hotelroom – Mini GTS Fiction Stories about women who quite a bit larger than normal. Fri, 23 Feb 2024 00:54:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 hotelroom – Mini GTS Fiction 32 32 229544190 Chapter 20: The European Expansion Mon, 06 Nov 2023 04:14:00 +0000 In the months after Kelly’s First Moon ceremony, life settled into a new rhythm for the Tsai family. Kelly embraced her status as a young woman, while navigating the responsibilities and privileges that came with it. Jake and Kyle adapted to Kelly’s new role as joint head of household alongside Klara. They learned to accept that when Klara was away, Kelly’s decisions were now the final word.

At work, Klara and Jake were both thriving. The board of directors were thrilled with Klara’s performance as Chief Operating Officer, and kept offering her raises and retention bonuses to keep her happy in the job. Her and Anna led an executive team that was well-respected both within the company and within the wider industry. And with Imani Reed’s latest promotion to Chief Strategy Officer, Jake’s duties as Ms. Reed’s top lieutenant had expanded; in fact, he had been one of the driving forces behind a major project that promised both growth and stability for the company.

Meanwhile, Kelly and Kyle were flourishing during their eighth grade year. Kelly was the most popular girl in their entire school, admired by students and faculty alike. And Kyle’s friendship with Nadira had expanded his world, as her growing independence introduced them both to experiences that broadened their perspectives and forged an even stronger bond between them.

Amidst this backdrop of domestic and professional success, a new opportunity arose toward the end of the summer that would challenge the Tsai family in new ways. Klara, in her role as COO, was selected to lead a crucial delegation to Neapolis, the capital of Greater Scythia, the dominant power in Eastern Europe. The delegation aimed to complete the acquisition of a Scythian competitor, which would provide the company a new foothold in the European market. The majority of the company’s executives would be involved, including Jake’s boss Imani.

As the departure date neared, the Tsai household buzzed with both excitement and a touch of apprehension. Klara, organizing her affairs meticulously, juggled the responsibilities of a corporate leader, wife, and mother. She gathered her family for a meeting in their living room, her and Kelly looming over Jake and Kyle.

“The next few weeks will be a significant challenge for all of us,” Klara began, her tone a blend of authority and warmth. “While I’m leading the delegation to Neapolis, I will be relying on each of you in different ways.”

Kelly, now fully accustomed to her role as a young woman and joint head of the household, nodded in understanding. “Don’t worry, Mom. I’ll have everything under control here at home. I’ll make sure things run smoothly.”

Klara smiled, a mix of maternal pride and gratitude. “I know I can rely on you, Kelly.”

Klara’s gaze shifted to Kyle, her expression transitioning into a more authoritative tone. “Kyle, you will need to understand that Kelly is in charge in my absence. You must respect her decisions and cooperate fully. This is not a time for disagreements or resistance. Your sister will be responsible for maintaining the order and making decisions for the household.”

Kyle, looking slightly uneasy, nodded in response. “Sure, Mom. I’ll do my best to help Kelly out.”

Klara’s tone became firmer as she emphasized the gravity of the situation. “It’s not just about helping, Kyle. It’s about respecting Kelly’s authority. Follow her lead, and ensure that you don’t create any unnecessary challenges.”

Kyle nodded soberly. “I hear you loud and clear, Mom. Kelly’s the boss.”

With a reassuring smile, Klara continued, “And Jake,” she turned to her husband, “your support means the world to me. While we’re abroad I’ll need you not just as my husband but also as Imani’s trusted assistant during these negotiations. It’s going to be a difficult balancing act, especially because Greater Scythia has been a strict gynarchy for centuries, and they’re not used to seeing men in the professional sphere.”

Jake tried to ignore the tug of unease in his gut, and nodded with a confidence that he did not feel.

When the day of departure arrived, Klara and Jake hugged the twins goodbye before heading to the airport. Upon arrival, Klara pulled up to the valet desk and tossed the young woman standing there her keys. When Jake questioned her about it, she just laughed.

“With the money I’m making now, the days of parking in the Economy lot are behind us for good.”
Once they’d checked their bags and gone through security, they headed to the gate printed on their boarding passes. A number of their colleagues were already there, including Imani Reed and Lisa Lerman, who had recently been promoted to Chief People Officer. They were soon joined by Victoria Waters, who was now the Senior Vice President for Business Development, and her executive assistant Gary Rawls, the only other man besides Jake included in the delegation.

The flight to Neapolis departed on time, and was largely uneventful. While the executives all had seats in first class, Jake and Gary didn’t mind flying economy; the seats would be considered small and cramped by the standards of most women, but they were plenty spacious for the much smaller men.

The delegation encountered their first hurdle shortly after disembarking from the plane – the Customs process. Neapolis had strict entry procedures, and the presence of Jake and Gary added another layer of complexity.

The customs officers, clad in traditional Scythian attire, eyed the male members of the delegation with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. The two men could feel the weight of their gaze.

Klara, sensing the tension, approached the customs counter with a confident demeanor.

“Greetings,” Klara said in fluent Scythian, acknowledging the customs officers with a nod. “We are here on business delegation at the personal invitation of the Empress herself, long may she reign.”

The customs officers, while maintaining a stoic exterior, exchanged glances. It was evident that the sight of men in even such low-ranking corporate roles was a rarity in Greater Scythia. One of the officers, a tall and imposing woman with a no-nonsense expression, spoke in Scythian to Klara.

After a moment, Klara gestured for Jake to approach. As he drew close, she whispered in his ear in English.

“They’re curious about your role in the delegation, Jake. To make it easier, I just told them you’re my husband. They’re more used to a man traveling as a woman’s dependent. Play down your position, and tell them you are just here to support me.”

Ms. Waters had a tougher time with Gary. With the customs officers unyielding, she dug frantically through her carry-on bag, looking for the special dispensation that had been authorized with the royal seal. Finally, she found it near the bottom of her bag and handed it over to the taller of the two Scythian women.

“This letter contains the Empress’s invitation and outlines the purpose of my assistant’s inclusion on this trip.”

The customs officer inspected the document closely, her eyes narrowing as she read its contents. After a tense moment, she nodded, acknowledging the authenticity of the document. “You may proceed. But know that Greater Scythia does not bend its rules for anyone. Your delegation will be closely monitored during your stay, and the men you’ve brought with you had better know their place.”

The delegation, having cleared customs, made their way through the bustling Neapolis airport, retrieved their luggage, and headed outside to a row of sleek, black executive cars awaiting them. Klara, in the lead, ensured everyone was accounted for before they embarked on the journey to their hotel.

The cityscape unfolded before them as they traversed the wide, impeccably maintained avenues of Neapolis. Tall, ornate buildings adorned with intricate carvings and golden embellishments towered over the streets, a testament to the wealth and power of Greater Scythia. The streets were bustling with people, the majority of whom were women in vibrant dresses exuding an air of confidence and authority. The few men they saw wore dull, modest clothing and kubankas that kept of all of their hair covered.

As they approached the hotel, the Imperial Palace loomed in the background, a majestic structure that seemed to reach up toward the sky. The delegation’s accommodations were equally impressive—a luxurious five-star hotel that catered to the elite visitors of Greater Scythia. The lobby was adorned with marble floors, crystal chandeliers, and a concierge desk attended by impeccably dressed women.

Klara checked in last, as she wanted to be available in case any of her colleagues ran into issues. Jake, still adjusting to the cultural nuances of Greater Scythia, observed the interactions around him. The hotel staff, all women, moved with grace and efficiency, attending to the needs of the delegation with an air of quiet confidence. They ignored Jake and Gary entirely, as if they weren’t even there.

Once Ms. Reed got her room key, she approached Jake and Klara. “Let’s meet up after the welcome dinner tonight, Jake. There are a few things I’d like to go over with you.”

“You’d better come to my suite and retrieve him,” Klara advised her. “It’s a crime for a man to be unaccompanied outside of the home in Greater Scythia. Anna insisted I book the Penthouse Suite; for our delegation to be taken seriously, the Scythians need to know that the company takes me seriously.”

In the opulent Penthouse Suite of the luxurious Neapolis hotel, Klara focused on preparing herself for the welcome dinner while Jake unpacked. Every once in a while, one of them would pause what they were doing to take in the breathtaking view of the city through the floor-to-ceiling windows of their grand and ornate temporary residence.

Imani Reed, the formidable Chief Strategy Officer, knocked on their door shortly before the cars that would bring them to the palace were scheduled to arrive. She admired the tasteful decor, her eyes scanning the room before settling on Klara.

“Anna wanted you to make a statement,” she observed. “And these accommodations certainly do that.”

Klara shrugged. “This suite is almost embarrassingly over the top, but Anna’s right as usual. Perception matters, especially here.”

Imani chuckled, “We’ll need every advantage we can find. The negotiations with the Scythians won’t be a walk in the park. Their business culture is… unique.”

Klara chimed in, “Jake, remember what I told you. Don’t leave the suite while we’re gone. In this society, men have fewer liberties than back home. It’s crucial that you play your part and support Imani and I without drawing unnecessary attention.”

Jake, while feeling a bit uneasy about the gender dynamics at play, nodded in understanding. “I’ll do my best to navigate the cultural nuances.”

Klara nodded and gave him an affectionate pat on the head. “Good boy!”

Her husband having fallen in line, Klara turned her attention to Ms Reed. “We’d better head out for the welcome dinner, Imani. It’s the first opportunity for us to make a good impression.”

