich heritage of the Wahzhazhe Nation, which went back centuries prior to the arrival of European settlers. The conference venue was a grand convention center nestled among towering skyscrapers, and they had booked rooms in the adjoining hotel.

Lodging presented the pair with another issue. Jake had booked them an executive suite, with large chambers for Ms. Reed and a smaller adjoining room with its own bathroom for Jake. But the hotel had screwed up the reservation, and none of the executive suites were available.

“I apologize for the inconvenience, Ms. Reed. It seems there was an oversight in our booking system,” the front desk manager said, looking slightly flustered.

The hotel staff scrambled to find a suitable solution as they explained the mix-up to Jake and Ms. Reed. They knew Ms. Reed was one of the conference’s VIPs, which made the mistake particularly embarrassing. But Jake’s boss handled the hiccup with the hotel reservation with her usual poise.

Ms. Reed, maintaining her composure, replied, “I understand that mistakes happen. Let’s see what alternative arrangements you can make for us.”

After reviewing the available alternatives on her computer, the front desk manager offered them a spacious deluxe room with two queen-size beds. While not ideal, it was the best they could do on short notice.

“It’ll be fine,” Ms. Reed assured Jake, who was quietly processing the situation. “We’re here for the conference, not to spend much time in our rooms.”

The hotel room, designed for female guests, had beds that seemed gigantic to Jake and far too tall. The top of the bed was roughly shoulder-height for Jake. It took some acrobatics for him to climb onto it, and once on top, his feet dangled over the edge. Ms. Reed, however, settled into her bed with ease, looking perfectly at home.

Over the next few days, Jake and Ms. Reed navigated the bustling schedule of the conference. Jake marveled at the diversity of attendees and speakers, representing various industries and backgrounds. In addition to plenty of people from the Matriarchal States and the Wahzhazhe Nation, there were attendees and presenters hailing from all of the dozen other North American countries: the fiercely independent cowgirls of the Republic of Texas; the French-tinged cultures of the Quapaw Nation, Quebec, and Acadia; the proud women of Oceti Sakowin Oyate from the northern prairies, descendants of the great warriors who had halted the westward expansion of the Matriarchal States; the polite and pale Canadians; the laid back and tanned women of the California Republic that dominated the West Coast; the southern peoples of Mexico, the Aztec Empire, and the Mayan Republic; and the northern peoples of the Umatilla Confederation and Inuit Nunangat.

As the conference unfolded, Jake found himself captivated by the melting pot of cultures and invigorated by the flurry of ideas and innovations that emerged from it. And amidst the sessions and networking events, Jake observed how the Wahzhazhe Nation had used its oil wealth to transform itself into a hub of technological advancements and sustainable practices. The emphasis on environmental conservation and responsible resource management left a lasting impression on him.

During one of the networking events, Jake was approached by a prominent environmental scientist from the Umatilla Confederation. Dr. Sela Crowfeather, a tall and articulate woman, engaged him in a conversation about the challenges faced by the Matriarchal States in balancing economic growth with environmental preservation. Jake, though initially surprised by the scientist’s interest in his perspective, found himself articulating his thoughts about the intricate dynamics of this delicate balance. Dr. Crowfeather appreciated Jake’s insights, recognizing that even seemingly mundane roles, like his administrative work, played a part in shaping the policies that influenced the environment. Dr. Crowfeather confessed that the more rigid gender divides of the Matriarchal States and even the Wahzhazhe Nation made her uneasy. While her people recognized the vast physical differences between men and women, she had grown up in an environment where all voices carried equal weight.

On the last full evening of the trip, after a full day of panels, Ms. Reed suggested exploring Wazhazhe Dsi’s cultural offerings. The city, with its blend of ancient traditions and modernity, offered a vibrant nightlife. They ventured into a lively district where live local music echoed through the streets, blending with the laughter and chatter of the diverse crowd.

Ms. Reed, with her knack for seamlessly blending into any environment, led the way through the bustling streets. Jake, always slightly behind due to his shorter strides, marveled at the vibrant atmosphere. As they walked, they passed stalls selling intricate crafts, street food vendors offering tantalizing Wahzhazhe delicacies, and musicians filling the air with the soulful tunes of native instruments.

