giantessgirls – Mini GTS Fiction Stories about women who quite a bit larger than normal. Tue, 20 Feb 2024 05:47:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 giantessgirls – Mini GTS Fiction 32 32 229544190 Chapter 14: The Serendipitous Celebration Wed, 20 Sep 2023 04:04:00 +0000 The last day of third grade for the twins marked the end of Jake’s fourth consecutive year as a volunteer assistant. As the dismissal bell rang, Jake couldn’t help but reflect on how his time at the school had been a roller coaster of change and adaptation. Over the years, he had found it increasingly challenging to connect with the students. He had moved up through the grades with the twins, which meant that with each new school year he had to figure out how to handle girls who were even taller and more self-assured than the year before. The once-cooperative kindergartners had grown into independent thinkers, and Jake’s authority (and indeed male authority generally) in the school was increasingly questioned. With the third grade girls, he had found it nearly impossible to command their respect and maintain discipline.

While Jake had agreed to support Klara’s decision for him to volunteer at the twins’ school, what was supposed to be temporary had become a long-term commitment that left him feeling overwhelmed and overshadowed. After the difficulties of the last year especially, Jake had reached a breaking point. He dreaded the prospect of continuing as a volunteer assistant for fourth grade. These past four years had already taken a toll on his self-esteem and sense of autonomy, and he feared how the new dynamics of the upper grades would damage his relationships with his children, especially Kelly. He knew that he needed to find a way to regain control of his life and focus on his own aspirations and ambitions.

As he walked with the twins to the parking lot, Jake couldn’t help but marvel at how much they had changed during their time at Angelica Livingston Elementary.

Kelly had blossomed into a confident and articulate young girl. She had excelled academically and was known as a natural leader among her peers. She had made many friends and was extremely popular. Her time at the school, surrounded by strong female role models, had further nurtured her assertiveness, and she had embraced the idea of women in positions of authority. She had also shot up in height, and the eight-year-old now towered over her father; Jake was only eye level with her belly button now.

The difference in their height had been growing more noticeable over the past few years, and seemed to reflect a broader shift in their father-daughter dynamic. The once-clear lines of authority had blurred, and while Kelly and her father were still close, she no longer looked to Jake for guidance and discipline in the same way she had when she was younger. Instead, she regarded him more as a supportive presence, someone to share her thoughts and experiences with rather than an authority figure to obey.

Kyle, on the other hand, remained the same shy and introverted boy he had always been. Over the four years of elementary school, he had struggled to come out of his shell, often staying on the periphery of social activities. While he had made a few close friends, he didn’t have the same ease with social interactions as his sister did. He was known to his peers as the quiet, thoughtful one in the class. Jake worried about his son, sensing Kyle’s struggle to find his place in a school that emphasized such rigid gender roles.

When Kelly announced that she had spotted Sarah’s car on the other side of the parking lot, Jake’s thoughts drifted to his sister.
As Klara’s career had continued to flourish, she had had to travel for work more and more frequently. During her trips, Sarah had stepped in to help take care of the twins and manage the household. Even as a high schooler, Sarah had had a commanding presence. While the original plan had been for her to just help Jake out while Klara was away, she had effortlessly assumed the role of temporary head of the house during Klara’s absences, and the twins respected her authority. When she had left for college, the twins had felt like a third parent was leaving, not just their cool young paternal aunt.

Sarah had earned her Bachelorette’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering the previous spring, and was now at the end of her gap year. While Sarah had done a lot of traveling since graduating, she’d also been a huge help to Jake during the past year. The twins had loved having her back in their lives on such a frequent basis. Jake would have been happy for Sarah to extend her gap year indefinitely, but he knew their mother had started to put pressure on her to lock down a job.

Sarah was standing outside leaning against the hood of her car, her arms crossed as she watched them approach. She had grown into a tall and athletic woman with a confident demeanor, so Jake knew she’d find the right career opportunity soon enough.

“Hey, little bro!” Sarah greeted Jake with a warm smile as they reached her car. “How was your last day as a volunteer assistant?”

Jake chose his words carefully, trying to be diplomatic in case any of the teachers or school administrators were within earshot. “It was quite the experience, as always. I can’t believe the twins are going to be in fourth grade next year.”