As Klara and Imani left the opulent Penthouse Suite for the welcome dinner, Jake couldn’t help but feel a mixture of awe and trepidation. The grandeur of the suite, the imposing surroundings of Greater Scythia, and the weight of his responsibilities as both a husband and an assistant hung in the air.

Alone in the luxurious room, Jake took a moment to collect his thoughts. He gazed out of the window for another look at the sprawling city below, as the August sun began to set. The view was both enchanting and intimidating, mirroring the duality of his emotions.

His mind wandered to Klara, leading the delegation through the intricate political and business landscape of Greater Scythia. He couldn’t help but marvel at her confidence and poise, wondering how she managed to seamlessly balance everything that was expected of her.

Klara didn’t return to the opulent Penthouse Suite until late in the evening, and she was practically giddy when she walked through the door.

“Jake, I can’t say enough good things about our Scythian hosts! The welcome dinner was a masterpiece of elegance and sophistication. The Empress herself made an appearance, and I had the chance to exchange a few words with her. She’s an impressive woman, and I really admire her decisive leadership style. It’s clear that they value what we bring to the table, and the potential acquisition is looking more promising than ever.”

Jake, still processing the intricacies of Scythian culture, couldn’t help but express his concerns. “I’m glad the dinner went well, Klara, but I can’t ignore the fact that this society seems to have some pretty oppressive policies, especially when it comes to men. It’s hard to reconcile their business charm with what seems like a significant gender disparity.”

Klara’s expression shifted from joy to irritation. She sighed, clearly exasperated by Jake’s focus on gender dynamics.

“Jake, we’re here for business. Yes, their societal norms may be different from what we’re used to, but that doesn’t mean we should impose our values on them. Greater Scythia has thrived for centuries with their system, and it’s not our place to judge. We need to respect their way of doing things if we want this acquisition to succeed.”

Klara fixed Jake with a stern gaze, her eyes narrowing slightly. She marched over to him, her significant height advantage more obvious with each step.

“Jake, it’s crucial that you understand the delicate nature of our position here. We’re guests in Greater Scythia, and that means we play by their rules. I won’t tolerate any challenges to their customs, especially from my own husband. This acquisition is an opportunity for our company, and I won’t let anything jeopardize it.”

Jake, feeling the weight of Klara’s authoritative presence, nodded reluctantly. “I get it, Klara. I just need some time to adjust to this… different way of doing things.”

Klara, not satisfied with his response, decided to make her point more emphatically. With a swift motion, she reached out and placed her hands firmly on Jake’s shoulders, using her immense size and strength to assert control.

“Not good enough, Jake. We’re in the midst of delicate negotiations, and any sign of dissent or discomfort could have consequences. I need your full and immediate support. For the remainder of this trip, what I saw goes. Period.”

She squeezed his shoulders for emphasis, her grip firm and unyielding. Jake, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the sudden display of dominance, nodded again. Though he knew she was only using a tiny fraction of her strength, her grip was still painful.

Fortunately for Jake, a knock on the door interrupted their disagreement.

“You’d better answer that,” Klara ordered, an angry undercurrent still evident in her voice.

Jake opened the door to find Imani Reed standing there, her usual air of composed authority radiating from her. She gave Jake a nod, acknowledging his presence, and then turned her attention to Klara.

“Klara, I need borrow Jake for an hour or so to go over a few more details for my part of tomorrow’s negotiations. I want to make sure there’s nothing I’m overlooking.”

“Of course, Imani!” Klara replied, and there was no trace of the anger from only moments before left in her voice. “Just make sure he behaves himself.”

When Ms. Reed turned her back, Klara shot Jake a look of warning before he left, a sharp reminder to adhere to this society’s cultural expectations. He found himself rubbing his shoulders gingerly, remembering the intense confrontation only moments earlier.

Ms. Reed led him to a discreet door at the back of the hotel. Outside, the streets were bathed in a soft glow from the streetlights, casting a warm ambience upon the city. The late August air was a gentle caress, still carrying the residual warmth of the day. Jake had to race to keep up with his boss, whose brisk, long strides echoed on the cobbled streets as she made her way towards Neapolis’s entertainment district, guided by the distant murmur of lively conversations and soft melodies.

The city around them was a mosaic of architectural styles. Ancient structures with domed roofs stood shoulder to shoulder with sleek, modern buildings, showcasing the gynarchy’s commitment to preserving the rich history of the region while embracing progress. Neapolis was the physical embodiment of this empire where the voices of women dominated every aspect of society.

As they approached a particularly lively square, Ms. Reed and Jake were approached by a teenage Scythian girl. Her eyes were fixed on Jake, and she frowned down at him with intense disapproval. She was dressed in traditional Scythian attire, her clothing vibrant and richly adorned.

She shouted at him, but the Scythian language might as well have been gibberish to him.

Ms. Reed, maintaining her composed demeanor, turned to the girl with a polite nod. “I’m so sorry, we’re visiting from the Matriarchal States and I’m afraid we aren’t very fluent in Scythian.”

The girl’s obvious displeasure deepened, and her gaze remained fixed on Jake.

“Why is your little manservant in public looking so immodest?” she demanded in heavily accented English, her tone sharp and direct.

Ms. Reed, maintaining her calm demeanor, responded to the girl’s accusation. “I apologize for any offense. We are still learning about the customs here. Could you please help us understand what is expected? We want to show respect for your traditions.”

“He is exposing himself! Why is he exposing himself? Such flagrant insolence as your boy here is displaying merits severe punishment.”

Jake felt a chill run down his spine at the teenage Scythian girl’s threatening assertion.

Jake could see the growing concern underneath his boss’s composed demeanor. She locked eyes with him, her expression questioning. “Jake, what is she talking about? Are you supposed to be wearing something you’re not?”

Jake, feeling a mix of confusion and fear, stammered, “I—I’m not sure, Ms. Reed. I think Klara mentioned something about wearing a… kubanka, was it?”

The Scythian girl, now visibly frustrated by the lack of immediate compliance, shoved Jake angrily. His eyes watered as he hit the ground, hard.

Ms. Reed, determined to defuse the tension, positioned herself between Jake and the girl and spoke in a measured tone, “I assure you, it was not his intention to disrespect your customs. But in our culture, it’s not customary for men to wear kubankas. We just flew in today on business, and in our jetlagged state he just forgot.. Please, let us know how we can rectify this.”

The teenage girl, still agitated, looked around the square and then pointed towards a nearby vendor selling traditional Scythian garments. “You buy kubanka for him. Right now. He must wear. It is our way. Otherwise, I teach him lesson.”

Jake swallowed hard as the girl, not much older than his daughter Kelly, cracked her knuckles menacingly.

Not wanting the situation to escalate further, Ms. Reed quickly approached the vendor, exchanging a few hasty words in Scythian before procuring a kubanka. It was a simple, unadorned one, with fluffy white sheep’s fur around the sides and simple cotton fabric on top that matched the color of Jake’s suit. She handed it to him, a look of stern expectation in her eyes.

“Put it on, Jake. We don’t want any more trouble,” she urged.

Jake, still smarting from the encounter, reluctantly placed the kubanka on his head, adjusting it as best he could. The teenager watched, satisfaction evident in her expression as he complied.

“Keep better control of your boy,” she advised Ms. Reed.

As the girl walked away from them, Jake her mutter, “Ignorant Americans, with their uppity men.”

Despite the discomfort of the kubanka on his head, Jake couldn’t shake off the embarrassment and frustration from the altercation with the Scythian girl. As they continued on toward their destination, he kept adjusting the unfamiliar headgear, acutely aware of the stares from passersby.

Ms. Reed, sensing Jake’s agitation, spoke up in a tone that bordered on impatience, “Jake, seriously, it’s just a piece of clothing. You need to get over it. We’re here for business, and these cultural differences are something we have to navigate. Complaining about it won’t help.”

Jake, feeling a bit defensive, responded, “I get that, Ms. Reed, but being shoved to the ground and treated like I did something wrong just for not wearing a hat is a bit much, don’t you think?”

Ms. Reed stopped in her tracks, turning to face Jake with a raised eyebrow. “A bit much? Jake, you need to understand that we’re guests in a country with very different customs. What might seem insignificant to you can be a big deal here. The kubanka is obviously an important symbol in Scythian culture. You need to show some cultural sensitivity and stop being such a baby about it.”

“That’s easy for you to say,” Jake pouted. “This entire society is set up for your benefit.”

In response, Ms. Reed just rolled her eyes. “Do I need to take you back to the hotel, or can I count on you to act like an adult and do your job?”

Despite the lingering discomfort from the encounter in the square, Jake took a deep breath and nodded. “I’m sorry, Ms. Reed. You’re right. Let’s focus back on the business at hand.”

Ms. Reed nodded, and continued toward their destination. Eventually they came to a tavern with a funky vintage appeal. Ms. Reed opened the door and ushered Jake inside.

The tavern was alive with a lively hum of conversation and the melodic strains of a local band playing traditional Scythian music. The air was thick with the rich aroma of fried onions, and the warm glow of lanterns cast a cozy ambiance over the patrons.

Imani Reed led Jake to a corner table booth where Jake could get a good look at the rest of the patrons. Jake couldn’t help but notice that he was the only man in the entire establishment. The Scythian women at nearby tables cast curious glances in his direction, their eyes lingering on the kubanka atop his head.

The barmaid, perceptive to the unspoken dynamics, addressed Ms. Reed when she approached. “It’s not often we have men in our midst, especially in places like these. Especially one who wears his kubanka so awkwardly.”