They eventually found themselves at a traditional Wahzhazhe dance performance. The rhythmic beats of drums and the elegant movements of the dancers created a mesmerizing spectacle. The audience, a diverse mix of locals and conference attendees, clapped and cheered in appreciation.

As the night progressed, Ms. Reed and Jake stumbled upon a quaint café where they decided to take a break. The café, adorned with traditional Wahzhazhe artwork, offered a cozy ambiance. When the waitress brought over a booster seat for Jake, he needed her to show him how to use it. The Wahzhazhe design was considerably different than the ones he was used to.

After the harried day Jake had had hustling to make sure Ms. Reed had everything she needed, it was nice to relax over a nice meal. After they’d finished the main course, Ms. Reed leaned back in her chair, her eyes glinting with satisfaction. “Jake, I must say, you’ve handled yourself exceptionally well during the conference. A number of the other attendees told me how jealous they were of my insightful and diligent little assistant.”

Jake smiled at the compliment, appreciating Ms. Reed’s acknowledgment. “Well, it’s been an exciting new experience for me, and I’m glad I could contribute in some way.”

After the plates were cleared, the waitress brought over a large mug of black coffee for Ms. Reed and a small cup of herbal tea for Jake. As they sipped on the drinks, Ms. Reed’s expression shifted to a more reflective tone. “You know, Jake, this trip has been eye-opening in many ways. The Wahzhazhe Nation has managed to achieve a remarkable balance between economic prosperity and environmental responsibility. It’s something the Matriarchal States can learn from.”

Jake nodded, in agreement with Ms. Reed’s observation. “It’s impressive how their wealth from oil hasn’t led to reckless exploitation. They’ve invested in sustainable practices and technology.”

“Exactly,” Ms. Reed agreed. “And it’s not just about their approach to resources. They’ve found a way to fully embrace their cultural roots while modernizing to keep up with the latest technology and innovation.”

As the conversation progressed, Jake felt gratified at the way Ms. Reed was speaking with him: like an equal.

The night air was alive with the rhythm of the city as Jake and Ms. Reed strolled back to the hotel. The vibrant colors of Wazhazhe Dsi’s nightlife swirled all around them. Ms. Reed, seemingly lost in thought, finally broke the silence.

“I hope you realize how grateful I am that you were assigned to my team,” she began, “and not just because you’re so hard-working and obedient.”

Jake was taken aback by Ms. Reed’s unexpected words. While the compliment about his work ethic wasn’t surprising, the mention of gratitude for more than just his diligence intrigued him.

“I’ve come to value your perspectives and insights,” Ms. Reed continued. “This trip made me realize that your unique point of view, especially in a setting where the dynamics are so different from what we’re used to, is incredibly valuable.”

Jake, appreciative of the repeated acknowledgment, replied, “I’m glad I could contribute in a meaningful way. It’s been an eye-opener for me too.”

As they reached the hotel, Ms. Reed suggested they grab a drink together at the hotel bar to unwind further. Jake was happy to accept, even though he did feel a bit embarrassed when he needed her to lift him up onto the bar stool.

The subdued chatter of other patrons and the gentle clinking of glasses created a relaxed atmosphere. Jake, perched on his stool, gazed around at the upscale setting, feeling a mix of excitement and gratitude for the unexpected turn of events on this business trip.

“How is Nadira adjusting to living with you full time?” Jake asked, once Ms. Reed had paid for their drinks. “I know she was originally only supposed to stay with you a couple months.”

Ms. Reed took a thoughtful sip of her drink, her gaze momentarily distant. “Nadira is adjusting well. She’s a resilient and adaptable girl. I think she appreciates having a stable environment, especially with our mother being overseas for the foreseeable future. It’s also given us a chance to bond; the age gap between us is significant enough that we never had much in common before I left for university. And Kyle has been a huge help; I can see the positive impact he’s having on her. I don’t think she had any friendships that deep back in Matripolis.”