“Tempus fugit!” Sarah agreed, as she slid into the driver’s seat. Their mother had insisted that both of her children take Latin as an elective when they were in college. Despite her renown as an athlete, their mother was a firm believer in the benefits of a classical education.

As Sarah started the engine, Kelly took the lead in strapping both Jake and her brother into their booster seats, displaying a level of competence that had become increasingly evident over the past year.

During the car ride home, Jake listened from the backseat as Sarah and Kelly caught up on family news. Sarah talked about her recent travels, while Kelly told her aunt about all of the things she’d learned in third grade and the latest gossip within her friend group.

When they arrived home, the sight of Klara’s brand new luxury SUV in the driveway lifted Jake’s spirits. He had worried that she’d forgotten her promise to take the family out to dinner to celebrate the twins finishing third grade. He knew that the twins had been really looking forward to it, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to discuss returning to work with Klara in a more relaxed setting.

While Kelly unbuckled her father and brother, Jake noticed that Sarah hadn’t turned off the engine.

“Aren’t you coming in, Sarah?” he asked. “I’m sure Klara would be happy to have you along for dinner.”

Sarah just smiled and shook her head. “You remember my old friend Sally? She’s made it to the minor leagues, and her team is playing across the river tonight. Me and a bunch of girls from high school are going to the game to cheer her on.”

Jake nodded, understanding Sarah’s excitement to support her friend’s big game. “Have fun at the game, Sarah, and send our best wishes to Sally!”

“Will do, little bro,” Sarah replied, extending her arm through the open car window and giving him a playful punch on the shoulder.

With a parting smile, Sarah drove off to meet up with her old friends. After waving goodbye, Jake and Kyle followed Kelly into the house.

Inside, the air was filled with the familiar aroma of coffee brewing. Jake could hear his wife on a video conference in her den, still hard at work even though she’d left the office early.

Kelly kicked off her shoes and dropped her backpack on the floor before running off in the direction of her bedroom. As Jake picked up after her, Kyle took his own shoes off carefully, and made sure that both his shoes and his backpack were put away properly.

Jake couldn’t help but notice the contrast between his two children’s behaviors. Kelly, growing into her role as an independent and assertive young girl, was often quick and exuberant in her actions. In contrast, Kyle, with his careful and deliberate nature, displayed a regard for others that his sister sometimes lacked.

He headed toward Klara’s den, where her voice was still audible from the ongoing video conference. He waited until it was obvious that the meeting had ended, and then knocked lightly on the door frame before entering.

Klara glanced up from her computer screen, giving him a warm smile. “Hey, Jake. How did the twins handle the last day of school?”

“They handled it well,” Jake replied, taking a seat in one of the chairs opposite Klara’s desk. “It’s hard to believe they’re going into fourth grade already.”

Klara leaned back in her chair and sighed, a hint of exhaustion in her eyes. “Tell me about it. Time flies. I can’t believe how much they’ve grown. I’m sure I’ll hear all about it at dinner tonight. I got us reservations at La Grande Mère; Kelly went there several months back with Erin’s family to celebrate when Erin’s mother won her congressional race, Kelly has been raving about the food and the ambiance ever since.”

“Sounds fancy!” Jake replied with a smile. “But before we go, there’s something I’d like to discuss with you.”

Klara seemed ready to listen. But before he could get a word out, a message notification popped on Klara’s laptop. She glanced at the screen and then back at Jake, her expression a mix of frustration and resignation.

“Sorry, Jake, it seems like I have another conference call in about 15 minutes. Work has been relentless lately,” Klara sighed. “Can it wait until dinner?”

Jake nodded understandingly. “Of course, Klara. We can talk about it at dinner.” He rose from his chair and leaned in to give his wife a quick peck on the cheek. “Don’t worry about work too much. We’ll make the most of our dinner tonight.”

Klara managed a weary smile. “Thanks, Jake. I appreciate your understanding. Let’s make it a special evening for the kids. In the meantime, why don’t you throw in a load of laundry? Kelly’s going to need pack a lot of clean clothes for sleepaway camp next week.”

Jake nodded. “Sure thing, Klara. I’ll take care of the laundry.”