Cognizant of the fact that Jake hadn’t yet had dinner, Ms. Reed ordered him something called a cheburek. But she was still full from the welcome feast, and only ordered a beer for herself.

As Ms. Reed and Jake delved into their work, the ambiance of the tavern surrounded them. The low hum of conversations, the occasional burst of laughter, and the music created a comfortable backdrop for their informal meeting.

Ms. Reed pulled out her tablet, and they began reviewing the intricacies of the upcoming negotiations. The tablet’s glow illuminated their faces in the dimly lit corner booth, drawing the occasional curious glance from the Scythian women nearby.

As they went over the details, a group of Scythian women at a nearby table couldn’t help but steal glances at Jake. They spoke in hushed tones, casting covert smiles in his direction. After they’d settled their bill and the large group began to head out, a young girl and a middle-aged woman with a regal air broke away from the pack and approached the corner booth.

“Excuse me,” the young girl said in heavily accented English. “Is he really working?”

Imani Reed, trying not to smile, nodded. “Yes, young lady. He’s my assistant, and we have business matters to attend to.”

The woman’s eyes widened with fascination. “A male assistant? That’s… unusual. I’ve lived my whole life in Greater Scythia, and I’ve never seen the likes of it before!”

“I have, grandmother!” the young girl exclaimed. “Remember when Mother took my sisters and I on vacation to Toronto?”

The woman looked skeptical. “I don’t know, Elzara. Sounds awfully unnatural to me.”

Jake, aware of the attention he was drawing, shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Ms. Reed addressed the curious pair quietly and congenially.

“It’s not common, I’ll admit, but times are changing. And our company has made a real effort in recent years to increase diversity in our workforce. Jake here is a valuable member of our team, and we appreciate his contributions.”

The young girl, Elzara, continued to eye Jake with curiosity. “Does he have special skills?”

Ms. Reed chuckled. “Yes, he does. Jake here is very good at what he does. I’ve really come to rely on him.”

Elzara’s grandmother looked at Jake with a mix of skepticism and intrigue. “Well, I never thought I’d live to see the day when a man is earning a salary. In Greater Scythia, a man’s place is in the home, and his thoughts ought seldom to emerge from it. It’s a philosophy that has served us well for centuries.”

Imani Reed, choosing her words carefully, responded, “Every society has its own norms and values. In our culture, we believe in hiring the best person for the job. Sometimes, for certain roles, that person might be a man.”

Elzara, still peering at Jake with a mixture of fascination and skepticism, leaned in closer and said, “You know, my family always says that men are like children. They need someone to take care of them, to guide them. But you seem different. I bet you can even read!”

Despite the initial surprise at Elzara’s remark, Jake managed a good-natured smile. “Yes, I can read, and a whole lot more in fact!”

Elzara and her grandmother looked shocked.

Ms. Reed, sensing the late hour, interjected, “We appreciate your curiosity, but we’re actually in the midst of preparing for some crucial negotiations. If you’ll excuse us, we really need to get back to our work.”

Elzara’s grandmother nodded. “Of course, we didn’t mean to interrupt your important discussions. It was just… interesting to see a man at work.”

“It was nice meeting you both,” Elzara added, a friendly smile on her face. “Good luck with your work, Jake!”

As the night progressed, Jake couldn’t shake the feeling of being a cultural oddity. The interactions in the square and now in the tavern highlighted the stark differences between Greater Scythia and the Matriarchal States. The Scythian women’s fascination with his role as a male assistant served as a reminder of the unconventional nature of their delegation.

The following day, the delegation dove headfirst into the intricacies of the negotiations. Klara, Imani, and the rest of the executives engaged in a series of meetings with their Scythian counterparts, each interaction carefully choreographed to navigate the delicate balance between cultural differences and business objectives. And Jake and Gary in turn darted around, making sure that the women had everything they needed precisely when they needed it.

Jake, now well-acquainted with the kubanka atop his head, carried out his role diligently. He remained in the background, alternating between providing support to Imani and serving as arm candy for Klara. The gender dynamics, though constantly present, became a secondary concern in the face of the complex business discussions.

The Scythian executives, all women, seemed to fluctuate between curiosity and wariness when interacting with Jake. Some were openly fascinated by the idea of a male assistant, while others maintained a more traditional, imperious demeanor. Regardless, Jake navigated the social landscape with the poise of someone aware of the expectations placed upon him. He took care to never speak to any of the Scythian women unless he was spoken to first.

Amidst the business discussions and social engagements, Jake slowly became less uncomfortable with the role he had to play in this foreign setting. He became accustomed to the stares and occasional comments, and learned to not take the ignorant sexism too personally.

One evening, after a particularly intense day of negotiations, Klara gathered the whole delegation together in the Penthouse suite.

“We’ve made great progress, everybody!” Klara announced boisterously, trying to compensate for the growing exhaustion felt by everyone. “And I think we’re pretty close to getting them to sign on the dotted line. There’s only one major stumbling block left.”

“The Code of Tomyris?” Ms. Waters asked.

Klara nodded. “Exactly right, Tori. Reading between the lines, the Empress is supportive of the deal and wants to see it happen. But the Code of Tomyris is the foundational legal framework for Greater Scythia, and the Empress is worried that the hardliners within her court will use Provision 126, which limits trade outside the Empire, to spread rumors that she is allowing the code to be violated.”

“While the rest of us continue the negotiations, I’m going to task Imani and Jake with finding a loophole that will solve the Empress’s dilemma,” Klara explained.

Turning to Ms. Reed and Jake, Klara continued, “This is a delicate matter, and I trust both of you to handle it with tact. The success of the deal depends on finding a way to demonstrate our commitment to respecting their laws and customs while maintaining our own values and prioritizing the strategic needs of the company.”

Ms. Reed and Jake pulled an all-nighter, and then kept working well into the next day. Eventually, shortly before lunchtime, Jake leapt up, a sense of triumph evident on his face. “I think I’ve found something, Ms. Reed! Provision 126 does limit trade, but Provision 170 allows for exceptions when necessary to promote the strategic interests of Greater Scythia. If the Empress can be convinced that our deal falls under this exception, we might have a chance.”

Ms. Reed, her exhaustion momentarily forgotten, leaned over to scrutinize the relevant passage. A spark of excitement lit up her eyes. “Jake, this could work! It aligns with our overall strategy, and it’s nuanced enough to be defensible. The delegation is meeting with the Empress and her council this evening to seek royal assent, so we’ll have to move fast.”

Then Ms. Reed was struck with another flash of inspiration. “Remember Elzara and her grandmother from that tavern on the night we arrived? They would be perfect eyewitnesses to testify that our acquisition aligns with the strategic interests of Greater Scythia. Their presence during the negotiations can demonstrate that our deal promotes cultural exchange and economic collaboration, justifying an exception under Provision 170.”

Jake, though somewhat surprised by the suggestion, quickly grasped the potential. “You mean we should bring them to the meeting with the Empress and her council? Use their testimonies to strengthen our case?”

Ms. Reed nodded. “Exactly. Their testimony can provide a personal touch to our argument, emphasizing the positive impact our collaboration will have on Greater Scythia. It’s a strategic move, Jake, and one that could tip the scales in our favor.”

With a sense of urgency, Ms. Reed had Jake track down Elzara and her grandmother, while she revised the petition for royal assent to reflect their new strategy.

Fortunately, when he called the tavern, it turned out the Elzara and her grandmother were regulars. Once he’d overcome the hostess’s suspicion toward “such a nosy little man” he was able to get an address from her.

By that point, Ms. Reed had finished revising the petition and had sent it to the rest of the delegation for review and approval. They two of them departed the hotel without delay.

Ms. Reed quickly flagged down a taxi, and made clear to the driver the urgency of their mission. As the taxi zigged and zagged through the bustling streets of Neapolis, the city’s vibrant energy became a backdrop to their determined journey.

As they arrived at the address provided by the tavern hostess, they found themselves in a residential area adorned with ornate buildings. The address led them to a grand, historic structure, and Ms. Reed exchanged a glance with Jake before knocking on the imposing door.

The door creaked open slowly, revealing a woman of regal demeanor – Elzara’s grandmother. She eyed them with a mixture of surprise and suspicion.

“Good day, ma’am,” Ms. Reed greeted Elzara’s grandmother with a respectful nod. “I hope we’re not intruding. We met you and your granddaughter the other night, and we were hoping to speak with you about providing assistance on an important matter.”

Elzara’s grandmother, still wary, responded, “What matter could two foreigners possibly need my assistance with?”

Ms. Reed explained the situation, detailing the negotiations, the concerns with regard to the Code of Tomyris, and the pivotal role their testimony could play in securing the Empress’s approval for the deal. She emphasized the potential benefits for Greater Scythia and how their involvement would showcase cultural exchange and economic collaboration.

Elzara’s grandmother listened intently, her initial skepticism gradually giving way to thoughtful consideration. “So, you want us to speak before the Empress and her council, vouching for the positive impact of your business deal?”

Ms. Reed nodded. “Exactly. Your firsthand experience as witnesses to our interactions will add a personal touch, demonstrating the sincerity of our intentions and the potential for mutual benefit.”

Elzara’s grandmother crossed her arms, still contemplating. “And what’s in it for us? Why should we involve ourselves in the affairs of your company and this foreign Empress?”

Ms. Reed replied, “Apart from contributing to a significant business deal that could bring prosperity to both our nations, your involvement will be acknowledged. You’ll be part of a historic collaboration, and your testimony can help shape positive perceptions of Greater Scythia in the Matriarchal States.”