During their conversation at the hotel bar, Jake and Ms. Reed delved into more personal matters. They shared stories about their families, their childhoods, and even some of their dreams and aspirations. The night, filled with laughter and candid conversation, allowed them to connect on a deeper level.

As they sat in the dimly lit bar, Jake couldn’t help but appreciate how Ms. Reed, usually the epitome of professionalism and authority, was opening up to him. The more they talked, the more he realized that there was a genuine friendship developing between them.

After a couple of drinks, they decided to call it a night. Back in their shared room, Jake changed into his flannel pajama bottoms while Ms. Reed was in the bathroom. He was startled when she emerged a few minutes later wearing a yellow silk bathrobe that left little to the imagination.

“I hope you don’t mind me changing into my bathrobe,” she began, looking down at him with a smile that seemed almost playful. “But I’d rather be comfortable while I put the finishing touches on my speech for tomorrow.”

Jake, momentarily taken aback by Ms. Reed’s choice of attire, quickly averted his eyes. “No, not at all. Make yourself comfortable,” he stammered, trying to sound nonchalant.

Ms. Reed, seemingly unfazed by Jake’s reaction, settled into a chair at the desk in their hotel room. The dim glow of the lamp illuminated her features as she began typing on her laptop, engrossed in finalizing her keynote speech for the conference.

On the other side of the room, Jake tried to get the more intimate details of his boss’s frankly impressive physique out of his head. He could already feel himself getting lightheaded as blood rushed south. The last thing he wanted was for his boss to see him so blatantly aroused. Besides, he was a happily married man, and he couldn’t lose track of that just because he happened to be sharing a hotel room with a beautiful woman.

Once Ms. Reed finished her work, she closed her laptop and leaned back, stretching her arms above her head. “Phew, that’s done. I always like to add a personal touch to these speeches. It helps to connect with the audience, you know?”

Jake nodded, trying not to think about the alluring way her bathrobe moved against her otherwise bare skin. “It’s a great strategy. Makes the content more relatable.”

As Ms. Reed stretched, the silk of her bathrobe clung gently to her form, emphasizing the curves that Jake had studiously been trying to avoid noticing. “I appreciate your input, Jake. As I said earlier, your perspective has been invaluable. Especially in crafting messages that resonate with a diverse audience like the one at this conference.”

Jake cleared his throat, fighting the distraction of her presence. “I’m glad I could contribute. I’ve definitely learned a lot.”

Ms. Reed rose from her chair, the bathrobe flowing around her. She walked towards the window, looking out at the city lights of Wazhazhe Dsi. “You know, Jake, this trip has given me a chance to reflect not just on our work but on life in general.”

Jake, sensing a more personal turn in the conversation, craned his neck to make eye contact with his much taller boss. “In what way?”

Ms. Reed turned to face him, her expression thoughtful. “It’s about balance. We’ve seen how the Wahzhazhe Nation has found a way to balance progress, culture, and the environment. And personally, I’ve been reflecting on the balance between work and life, ambition and personal connections.”

Jake nodded in understanding. “Balance is crucial, especially in our line of work. But finding that equilibrium can be challenging.”

A hint of vulnerability crossed Ms. Reed’s features. “It’s not just about work, Jake. It’s about personal fulfillment. Ambition can drive us, but it shouldn’t overshadow the importance of personal well-being and our need for human connection.”

Her words lingered in the air, and Jake sensed that she was sharing more than just professional insights. It was as if the polished exterior of Imani Reed was cracking a little, and showing a glimpse of the real person behind the executive persona.

“I’ve been so focused on my career since I finished university,” Ms. Reed continued. “And while I wouldn’t change the success and opportunities it has brought, I can’t ignore the other aspects of life that matter.”

She knelt down on one knee next to him, so that they were suddenly face to face. Jake caught a whiff of her perfume.

“Klara is a lucky woman,” Ms. Reed whispered gently.

Jake shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other, feeling the warmth of Ms. Reed’s presence. Her words hung in the air, and the unexpected closeness made him acutely aware of the overwhelming physicality of the bathrobe-clad woman in front of him. It was a peculiar mix of admiration for her honesty and a subtle discomfort brought on by the intimacy of the conversation.