As Jake walked out of Klara’s den, he couldn’t shake the feeling of frustration about not having the opportunity to discuss his concerns right away. However, he understood that Klara’s demanding job often took precedence, and he was determined to make the most of their dinner celebration.

As Jake sorted through the laundry, he couldn’t help but reflect on how much had changed over the years. The dynamics within his family had evolved significantly, and he knew that he needed to remind Klara that he had a lot more to offer than just childrearing and housework.

After starting the washing machine, Jake decided to take advantage of the remaining free time he had before dinner to tidy up the house. As he vacuumed the living room, Jake couldn’t ignore the anticipation building inside him. While dinner at La Grande Mère was an opportunity to celebrate the twins’ achievements, it would also determine whether Jake could regain control of his life and pursue the ambitions he’d put on hold for several years.

When it was finally time to leave for dinner, The twins bounded down the stairs dressed in their best outfits, their excitement palpable. Jake couldn’t help but smile at their enthusiasm. Little Kyle was wearing a freshly ironed pair of slacks and a long sleeve light blue button down dress shirt, while his towering sister was wearing the salmon-colored summer dress that Sarah had recently bought for her.

Klara emerged from her den, looking slightly frazzled, she surveyed her diminutive husband’s appearance with a mixture of surprise and disapproval.

“Jake, you’re still wearing that?” Klara’s tone was tinged with displeasure.

Jake looked down at his volunteer assistant uniform, suddenly feeling self-conscious. “Oh, um, yeah. I didn’t have a chance to change yet. I was busy with some chores and—”

Klara interrupted him, her frustration apparent. “Jake, you know how important this dinner is. I can’t believe you’re still wearing that uniform. You need to look presentable. The restaurant is quite upscale, and we’re celebrating the twins’ accomplishments.”

Jake felt a pang of embarrassment. He knew that Klara had a point, but he hadn’t anticipated her reaction.

Klara turned to Kelly. “Your father is hopeless sometimes, Kelly. Can you help him find something more suitable to wear for dinner?”

Kelly, always eager to help and assert her independence, nodded enthusiastically. “Sure, Mom! I’d be happy to pick out something nice for him to wear.”

They were talking over Jake’s head like he wasn’t even there, something that had been happening more frequently now that Kelly was so much taller than he was.

As Kelly headed confidently towards the master bedroom, Jake struggled to keep up with her longer strides. He followed her, feeling a mixture of pride in her independence and a sense of vulnerability as he was once again confronted with the substantial height difference between them.

Inside the bedroom, Kelly began rummaging through his closet, her face scrunched up in concentration. A few moments later, she reemerged with a rather extravagant outfit: a bright purple silk dress shirt and a pair of black trousers that had been exiled to the back of his closet as his waistline had expanded.

“Here you go, Dad,” Kelly said, holding the clothes out to him with a bright smile. “You will look super cool in this outfit.”

Jake hesitated, eyeing the outfit skeptically. “Uh, are you sure about this, Kelly? It’s a bit… flashy, don’t you think?”

Kelly, however, was not about to back down. She was determined to help her father make a good impression, and her ever increasing height advantage seemed to give her a newfound sense of authority.

“Dad,” she said firmly, “this is a special dinner to celebrate our accomplishments. You need to look your best. Trust me, this is the kind of thing that all the cool dads wear. You’ll fit right in, and Mom will be happy.”

Jake felt a mixture of frustration and resignation. He knew that arguing with his daughter, especially given her current stature, would likely be futile. Reluctantly, he took the clothes from her and began changing into the outfit she had chosen. He had to really suck in his stomach to get the pants buttoned.

When he emerged from his bedroom, Kelly and Klara both turned to him with expectant looks. Kelly’s eyes were filled with excitement, while Klara’s expression was more approving than he had anticipated.

“Well, what do you think, Mommy?” Kelly asked, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Klara nodded approvingly. “I think it looks great, Jake. It’s a fun and vibrant choice, perfect for a celebratory dinner.”

Jake was taken aback by their response. He had expected Klara to side with him and help him choose a more conservative outfit. Instead, it seemed like Kelly’s taste was winning the day.

“Thanks for helping your father, Kelly! He needs to be more adventurous with his fashion.”