The woman’s expression softened, and she seemed to mull over the idea. After a moment, she sighed. “This is an unusual request, and I’m not entirely comfortable with the idea of involving myself in such matters. However, if it truly benefits Greater Scythia and my granddaughter’s future, I suppose I can entertain the idea.”

Ms. Reed expressed her gratitude, and they quickly discussed the logistics of the upcoming meeting. Elzara’s grandmother agreed to accompany them to the palace and provide her testimony before the Empress and her council.

However, realizing that Elzara wouldn’t be home from school for a few hours, Ms. Reed faced a dilemma. She had an important meeting to attend at the palace, and the clock was ticking.

“Jake,” Ms. Reed turned to her assistant, “I need you to stay here and ensure a smooth transition when Elzara arrives. Get her up to speed on the situation and reassure her grandmother if needed. I’ll return as soon as the meeting is over.”

Jake, though initially surprised by the request, nodded in understanding. “Of course, Ms. Reed. I’ll make sure everything is in order when we meet up with you at the palace.”

As Ms. Reed hurriedly left to attend the crucial meeting, Jake found himself in the company of Elzara’s grandmother. The elderly woman, still skeptical about involving herself in the affairs of the foreign delegation, regarded Jake with a mixture of suspicion and mild disdain.

“You seem like a fragile thing,” she commented, eyeing Jake’s tailored suit and the kubanka perched atop his head. “Are you sure you can handle this task, or will you be running off to play in the streets?”

Jake, accustomed to such remarks by now, maintained a composed demeanor. “I assure you, ma’am, I take my responsibilities very seriously. I’ll make sure everything is in order for when Elzara arrives.”

“Mistress,” Elzara’s grandmother corrected sharply. “Mistress Budzhurova. I won’t be disrespected by the likes of you, küçük erkek.”

Jake didn’t understand the last two words, but he suspected that they were an insult.

Undeterred, Jake maintained his polite demeanor. “I apologize, Mistress Budzhurova. I meant no disrespect, and greatly appreciate the assistance you’re providing us. If there’s anything you need or any concerns you have, please feel free to let me know.”

As Jake settled into an ornate chair, Mistress Budzhurova continued to eye him critically. “What’s your role in all of this, küçük erkek? Why does this Imani Reed have a man trailing behind her like an obedient dog?”

Jake chose his words carefully. “My role is to support Ms. Reed and, by extension, the entire delegation.”

Mistress Budzhurova remained unyielding. “Support? In what way? What could a man possibly contribute that a woman wouldn’t handle twice as well?”

Jake, maintaining his calm demeanor, decided to approach the conversation with a blend of humility and sincerity. “Mistress Budzhurova, I understand that my role might seem unconventional here. Women dominate the Matriarchal States, where I come from, too. But increasingly we believe in utilizing the strengths and capabilities of everyone, regardless of gender. While the women of our delegation are leading, I take care of the little things so they can focus on more important matters.”

Mistress Budzhurova’s gaze remained sharp, but a flicker of interest danced in her eyes. “Little things, you say? What little things can a man like you handle?”

Jake, undeterred, began to list his tasks, highlighting the meticulous attention he paid to details. “I handle logistics, communications, and ensure everything runs smoothly behind the scenes. It’s about making sure that the women leading this delegation can focus on the big picture without getting bogged down by the minutiae.”

Mistress Budzhurova crossed her arms, contemplating his words. “I have never known a man with the maturity necessary to be trusted with such things. Before my husband passed away, I never let him leave the house without female supervision. And I know my daughter has the same policy with Elzara’s father.”

Jake, maintaining his polite composure, continued to engage in conversation with Mistress Budzhurova, hoping to win her over. He realized that breaking through the ingrained biases of a society like Greater Scythia would take patience and understanding.

“I appreciate your perspective, Mistress Budzhurova,” Jake responded thoughtfully. “Cultural differences can be challenging, but I’ve found that by working together and understanding each other, we can achieve remarkable things. I believe in the strength of collaboration, where each person, regardless of gender, contributes their unique skills and perspectives.”

Mistress Budzhurova’s expression softened slightly, though skepticism still lingered in her eyes. “You speak well, küçük erkek. But words are wind. Actions are what matter.”

Jake nodded in agreement. “Absolutely, Mistress Budzhurova. I hope that, in time, my actions will speak louder than any words. If there’s anything specific you’re concerned about or if there’s a way I can better assist you, please let me know. I’m here to ensure that this collaboration benefits everyone involved.”

As they continued their conversation, Jake skillfully navigated through questions about his upbringing, his experiences, and his views on gender roles. He shared stories of successful collaborations he’d been a part of, emphasizing the positive outcomes achieved when diverse perspectives were valued.

Gradually, Mistress Budzhurova seemed to thaw, her initial hostility giving way to a more thoughtful consideration of Jake’s role. However, just as the atmosphere began to shift, the door creaked open, and Elzara walked in, school bag slung over her shoulder. Though quite a bit younger than Jake’s twins, the schoolgirl still towered over him.

“Jake, right?” she said, a hint of confusion in her voice. “I remember you from the other night. The man who works! Wow, you’re even smaller than I thought. What are you doing in my grandmother’s house? I thought your mistress was in Greater Scythia for important business at the palace.”

Jake smiled, acknowledging Elzara’s observation about his stature. “Yes, Elzara, I’m Jake. Your grandmother and I were just discussing something important related to the business deal between my employer and a similar company here in Greater Scythia.”

Elzara raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. “Business deal? What’s that got to do with me?”

“Well, Elzara,” Jake began, “your grandmother and I were hoping you could assist us. You see, we believe that your presence and testimony could play a crucial role in convincing the Empress and her council to support the deal.”

Elzara’s eyes widened with surprise. “Me? Why would they care about what I think?”

Jake leaned forward, explaining the potential impact of her involvement. “Your perspective as a citizen of Greater Scythia, particularly the younger generation, adds a valuable dimension to our case. It shows that this collaboration isn’t just between governments and businesses but has real benefits for people like you—opportunities for cultural exchange, economic growth, and a chance for a better future.”

Elzara stared down at him, one hand on her hip. “You sure are a strange man, Jake.”

Jake couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’ve gotten that a lot since I arrived here. But sometimes, strange things lead to extraordinary outcomes. Your involvement could make a real difference for the people of Greater Scythia.”

Elzara glanced at her grandmother, seeking some guidance.

Mistress Budzhurova, despite her initial reservations, gave a subtle nod of approval. “Elzara, my dear, this is an opportunity for you to contribute to the future of our nation. Speak from your heart, and let them know how this collaboration could positively impact the lives of the people here.”

Elzara, still skeptical but intrigued, considered the proposal. “Okay, I’ll do it. It’s not every day you get to meet the Empress after all. But I want your words that this deal will truly benefit the Empire.”

Jake nodded appreciatively at Elzara’s decision. “Thank you, Elzara. I understand this might seem unusual, but your perspective is crucial in showing the genuine impact of this collaboration on the people of Greater Scythia. I assure you, we genuinely believe this deal is in the best interest of both our nations, and I’ll make sure to keep you informed about its impacts in the months and years to come.”

Elzara’s grandmother, Mistress Budzhurova, chimed in with a stern expression, “And you better keep your word, küçük erkek. If this turns out to be anything other than what you promise, you’ll have me to answer to. And I am a lot bigger and a lot stronger than you are.”

The older woman cracked her knuckles loudly to drive home the point. Jake, reminded of the angry teenage girl from that first night, gulped.

But after taking a moment to regain his composure, Jake nodded respectfully. “I appreciate your trust, Mistress Budzhurova. I assure you, our intentions are sincere, and we are committed to ensuring that this collaboration benefits Greater Scythia.”

With Elzara on board and her grandmother cautiously supportive, Jake used Mistress Budzhurova’s landline to contact Ms. Reed to update her on the positive developments and arranged for a suitable time to bring Elzara and Mistress Budzhurova to the meeting with the Empress and her council. Ms. Reed in turn assured Jake that the palace guards would be expecting the three of them.

The afternoon sun shone down brightly as the three of them piled into Mistress Budzhurova’s luxury automobile, with both grandmother and granddaughter now wearing their finest traditional Scythian dresses. Elzara buckled Jake into the booster seat usually used by her father, who was vacationing with her mother in the Caribbean. The booster seat was notably more rudimentary than the one Jake was used to. Apparently the comfort of male passengers wasn’t much of a consideration in Greater Scythia.

As Mistress Budzhurova drove towards the palace, Elzara sat in the back with Jake. Her youthful curiosity bubbled to the surface as she bombarded Jake with questions about life in the Matriarchal States, the peculiarities of his role, and his experiences in Greater Scythia so far.

Jake, accustomed by this point to such inquiries, answered each question with a blend of humor and sincerity, emphasizing the similarities and shared aspirations between their two nations. He spoke of the bustling cities, the diverse cultures, and the rich history that defined the Matriarchal States. Elzara, in turn, shared her perspectives on life in Greater Scythia, the traditions she held dear, and her hopes for the future.

Mistress Budzhurova, while focused on the road, occasionally interjected with her own insights and observations. Despite her initial skepticism, she seemed to be slowly warming up to Jake’s presence and the potential impact of the collaboration.

Upon reaching the palace gates, the trio was greeted by guards adorned in elaborate armor, a stark contrast to the modern security measures Jake was accustomed to. Mistress Budzhurova exchanged a few words with the guards, and the gates creaked open, allowing them access to the palace grounds.