“Thank you,” Jake managed to reply, his voice a bit uneven. “Klara and I, we make it work. It’s about finding the right balance, like you said.”

Ms. Reed’s eyes bore into his, and there was a depth of understanding in her gaze that made Jake feel like she could see beyond the professional façade he often wore.

“I’ve been thinking,” Ms. Reed continued, her tone softer now. “About the future, about what truly matters. My career is fulfilling, but there are other aspects of life that shouldn’t be neglected. You know how late I’m at the office most nights. And when I go home, it can be lonely.”

Jake nodded, silently urging himself to maintain composure. The air seemed charged with unspoken thoughts and unexplored emotions. As Jake processed her words, he couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of connection with his boss, a connection that transcended their professional roles.

Sensing the weight of the moment, Ms. Reed shifted slightly, sitting back on her heels. “Jake, I want you to understand that I’m not just saying this out of a sudden impulse. The dynamics of our work and personal lives, especially for someone in my position, can be challenging. It’s not easy to balance ambition and personal happiness.”

Jake, still perched on his chair, met her gaze with a mixture of empathy and curiosity. “I can imagine it’s tough. Your dedication to your career is admirable, but everyone deserves fulfillment in all aspects of life.”

A small smile played on Ms. Reed’s lips. “You’ve always been perceptive, Jake. That’s one of the qualities I value in you. And I’ve come to realize that having someone who understands the complexities, both professionally and personally, is rare.”

Jake felt a jolt of adrenaline as Ms. Reed reached out and rested her large hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. The unspoken tension in the air intensified. Jake, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and curiosity, looked up at her. The hotel room seemed to shrink in that moment, so that nothing existed except for Jake and his boss.

“Jake,” Ms. Reed continued, her voice softer than before, “I appreciate the balance you bring into my professional life. But there’s a side of me that yearns for more. More connection, more understanding. It’s not easy to find someone who can navigate both worlds with me.”

Jake, fully aware of the line they were tiptoeing, hesitated before responding. “I understand the complexities, Ms. Reed. And I value our personal friendship as well as our working relationship. But I feel like I need to remind you that Klara and I are happy and… monogamous.”

Ms. Reed withdrew her hand and sighed, as if expecting this response. She leaned back, her gaze fixed on some distant point. “Jake, I appreciate your honesty. I didn’t mean to overstep any boundaries or make you feel uncomfortable.”

“It’s not that I don’t find you attractive,” Jake began, only to be cut off by a giggle from Ms. Reed.

She nodded toward the prominent bulge in his pants. “That much is clear,” she said. “But really, it’s fine. I’m not offended in the slightest. I was the one who was acting unprofessionally. And as much as part of me wanted something to happen tonight, I think I would have been disappointed if it had. Because it would have meant that you weren’t the morally steadfast gentleman that I know you to be.”

The air in the room hung heavy with a complex mix of emotions. Jake, feeling a combination of relief and lingering tension, took a deep breath. Ms. Reed, though her initial advance had been rebuffed, seemed composed as she leaned back, her eyes focused on Jake.

“Jake, I want to be clear,” she said, her tone measured. “I respect your commitment to your marriage, I value our professional relationship, and I don’t want this to affect our working dynamic.”

Jake nodded, grateful for her understanding. “I appreciate that, Ms. Reed.”

The two of them didn’t speak much the rest of the night. As Jake lay in bed, he couldn’t help but wonder how this revelation might impact their working relationship. Would things return to the way they were, or would there be a shift in dynamics?

The next morning, they attended the last day of the conference as planned. Ms. Reed delivered her keynote speech with eloquence and confidence, and Jake, sitting in the audience, felt a sense of pride for his boss. The conference was a success, and Jake could hear the attendees around him praising the insights shared by Ms. Reed in her closing remarks.

As they boarded the return flight, the atmosphere between them seemed a mix of professionalism and an unspoken acknowledgment of the charged moment between them in the hotel room. Jake, while committed to maintaining boundaries, couldn’t help but reflect on the complexity of human connections.

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