With the women of the house finally satisfied with Jake’s outfit, the family piled into Klara’s SUV. During the drive to the restaurant, Klara and Kelly chatted excitedly in the front while Jake and Kyle listened quietly in the back.

They soon arrived at La Grande Mère. Klara pulled up to the entrance and tossed her keys to the valet. As the four of them walked inside, Jake couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease. The restaurant was dimly lit, with soft classical music playing in the background. It had been a long time since he’d eaten out somewhere this nice. He couldn’t help but feel underdressed in the clothes his daughter had picked out for him. Next to him, Kyle seemed similarly overwhelmed.

Klara and Kelly however seemed right at home in this upscale setting, their confidence and assertiveness shining through. They greeted the hostess with friendly smiles and requested booster seats for Jake and Kyle. Then the whole family followed the hostess to a corner booth, its cushions upholstered with green morocco leather.

As the family slid into the corner booth, the ambiance of La Grande Mère enveloped them. The restaurant was elegantly decorated with soft, warm lighting that created an intimate atmosphere, and the tantalizing aroma of culinary creations filled the air.

Klara, ever the confident and decisive leader, took charge of ordering for the table, reviewing the ornate menu filled with French delicacies that was nearly as tall as Kyle was. She engaged the waiter in a lively conversation about the specials of the day, and her choices reflected her familiarity with fine dining. Kelly, seated next to her mother, listened intently and offered her own thoughts on the menu.

Jake and Kyle, on the other hand, felt somewhat out of their element. They exchanged nervous glances as they scanned the smaller black and white menus they’d been handed, printed on cheap white paper, and trying to decipher the French names of dishes. When Klara offered to decide for them, they were both relieved.

“Kelly, I’m so proud of your accomplishments in third grade,” Klara said with genuine admiration in her voice. “You’ve really taken on a leadership role, and your academic achievements are outstanding. I can see a bright future ahead of you.”

Kelly beamed with pride, nodding at her mother’s words. “Thanks, Mom. I’ve been working really hard, and I have amazing teachers who inspire me.”

While Jake was genuinely proud of Kelly’s achievements, his sense of unease surged again. He glanced at Kyle, who sat quietly beside him, fidgeting with his napkin. It was evident that Klara’s attention was disproportionately directed towards their daughter.

Feeling a need to balance the conversation and recognize Kyle’s achievements, Jake spoke up. “You know, Kyle has also made some great progress this year. He’s been working on his reading and has shown a lot of improvement.”

Klara’s response was polite but brief. “That’s nice, Kyle. Keep up the good work. Look to your sister as a role model.”

Kyle nodded quietly, his shyness making it difficult for him to assert himself in the conversation. He looked up to Kelly with admiration, but her rapid ascent and self-assuredness had sometimes left him feeling overshadowed. Jake could sense his son’s desire for recognition and approval.

The dinner conversation continued, with Klara and Kelly discussing various aspects of the school year, Kelly’s friends, and future goals. Klara was enthusiastic about Kelly’s involvement in extracurricular activities and encouraged her to explore leadership opportunities in school clubs. Throughout the conversation, it became evident that Klara had high expectations for Kelly’s academic and social success.

When Klara praised Kelly’s independence and maturity, Jake seized the opportunity to make his pitch. “The twins certainly have grown a lot more mature and independent this past year, which relates to I wanted to talk to you about.”

Klara looked at Jake with a hint of curiosity. “And what’s that, Jake?”

Jake paused a moment before replying, choosing his words carefully. “It’s about my role as a volunteer assistant at the school. I’ve been doing it for four years now, and I think it’s time for me to explore other opportunities.”

Klara looked surprised by Jake’s statement. “What brought this on, Jake? You’ve been doing a great job supporting the twins at school, and they value your presence there.”

Jake cleared his throat, meeting Klara’s gaze with determination. “I appreciate that, Klara, and I’ve valued being there for the twins, but I can’t help feeling that it’s time for me to focus on my own aspirations and career.”

Klara’s brow furrowed as she processed Jake’s words. “But Jake, the school values your involvement, and the twins benefit from having you there. I thought we agreed that you volunteering was what was best for our family.”