At the top of the hill, they were met by the valet, who took Mistress Budzhurova’s car keys and introduced them to the visitor operations assistant who would be taking them the rest of the way.

As they were led through the grand halls, the echoes of their footsteps resonated through the vast space. The atmosphere was both awe-inspiring and a little intimidating. Elzara’s eyes widened as she took in the surroundings, clearly impressed by the grandeur of the palace. Mistress Budzhurova, though maintaining a composed exterior, couldn’t hide a certain sense of pride as she observed her granddaughter’s reaction.

After a long walk, they were ushered into a waiting room adorned with opulent furnishings. “I will return when the Empress and her council are ready for you,” the visitor operations assistant informed them.

Jake, sitting in a corner, observed the interplay between Elzara and Mistress Budzhurova. The generational differences were evident, yet there was an underlying bond of shared pride and concern for the future of their nation.

“Have you ever been to the palace before, Büyükanne?” Elzara asked.

“Only once,” her grandmother replied. “When I was a very little girl, much younger than you. I was barely bigger than him at the time, in fact.”

Jake, seeing her gesture in his direction, smiled. “You must have been very young indeed, then, Mistress.”

As Elzara and Mistress Budzhurova reminisced about the past, the door to the waiting room swung open, and a palace official appeared. “The Empress is ready to meet with you. Please follow me.”

The trio, led by the official through a series of majestic corridors, soon found themselves standing outside the grand chamber where the Empress and her council awaited.

“When the doors open, the Empress’s herald will announce your arrival. You two must bow to the queen.”

The visitor operations assistant pointed at Elzara and her grandmother. Then she turned her attention to Jake, putting a firm hand on his shoulder.

“And you must kneel, and touch your head to the floor. It is exceedingly rare for a male to be granted audience with the Empress. Consider yourself extremely fortunate.”

The grand chamber doors slowly creaked open, revealing the opulence within. The atmosphere was heavy with a sense of history and power. As they stepped into the room, the Empress’s herald, adorned in rich Scythian regalia, announced their arrival in a booming voice that echoed through the chamber.

“Presenting Mistress Budzhurova of House Budzhurova and her granddaughter, Elzara, esteemed citizens of Greater Scythia!”

The herald was speaking in English for the benefit of the foreign delegation.

Elzara and Mistress Budzhurova executed graceful bows, displaying a blend of respect and confidence.

“And Jacob, husband of Klara Tsai, the Empress’s guest from the Matriarchal States!”

Jake, following the instructions, dropped to his knees, bowing his head to the floor. It was a position of total submission that he had never experienced before, but he knew his wife and his boss were both counting on him.

The Empress, seated on a throne at the far end of the table, a Scythian flag visible flapping in the breeze through the windows behind her, studied the newest arrivals with a measured gaze.

“Rise,” commanded the Empress, her voice carrying across the room with regal authority.

Slowly, Elzara, Mistress Budzhurova, and Jake rose from their respective positions. As they straightened up, Jake took a moment to study the women arranged along the table. On one side of the table, along with Klara and Ms. Waters, were the Empress’s three adult daughters. They were recognizable in the black ceremonial robes of Scythian princesses. On the other side of the table, along with Ms. Reed, were the women representing the company they were looking to acquire.

The Empress, a commanding figure in her regal attire and with her winged crown, acknowledged the delegation with a nod. “Greetings, esteemed guests.” Her English was only slightly accented.

Mistress Budzhurova, stepping forward with a dignified air, responded, “Your Imperial Majesty, we are honored to be in your presence.”

The Empress’s expression was unreadable. “I am eager to learn how your presence offers a solution to our current impasse.”

Ms. Reed stood up from her seat. “Your Majesty, my assistant and I met them while visiting a dining establishment near the Amazonlarnıñ Meydanı earlier in the week. Our conversation drove home for me the value to both our peoples in opening up avenues for cultural and intellectual exchanges.”

Ms. Reed motioned toward Elzara, who stepped forward, her gaze steady despite the grandeur of the chamber.

“Your Majesty, my name is Elzara Budzhurova. I’m a student, and I never thought I’d be standing here before you. But my brief time with Ms. Reed and little Jake here have already expanded my horizons; and I believe their horizons have been expanded too. I’ve seen how these foreigners,” she gestured towards the Matriarchal States delegation, “genuinely want to understand and appreciate our culture. Your empire is vast and mighty, from the Alps in the West to Altai Mountains in the East. And I know under your impressive leadership, Greater Scythia will be powerful no matter what. But Jake and his boss have convinced me that if we embrace this collaboration, it can lead to a better future for both Greater Scythia and the Matriarchal States.”

The Empress observed Elzara with a raised eyebrow, intrigued by the unexpected perspective of the younger generation.

Ms. Reed, seizing the opportunity to build on Elzara’s testimony, stepped forward. “Your Majesty, our acquisition is not just about economic gain. It’s about fostering understanding, cooperation, and shared prosperity. Elzara represents the future, and her willingness to engage with us demonstrates the potential for positive collaboration between our nations. We believe that by working together, we can create opportunities that go beyond mere trade and benefit the people of both Greater Scythia and the Matriarchal States.”

The Empress remained composed, her piercing gaze shifting from Elzara to her grandmother. “And what of the Code of Tomyris, Mistress Budzhurova? My advisors tell me you have been a valued voice among the merchant class for many decades. Do you really believe that the benefits of this proposed agreement really represent the kind of strategic interest required for me to invoke Provision 170?”

Mistress Budzhurova, meeting the Empress’s gaze without flinching, responded with a measured tone. “Your Majesty, I would never presume my humble judgment has much to offer in such weighty affairs of state. But since you have asked for it, I will say this: While I am inherently cautious about foreign influences, my encounter with Ms. Reed and her little male assistant has left me genuinely impressed. I’ve already seen the way it’s sparked Elzara’s interest in Greater Scythia’s place on the world stage. So yes, I genuinely do believe this collaboration aligns with the strategic interests of our nation, promoting cultural exchange and economic growth.”

The Empress nodded thoughtfully. “Mistress Budzhurova, your humility and your wisdom are both appreciated. You and your granddaughter have presented compelling arguments. Yet, the Code of Tomyris is not easily set aside. Provision 170 is a tool meant for extraordinary circumstances, and I must be convinced that this collaboration serves the strategic interests of Greater Scythia beyond mere economic gain.”

Klara, sensing the delicate nature of the situation, stepped forward. “Your Majesty,” she began, her tone respectful yet determined, “I understand the weight of the Code of Tomyris and the significance of Provision 170. My team has been delving into the intricacies of Greater Scythia’s legal framework, and I believe we can make a compelling case for the exceptional nature of this collaboration.”

The Empress regarded Klara with a scrutinizing gaze. “Go on.”

Klara, with a calm yet persuasive demeanor, continued, “This collaboration is not merely about trade; it’s about forging bonds between our nations. The Matriarchal States and Greater Scythia, each with its unique strengths, can complement and uplift one another. Elzara’s testimony is a testament to the potential impact on the younger generation. We’re not here to exploit, but to build a partnership that benefits both our peoples.”

She gestured towards Elzara and Mistress Budzhurova. “These two individuals represent the heart of Greater Scythia – its heritage and its future. Their experiences since our arrival showcase the genuine connections we can establish beyond business transactions. The strategic interest lies not just in economic gain but in the profound cultural exchange and mutual understanding that will result.”

The Empress remained contemplative, her gaze shifting between Klara, Elzara, and Mistress Budzhurova. Klara pressed on, addressing the Empress’s concerns directly. “Your Majesty, I fully recognize the challenges posed by the Code of Tomyris. However, I believe that in the face of global changes and opportunities, Greater Scythia can adapt without compromising its core values. This collaboration can be a symbol of strength, showcasing the resilience and wisdom of Greater Scythia under your esteemed rule.”

Klara’s words hung in the air, and a silence settled over the grand chamber.

The Empress, deep in thought, finally spoke. “Your arguments are compelling, Klara Tsai. However, it’s not just about what you believe. It’s about what you can guarantee. If I invoke Provision 170, my subjects will need certainty that this collaboration genuinely serves the strategic interests of Greater Scythia. What guarantees can you offer us?”

“Your Majesty, you are wise to be so cautious. We are prepared to offer the following pledges: First, that a significant portion of the profits generated from this collaboration will be reinvested in Greater Scythia. This includes funding educational initiatives, cultural preservation programs, and economic development projects that directly benefit the people of your empire.”

Klara turned to Ms. Reed, who had been meticulously preparing the details of these guarantees. “Ms. Reed has compiled a comprehensive plan that outlines how we intend to contribute to the well-being and progress of Greater Scythia. This plan will be enshrined in a legally binding agreement, ensuring transparency and accountability in our actions.”

Ms. Reed handed a copy of the document that outlined the proposed plan to the eldest of the three princesses, respecting the young woman’s unique role as the heir apparent to the Imperial Throne.

Klara continued, resolute in her conviction. “Second, we are committed to ensuring that a quarter of the seats on our Board of Directors are reserved for women from Greater Scythia. Their presence will serve as a tangible mechanism to ensure that the collaboration adheres to the spirit of mutual benefit.”

The Empress was definitely intrigued now. “Perhaps one of my daughters could serve on your Board of Directors.”

Klara nodded respectfully, acknowledging the Empress’s suggestion. “Your Majesty, that would indeed be an honor. We are open to discussing the specific details of the representation, and we welcome the opportunity to have a member of your esteemed family on our Board of Directors. It will be a symbol of the deep partnership we aim to forge.”

The Empress, still attentive, considered Klara’s words. “And what about the cultural aspects? How can you guarantee that the essence of Greater Scythia will not be diluted or distorted in this collaboration? After all, your husband, a lowly man, evidently holds a position of great influence in your delegation.”

Klara, maintaining her diplomatic poise, addressed the Empress’s concern about Jake’s role. “Your Majesty, I assure you that my husband, Jake, holds a position in our delegation that is entirely supportive in nature. While he assists with logistical matters and ensures the smooth operation of our team, Jake holds no authority in the core decisions and strategic direction.”

The Empress, with a discerning gaze, directed her attention towards Jake. “And yet, he is here as part of your delegation. Tell me, Jake, husband of Klara Tsai, why this deal with not put the societal values of underlying our gynarchy in peril?”

Jake, while trying to remain as deferential as possible, responded with genuine sincerity. “Your Majesty, much as I might sometimes wish my voice carried more weight, the simple fact is that I work for a company led by and dominated by women. I don’t expect that to change anytime soon, whether this acquisition goes through or not.”

The Empress nodded, seemingly satisfied with Jake’s response. “Your commitment to the women leading your delegation is duly noted, Jake. However, I must also consider the perceptions within my court and among my subjects. The symbolism of a man in such a role cannot be ignored.”

Klara, eager to address the Empress’s point, spoke up before her husband could speak further. “Your Majesty, I understand the significance of symbolism, and I deeply respect the values of Greater Scythia. I assure you that the inclusion of Jake in our delegation is not intended to challenge your societal norms. Instead, it reflects our belief in collaboration across diverse perspectives. If it is more appropriate, we are open to adjusting the composition of future delegations to better align with the expectations of Greater Scythia.”

The Empress continued to scrutinize the delegation, her expression unreadable. After a prolonged moment of silence, she finally spoke. “Your pledges and assurances are noteworthy, Klara Tsai. However, my decision cannot solely rest on the promises of a foreign delegation. Please excuse yourselves while I deliberate with my advisors.”

With a gesture, the Empress signaled the end of the audience. The doors to the council chamber swung open once again, and the delegation, along with Elzara and Mistress Budzhurova, exited the room. The atmosphere was tense, as the visitor operations assistant led them all back to the same waiting room that Jake and the Budhzhurovas had been in before.

Klara, maintaining her composure, turned to Elzara and Mistress Budzhurova. “Thank you both for your invaluable contributions. Your insights and testimonies will undoubtedly play a crucial role in the Empress’s decision. We’ll await the council’s decision, and I’ll make sure you’re kept updated on any developments.”

Elzara nodded, a mix of nervousness and excitement in her eyes. Mistress Budzhurova, though still reserved, acknowledged Klara with a nod. The two of them followed the visitor operations assistant back to Mistress Budzhurova’s car.

“We probably shouldn’t have brought you and Gary,” Klara noted to her husband. “But you did well in there.”

Jake nodded, appreciating the complement, especially after the tension between them at the start of their trip.

As the delegation waited anxiously in the opulent waiting room, the silence grew heavy as they all contemplated the possible outcomes of the Empress’s deliberation. Klara, however, remained outwardly composed, her mind calculating the potential implications and planning for the next steps.

“What do you think the Empress is really pondering in there?” Ms Waters wondered aloud.

Kara sighed, her gaze fixed on the entrance to the waiting room. “It could be anything, Tori. The Code of Tomyris is deeply ingrained in the fabric of Greater Scythia. The Empress must balance tradition with the desire for progress and global collaboration. The assurances we provided are substantial, but whether they align with the Empress’s vision for her nation remains to be seen.”

Time seemed to stretch endlessly as the delegation continued to wait. The room’s exquisite furnishings were the only companions to the group’s anxious thoughts. Ms. Waters, unable to sit still, had begun pacing the room, her fiery red hair dancing across her shoulders with each step.

“You’ve been surprisingly calm through all of this,” Jake remarked to Klara, his tone a mix of admiration and curiosity.

Klara offered a faint smile. “Appearances can be deceiving, dear. Negotiations like these often demand a poised exterior, even when my stomach is aflutter. We’ve presented our case, and now it’s in the Empress’s hands.”

Just as the tension reached unbearable levels, the delegation was summoned back to the council chamber.

As the heavy doors of the council chamber creaked open, Jake noted that the Empress was still seated at the far end of the table, her expression as enigmatic as before.

Klara led the delegation back to their designated places, each step echoing in the important chamber. Jake, who didn’t have a seat at the table, stood off to the side, trying to be as unobtrusive as possible. The air was thick with anticipation as they awaited the Empress’s decision.

The Empress rose, her eyes sweeping over the delegation before fixing on Klara. “After careful consideration and consultation with my advisors, I have reached a decision.”

A collective breath was held by everyone in the room.

“I appreciate your respect for our traditions and your willingness to collaborate. The Code of Tomyris is not a rigid shield against progress, but a guide to ensure that progress is in harmony with our values.”

Klara nodded, her gaze unwavering.

The Empress continued, “However, I must also consider the sentiments of my people. Change, even with the noblest intentions, can be met with resistance. After careful consideration and thorough deliberation, I have decided to grant royal assent to the proposed acquisition. The provisions of the Code of Tomyris will be invoked with the understanding that the strategic interests of Greater Scythia are served by this partnership. There will be a one year probationary period, and my assent may be revoked at any time during that year if your company is not living up to its commitments. May this collaboration bring forth mutual understanding, prosperity, and cultural exchange between our nations.”

The weight of the Empress’s words settled over the room, a palpable tension giving way to a collective exhale. Klara inclined her head gracefully, expressing gratitude without overstepping the boundaries of formality.

“Your Majesty, we are sincerely honored by your decision,” Klara responded, her voice steady but carrying a genuine warmth. “We understand the responsibility that comes with this opportunity and assure you that our commitment to the values of collaboration and mutual benefit will be unwavering.”

The Empress’s countenance softened, a hint of approval in her eyes. “Your words are well chosen, Klara Tsai. Now, let this collaboration serve as a bridge between our lands. The responsibility rests on your shoulders to uphold the principles that guide this venture.”

After the Empress dismissed them, the delegation was led out of the palace. As they stepped out into the crisp Scythian air, the visitors couldn’t help but feel a mix of relief and anticipation. The collaboration had been approved, but the delicate dance with the traditions of Greater Scythia had only just begun.

Back at the hotel, the delegation couldn’t contain their elation. News of the Empress’s decision spread like wildfire among the team, and cheers erupted in the lobby as Klara and the others made their way through the crowd.

“We did it!” one of the more junior executives exclaimed, hugging Klara. “I can’t believe it, but we did it!”

Klara smiled, the weight of the past few days lifting off her shoulders. “It’s a significant step forward for all involved. Let’s celebrate tonight and then get hard at work tomorrow. We need to ensure that this collaboration begins on the right note.”

The celebration was lively, filled with toasts, laughter, and congratulations. The delegation members, exhausted from the stress of the negotiations, let loose, and even the more reserved among them found themselves caught up in the joyous atmosphere.

As the night progressed, Klara found herself stealing glances at Jake. Despite the professional exterior they both maintained throughout the celebration, there was an unspoken understanding between them. They had weathered the storm together, and now, with success on their side, a shared sense of accomplishment lingered in the air.

Later, in the privacy of the Penthouse Suite, Klara and Jake continued to savor the victory. The mood was different now, a mix of relief, joy, and something unspoken but palpable between them. Glasses of champagne in hand, they stood on the balcony overlooking the city.

“Quite a view,” Jake remarked, raising his glass.

Klara clinked her glass against his. “To new beginnings and successful collaborations.”

The city below sparkled in the night, a sea of lights stretching to the horizon. The celebratory sounds from the streets reached the balcony, but in the private cocoon of their suite, Klara and Jake found a different rhythm.

Jake, usually more reserved, couldn’t contain his grin. “I never doubted you for a second, you know.”

Klara smirked playfully. “Oh, really? Even when we were facing the Empress’s scrutiny, and it seemed like you might get added to her harem?”

“Especially then,” Jake said, stepping closer. “You have a way of navigating these things. It’s impressive.”

She laughed softly, the sound mingling with the distant cheers of the city. “I appreciate the compliment, Jake. But it was a group effort. I couldn’t have pulled it off without the entire team. Even you.”

Their eyes locked, and in that moment, the weight of the past week seemed to dissipate. The unspoken tension between them had been replaced by a shared understanding, a bond forged through challenges and triumphs.

“You know,” Jake observed slyly. “It’s been a long time since we’ve had a hotel room to ourselves, without the kids right next door.”

Jake’s remark hung in the air, and a playful glint sparkled in his eyes. Klara arched an eyebrow, a smirk playing on her lips. “Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”

He chuckled, the sound carrying a mix of mischief and genuine affection. “I’m just saying, we’ve earned a moment to ourselves. No negotiations, no cultural diplomacy, just us.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice!” Klara declared, and lifted him off the ground by the waist of his pants and tossed him over her shoulder. “Mama needs some sugar!”

She marched into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind her. Klara and Jake spent the next several hours having a boisterous celebration of their own. In some ways, it took them back to the fiery early days of the secret courtship. But the weight of their years together made this even better.

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Chapter 18: The Work Trip Fri, 20 Oct 2023 02:13:00 +0000 Jake’s heart raced with a mix of excitement and nervousness as he prepared for his first business trip. Imani Reed had been promoted once again during the summer, and had been invited to be the closing keynote speaker at a conference in Wazhazhe Dsi, the capital of the Wahzhazhe Nation. Since the discovery of vast oil reserves roughly a century earlier, the small but mighty Wahzhazhe Nation had become extremely wealthy. Ms. Reed had requested that Jake join her to provide administrative support.