Jake nodded, acknowledging their initial agreement. “I know we did, Klara, but it was supposed to be temporary. It’s been four years, and I feel like I’ve lost a sense of autonomy and independence. I’ve put my own ambitions on hold for a long time, and I’m ready for new challenges.”

Klara’s expression shifted from surprise to a mixture of frustration and concern. She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a hushed tone as she tried to keep the conversation private in the upscale restaurant.

“Jake, I understand your concerns, but you know how important it is for me to focus on my career, especially with the demands of my job. Your presence at the school has been a tremendous help, and the twins have benefited from it. Are you saying you want to return to work full-time?”

Jake hesitated, knowing this was the critical moment to convey his feelings and desires. “Yes, Klara. I want to explore job opportunities in my field again. I’ve been out of the workforce for too long, and I miss having a career of my own.”

Klara took a deep breath, her brow furrowing in thought. “Jake, I appreciate your honesty, but this is a lot to take in, especially during our celebratory dinner. Can we discuss this further at home, once we’ve had a chance to enjoy the evening with the twins?”

Jake nodded, realizing that this wasn’t the ideal time to have such a serious conversation. “Of course, Klara. Let’s enjoy the dinner and talk more about it later.”

As the family continued with their dinner, the atmosphere remained somewhat strained. Kyle seemed oblivious to the tension between his parents, but Kelly watched them both with a curious expression on her face.

Jake was grateful for the distraction when he spotted a familiar face entering the restaurant in a sexy black dress, with a younger man by her side. Anna Everett had recently been named CEO following Veronica Mitchell’s retirement, and Klara was in the running to replace her as Chief Operating Officer. Anna had come a long way since she was Jake’s intern, and was now known throughout the business world for her bold decision making and assertive personality. As the hostess showed her and her… companion to their table, she spotted Klara and Jake. After setting down her purse, she made her way over to their table, her latest boy toy in tow.

“Klara! Fancy running into you here,” Anna exclaimed, her voice dripping with false surprise. When it came to Anna, very little these days was by accident.

“Anna, it’s nice to see you,” Klara replied, forcing a polite smile.

Anna turned her attention to Kelly, who looked up at her mother’s boss with curiosity. “And who’s this young lady? Your daughter?”

Klara nodded, introducing Kelly with pride. “Yes, this is Kelly, our daughter.”

Anna raised an eyebrow, sizing up the eight-year-old girl. “She’s a spitting image of you, Klara.”

Before Klara could respond, Anna’s companion chimed in, “Anna, we should get back to our table. The sooner we eat, the sooner we can get to the nightclub.”

Anna turned to her companion and sighed dramatically. “Always in a hurry, aren’t you, Richard? You’re lucky you’re so easy on the eyes, little man.”

Ignoring her date’s impatience, Anna leaned in closer to Klara, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial tone. “You know, with the new president’s push for diversity and those pesky hiring quotas for men she pushed through Congress, we’ve been struggling to meet the targets at the office.”

Klara nodded, aware of the new policies being implemented by Olivia Clarke’s controversial and reform-driven administration. “It’s certainly a challenging time for businesses.”

Anna’s gaze shifted toward Jake, who had been quietly observing the conversation. “You know, Klara, I couldn’t help but notice your husband over there.”

Klara seemed taken aback. “Jake? What about him?”

Anna smirked, as if she were sharing a secret. “Well, he used to work for us, didn’t he? And he’s a man. We’re looking for ways to meet those quotas, and I thought, why not bring him back on board?”

“Anna, Jake hasn’t worked in his field for years,” Klara replied cautiously. “His skills might be outdated, and he’s still needed at home.”

Anna wasn’t deterred. “I understand your concern, Klara. But these quotas are putting quite a bit of pressure on us. It could be a win-win situation if Jake can transition back into the workforce smoothly. He knows the company culture, and that could be a valuable asset. We could start him off on a trial basis, see how he fits in. It would certainly help our diversity metrics.”

Klara hesitated, torn between her desire to support Jake and her ambition to secure the position of Chief Operating Officer. She understood that Anna’s proposal could benefit both the company and her own career ambitions, but she also worried about the impact it might have on the family.