The day before the trip, Jake found himself busy with last-minute preparations. Klara, having extensive experience with international travel, provided guidance on the essentials. However, one notable difference in their preparations stood out—Jake’s suitcase was less than half the size of the one that Klara usually took with her. In fact, Jake doubted that he’d even able to lift Klara’s suitcase fully packed. But fortunately for Jake, his much smaller clothing took up far less space.

The next morning, Ms. Reed picked Jake up shortly before dawn. Before he headed out the door, Klara bent down and gave him a kiss. For once, she would be the one staying home with the kids while he got to go off on an adventure.

The ride to the airport was uneventful, but when Jake and Ms. Reed walked through the sliding door into the main concourse, the height difference between them suddenly became even more pronounced. As they made their way through the crowded airport, Jake felt a bit like a small minnow swimming in a sea of big and powerful sharks. Ms. Reed, on the other hand, moved with confidence, effortlessly gliding through the airport with her long strides that he could barely keep up with at a jog.
When they checked their bags, Jake could barely see the airline representative over the counter that loomed over his head. Nothing here was designed to accommodate men’s shorter stature. But then again, men couldn’t travel without a female escort, so he supposed that the lack of consideration for men’s much smaller statures wasn’t really that big of a deal.

At the security checkpoint, the TSA agent scanned Ms. Reed’s passport and then examined Jake’s travel permit closely.

When she was finally satisfied that the document was genuine, she handed it back to him and then turned to Ms. Reed.

“You’re responsible for him the entire time you’re out of the country, don’t forget that.”

“I’m aware,” Ms. Reed said, flashing the agent a warm smile.

When they boarded the plane, even the overhead bins on the plane were a problem. Jake, being considerably shorter, needed assistance from one of the flight attendants to stow his bag. He could barely lift it over his head with both arms, but the flight attendant grabbed the handle with one hand and flung it into the bin like it didn’t weigh anything.

And while Ms. Reed comfortably reclined her seat during the flight, Jake struggled to find a comfortable position in such an oversized (for him) seat. Fortunately, the flight attendants were attentive to the unique needs of the handful of male passengers aboard the flight, and offered Jake additional cushions to provide him with a better view out of the window.

Jake grew particularly excited when he watched the plane cross over the Mississippi River. While his mother had brought him and Sarah along on a number of international trips during her days as an elite athlete, those had mostly been in Europe and Asia. This was the furthest west Jake had ever gone.

The plane landed smoothly in Wazhazhe Dsi, and Jake couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe as he stepped onto the tarmac. The heat hit him immediately, a stark contrast to back home where an autumn chill was already in the air. Ms. Reed, who seemed unfazed, guided Jake through the bustling airport.

As they exited into the city, Jake marveled at the vibrant culture and the blend of modern architecture with the rich heritage of the Wahzhazhe Nation, which went back centuries prior to the arrival of European settlers. The conference venue was a grand convention center nestled among towering skyscrapers, and they had booked rooms in the adjoining hotel.

Lodging presented the pair with another issue. Jake had booked them an executive suite, with large chambers for Ms. Reed and a smaller adjoining room with its own bathroom for Jake. But the hotel had screwed up the reservation, and none of the executive suites were available.

“I apologize for the inconvenience, Ms. Reed. It seems there was an oversight in our booking system,” the front desk manager said, looking slightly flustered.

The hotel staff scrambled to find a suitable solution as they explained the mix-up to Jake and Ms. Reed. They knew Ms. Reed was one of the conference’s VIPs, which made the mistake particularly embarrassing. But Jake’s boss handled the hiccup with the hotel reservation with her usual poise.

Ms. Reed, maintaining her composure, replied, “I understand that mistakes happen. Let’s see what alternative arrangements you can make for us.”

After reviewing the available alternatives on her computer, the front desk manager offered them a spacious deluxe room with two queen-size beds. While not ideal, it was the best they could do on short notice.

“It’ll be fine,” Ms. Reed assured Jake, who was quietly processing the situation. “We’re here for the conference, not to spend much time in our rooms.”

The hotel room, designed for female guests, had beds that seemed gigantic to Jake and far too tall. The top of the bed was roughly shoulder-height for Jake. It took some acrobatics for him to climb onto it, and once on top, his feet dangled over the edge. Ms. Reed, however, settled into her bed with ease, looking perfectly at home.

Over the next few days, Jake and Ms. Reed navigated the bustling schedule of the conference. Jake marveled at the diversity of attendees and speakers, representing various industries and backgrounds. In addition to plenty of people from the Matriarchal States and the Wahzhazhe Nation, there were attendees and presenters hailing from all of the dozen other North American countries: the fiercely independent cowgirls of the Republic of Texas; the French-tinged cultures of the Quapaw Nation, Quebec, and Acadia; the proud women of Oceti Sakowin Oyate from the northern prairies, descendants of the great warriors who had halted the westward expansion of the Matriarchal States; the polite and pale Canadians; the laid back and tanned women of the California Republic that dominated the West Coast; the southern peoples of Mexico, the Aztec Empire, and the Mayan Republic; and the northern peoples of the Umatilla Confederation and Inuit Nunangat.

As the conference unfolded, Jake found himself captivated by the melting pot of cultures and invigorated by the flurry of ideas and innovations that emerged from it. And amidst the sessions and networking events, Jake observed how the Wahzhazhe Nation had used its oil wealth to transform itself into a hub of technological advancements and sustainable practices. The emphasis on environmental conservation and responsible resource management left a lasting impression on him.

During one of the networking events, Jake was approached by a prominent environmental scientist from the Umatilla Confederation. Dr. Sela Crowfeather, a tall and articulate woman, engaged him in a conversation about the challenges faced by the Matriarchal States in balancing economic growth with environmental preservation. Jake, though initially surprised by the scientist’s interest in his perspective, found himself articulating his thoughts about the intricate dynamics of this delicate balance. Dr. Crowfeather appreciated Jake’s insights, recognizing that even seemingly mundane roles, like his administrative work, played a part in shaping the policies that influenced the environment. Dr. Crowfeather confessed that the more rigid gender divides of the Matriarchal States and even the Wahzhazhe Nation made her uneasy. While her people recognized the vast physical differences between men and women, she had grown up in an environment where all voices carried equal weight.

On the last full evening of the trip, after a full day of panels, Ms. Reed suggested exploring Wazhazhe Dsi’s cultural offerings. The city, with its blend of ancient traditions and modernity, offered a vibrant nightlife. They ventured into a lively district where live local music echoed through the streets, blending with the laughter and chatter of the diverse crowd.

Ms. Reed, with her knack for seamlessly blending into any environment, led the way through the bustling streets. Jake, always slightly behind due to his shorter strides, marveled at the vibrant atmosphere. As they walked, they passed stalls selling intricate crafts, street food vendors offering tantalizing Wahzhazhe delicacies, and musicians filling the air with the soulful tunes of native instruments.

They eventually found themselves at a traditional Wahzhazhe dance performance. The rhythmic beats of drums and the elegant movements of the dancers created a mesmerizing spectacle. The audience, a diverse mix of locals and conference attendees, clapped and cheered in appreciation.

As the night progressed, Ms. Reed and Jake stumbled upon a quaint café where they decided to take a break. The café, adorned with traditional Wahzhazhe artwork, offered a cozy ambiance. When the waitress brought over a booster seat for Jake, he needed her to show him how to use it. The Wahzhazhe design was considerably different than the ones he was used to.

After the harried day Jake had had hustling to make sure Ms. Reed had everything she needed, it was nice to relax over a nice meal. After they’d finished the main course, Ms. Reed leaned back in her chair, her eyes glinting with satisfaction. “Jake, I must say, you’ve handled yourself exceptionally well during the conference. A number of the other attendees told me how jealous they were of my insightful and diligent little assistant.”

Jake smiled at the compliment, appreciating Ms. Reed’s acknowledgment. “Well, it’s been an exciting new experience for me, and I’m glad I could contribute in some way.”

After the plates were cleared, the waitress brought over a large mug of black coffee for Ms. Reed and a small cup of herbal tea for Jake. As they sipped on the drinks, Ms. Reed’s expression shifted to a more reflective tone. “You know, Jake, this trip has been eye-opening in many ways. The Wahzhazhe Nation has managed to achieve a remarkable balance between economic prosperity and environmental responsibility. It’s something the Matriarchal States can learn from.”

Jake nodded, in agreement with Ms. Reed’s observation. “It’s impressive how their wealth from oil hasn’t led to reckless exploitation. They’ve invested in sustainable practices and technology.”

“Exactly,” Ms. Reed agreed. “And it’s not just about their approach to resources. They’ve found a way to fully embrace their cultural roots while modernizing to keep up with the latest technology and innovation.”

As the conversation progressed, Jake felt gratified at the way Ms. Reed was speaking with him: like an equal.

The night air was alive with the rhythm of the city as Jake and Ms. Reed strolled back to the hotel. The vibrant colors of Wazhazhe Dsi’s nightlife swirled all around them. Ms. Reed, seemingly lost in thought, finally broke the silence.

“I hope you realize how grateful I am that you were assigned to my team,” she began, “and not just because you’re so hard-working and obedient.”

Jake was taken aback by Ms. Reed’s unexpected words. While the compliment about his work ethic wasn’t surprising, the mention of gratitude for more than just his diligence intrigued him.

“I’ve come to value your perspectives and insights,” Ms. Reed continued. “This trip made me realize that your unique point of view, especially in a setting where the dynamics are so different from what we’re used to, is incredibly valuable.”

Jake, appreciative of the repeated acknowledgment, replied, “I’m glad I could contribute in a meaningful way. It’s been an eye-opener for me too.”

As they reached the hotel, Ms. Reed suggested they grab a drink together at the hotel bar to unwind further. Jake was happy to accept, even though he did feel a bit embarrassed when he needed her to lift him up onto the bar stool.

The subdued chatter of other patrons and the gentle clinking of glasses created a relaxed atmosphere. Jake, perched on his stool, gazed around at the upscale setting, feeling a mix of excitement and gratitude for the unexpected turn of events on this business trip.

“How is Nadira adjusting to living with you full time?” Jake asked, once Ms. Reed had paid for their drinks. “I know she was originally only supposed to stay with you a couple months.”

Ms. Reed took a thoughtful sip of her drink, her gaze momentarily distant. “Nadira is adjusting well. She’s a resilient and adaptable girl. I think she appreciates having a stable environment, especially with our mother being overseas for the foreseeable future. It’s also given us a chance to bond; the age gap between us is significant enough that we never had much in common before I left for university. And Kyle has been a huge help; I can see the positive impact he’s having on her. I don’t think she had any friendships that deep back in Matripolis.”

During their conversation at the hotel bar, Jake and Ms. Reed delved into more personal matters. They shared stories about their families, their childhoods, and even some of their dreams and aspirations. The night, filled with laughter and candid conversation, allowed them to connect on a deeper level.

As they sat in the dimly lit bar, Jake couldn’t help but appreciate how Ms. Reed, usually the epitome of professionalism and authority, was opening up to him. The more they talked, the more he realized that there was a genuine friendship developing between them.

After a couple of drinks, they decided to call it a night. Back in their shared room, Jake changed into his flannel pajama bottoms while Ms. Reed was in the bathroom. He was startled when she emerged a few minutes later wearing a yellow silk bathrobe that left little to the imagination.

“I hope you don’t mind me changing into my bathrobe,” she began, looking down at him with a smile that seemed almost playful. “But I’d rather be comfortable while I put the finishing touches on my speech for tomorrow.”

Jake, momentarily taken aback by Ms. Reed’s choice of attire, quickly averted his eyes. “No, not at all. Make yourself comfortable,” he stammered, trying to sound nonchalant.

Ms. Reed, seemingly unfazed by Jake’s reaction, settled into a chair at the desk in their hotel room. The dim glow of the lamp illuminated her features as she began typing on her laptop, engrossed in finalizing her keynote speech for the conference.

On the other side of the room, Jake tried to get the more intimate details of his boss’s frankly impressive physique out of his head. He could already feel himself getting lightheaded as blood rushed south. The last thing he wanted was for his boss to see him so blatantly aroused. Besides, he was a happily married man, and he couldn’t lose track of that just because he happened to be sharing a hotel room with a beautiful woman.

Once Ms. Reed finished her work, she closed her laptop and leaned back, stretching her arms above her head. “Phew, that’s done. I always like to add a personal touch to these speeches. It helps to connect with the audience, you know?”

Jake nodded, trying not to think about the alluring way her bathrobe moved against her otherwise bare skin. “It’s a great strategy. Makes the content more relatable.”

As Ms. Reed stretched, the silk of her bathrobe clung gently to her form, emphasizing the curves that Jake had studiously been trying to avoid noticing. “I appreciate your input, Jake. As I said earlier, your perspective has been invaluable. Especially in crafting messages that resonate with a diverse audience like the one at this conference.”

Jake cleared his throat, fighting the distraction of her presence. “I’m glad I could contribute. I’ve definitely learned a lot.”

Ms. Reed rose from her chair, the bathrobe flowing around her. She walked towards the window, looking out at the city lights of Wazhazhe Dsi. “You know, Jake, this trip has given me a chance to reflect not just on our work but on life in general.”

Jake, sensing a more personal turn in the conversation, craned his neck to make eye contact with his much taller boss. “In what way?”

Ms. Reed turned to face him, her expression thoughtful. “It’s about balance. We’ve seen how the Wahzhazhe Nation has found a way to balance progress, culture, and the environment. And personally, I’ve been reflecting on the balance between work and life, ambition and personal connections.”

Jake nodded in understanding. “Balance is crucial, especially in our line of work. But finding that equilibrium can be challenging.”

A hint of vulnerability crossed Ms. Reed’s features. “It’s not just about work, Jake. It’s about personal fulfillment. Ambition can drive us, but it shouldn’t overshadow the importance of personal well-being and our need for human connection.”

Her words lingered in the air, and Jake sensed that she was sharing more than just professional insights. It was as if the polished exterior of Imani Reed was cracking a little, and showing a glimpse of the real person behind the executive persona.

“I’ve been so focused on my career since I finished university,” Ms. Reed continued. “And while I wouldn’t change the success and opportunities it has brought, I can’t ignore the other aspects of life that matter.”

She knelt down on one knee next to him, so that they were suddenly face to face. Jake caught a whiff of her perfume.

“Klara is a lucky woman,” Ms. Reed whispered gently.

Jake shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other, feeling the warmth of Ms. Reed’s presence. Her words hung in the air, and the unexpected closeness made him acutely aware of the overwhelming physicality of the bathrobe-clad woman in front of him. It was a peculiar mix of admiration for her honesty and a subtle discomfort brought on by the intimacy of the conversation.

“Thank you,” Jake managed to reply, his voice a bit uneven. “Klara and I, we make it work. It’s about finding the right balance, like you said.”

Ms. Reed’s eyes bore into his, and there was a depth of understanding in her gaze that made Jake feel like she could see beyond the professional façade he often wore.

“I’ve been thinking,” Ms. Reed continued, her tone softer now. “About the future, about what truly matters. My career is fulfilling, but there are other aspects of life that shouldn’t be neglected. You know how late I’m at the office most nights. And when I go home, it can be lonely.”

Jake nodded, silently urging himself to maintain composure. The air seemed charged with unspoken thoughts and unexplored emotions. As Jake processed her words, he couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of connection with his boss, a connection that transcended their professional roles.

Sensing the weight of the moment, Ms. Reed shifted slightly, sitting back on her heels. “Jake, I want you to understand that I’m not just saying this out of a sudden impulse. The dynamics of our work and personal lives, especially for someone in my position, can be challenging. It’s not easy to balance ambition and personal happiness.”

Jake, still perched on his chair, met her gaze with a mixture of empathy and curiosity. “I can imagine it’s tough. Your dedication to your career is admirable, but everyone deserves fulfillment in all aspects of life.”

A small smile played on Ms. Reed’s lips. “You’ve always been perceptive, Jake. That’s one of the qualities I value in you. And I’ve come to realize that having someone who understands the complexities, both professionally and personally, is rare.”

Jake felt a jolt of adrenaline as Ms. Reed reached out and rested her large hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. The unspoken tension in the air intensified. Jake, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and curiosity, looked up at her. The hotel room seemed to shrink in that moment, so that nothing existed except for Jake and his boss.

“Jake,” Ms. Reed continued, her voice softer than before, “I appreciate the balance you bring into my professional life. But there’s a side of me that yearns for more. More connection, more understanding. It’s not easy to find someone who can navigate both worlds with me.”

Jake, fully aware of the line they were tiptoeing, hesitated before responding. “I understand the complexities, Ms. Reed. And I value our personal friendship as well as our working relationship. But I feel like I need to remind you that Klara and I are happy and… monogamous.”

Ms. Reed withdrew her hand and sighed, as if expecting this response. She leaned back, her gaze fixed on some distant point. “Jake, I appreciate your honesty. I didn’t mean to overstep any boundaries or make you feel uncomfortable.”

“It’s not that I don’t find you attractive,” Jake began, only to be cut off by a giggle from Ms. Reed.

She nodded toward the prominent bulge in his pants. “That much is clear,” she said. “But really, it’s fine. I’m not offended in the slightest. I was the one who was acting unprofessionally. And as much as part of me wanted something to happen tonight, I think I would have been disappointed if it had. Because it would have meant that you weren’t the morally steadfast gentleman that I know you to be.”

The air in the room hung heavy with a complex mix of emotions. Jake, feeling a combination of relief and lingering tension, took a deep breath. Ms. Reed, though her initial advance had been rebuffed, seemed composed as she leaned back, her eyes focused on Jake.

“Jake, I want to be clear,” she said, her tone measured. “I respect your commitment to your marriage, I value our professional relationship, and I don’t want this to affect our working dynamic.”

Jake nodded, grateful for her understanding. “I appreciate that, Ms. Reed.”

The two of them didn’t speak much the rest of the night. As Jake lay in bed, he couldn’t help but wonder how this revelation might impact their working relationship. Would things return to the way they were, or would there be a shift in dynamics?

The next morning, they attended the last day of the conference as planned. Ms. Reed delivered her keynote speech with eloquence and confidence, and Jake, sitting in the audience, felt a sense of pride for his boss. The conference was a success, and Jake could hear the attendees around him praising the insights shared by Ms. Reed in her closing remarks.

As they boarded the return flight, the atmosphere between them seemed a mix of professionalism and an unspoken acknowledgment of the charged moment between them in the hotel room. Jake, while committed to maintaining boundaries, couldn’t help but reflect on the complexity of human connections.

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