Before she could respond, it was Kelly who spoke up, surprising everyone at the table. The eight-year-old’s eyes sparkled with determination as she leaned forward and said, “Mom, I think it’s a great idea for Dad to go back to work. He’s really smart and talented, and it’s not fair for him to put his dreams on hold for so long. Plus, I’m not a little kid anymore; I can handle more responsibilities, and Kyle is growing up too. Dad should have the chance to pursue his career again.”

Jake was touched by his daughter’s unwavering support. Klara looked at Kelly with a mix of surprise and pride, seeing her daughter’s growing maturity and empathy. She also couldn’t ignore the realization that Kelly was right.

Anna leaned in closer, adding her own perspective. “Klara, think about it. If we can make this work, it could be a positive example for other families facing similar challenges. We have a chance to really be ahead of the curve on this.”

Klara took a deep breath and considered the implications of the decision. She knew that bringing Jake back into the workforce would require adjustments in their family life, but it was also an opportunity for him to regain his independence and career satisfaction. Plus, it might enhance her own chances of becoming COO.

She turned her attention to her family. “If this is going to work, the twins are going to need to step up. Especially you, Kelly. I think you’re ready for additional responsibility.”

Jake glanced over at Kelly, who had been listening attentively, and could see a mixture of anticipation and curiosity in his daughter’s eyes. “I’m ready, Mom. I’ll do whatever it takes to help the family.”

“And your father won’t have as much time for housework,” Klara continued. “So, Kyle, you’ll have to pick up the slack in that area. Under your sister’s guidance and direction, of course.”

Kyle, who had been listening quietly, nodded solemnly. “I’ll do my best to help out more around the house. I know this is something that Dad has wanted for a long time. And I know Kelly will keep me on track. Besides, these are skills I’ll need when I have my own family someday.”

Finally, Klara gave in. “Alright, we’ll give it a try.”

Anna smiled, clearly pleased with the outcome. “Excellent! I’ll arrange a meeting with the HR department first thing next week. We’ll discuss the details and set up a plan for Jake’s return. This will be a great opportunity for us to demonstrate our commitment to diversity. And rest assured, Klara, I’ll make sure the board of directors recognizes your role in making this happen.”

As Anna and her date said good night and returned to their own table, the whole family’s mood seemed lighter.

Klara turned to Kelly with a proud smile. “You know, Kelly, you’re growing into quite a remarkable young lady.”

Jake reached over and squeezed his daughter’s hand, his heart filled with gratitude. “We’re lucky to have such an amazing daughter, Kelly. Your support means everything to me.”

Kelly beamed with pride, her sense of accomplishment evident. “Thanks, Mom. I just want what’s best for all of us. And I know Kyle will do great at his new chores, too.”

After their delicious meal, the family left the restaurant with a sense of renewal and optimism. Jake’s desire to go back to work has been a source of tension that had loomed over his and Klara’s marriage for a long time, and now that tension had dissipated. As they stepped out into the warm evening air, Klara, Jake, and the twins walked together toward Klara’s SUV with a new sense of unity and purpose.

The twins, still brimming with excitement from the dinner and the unexpected turn of events, chattered animatedly about their upcoming summer plans. Kelly couldn’t wait to attend the sleepaway camp she’d been looking forward to for months, while Kyle was eager to starting learning how to manage a household from his father. Their enthusiasm was contagious, and it brought smiles to the faces of their parents.

As the city lights passed by on the drive home, casting a warm glow on the family inside the SUV, Jake couldn’t help but reflect on how well the evening had gone, despite the rough start. He knew the decisions made at the celebratory dinner would be a turning point for their family. Rejoining the workforce was a significant step towards regaining his independence and pursuing his own ambitions, and it came with the full support of his wife and children.

As they entered the house, Klara turned to Jake with a soft smile. “It’s a new chapter for our family, Jake. I know it won’t be without its challenges, but we’re in this together. I’m sorry if I’ve sometimes lost sight of that.”

Jake smiled back at Klara, his heart filled with a renewed sense of hope and determination. “I understand, Klara. We’ve both had our own challenges to navigate, but I know you have my back now. And I will always have yours. I’m excited about the possibilities that lie ahead for all of us.”

With their resilient family finally all on the same page, Jake and Klara were ready to embark on this new chapter together. As they settled into the warm embrace of their home, the twins, their futures brimming with promise, prepared for the adventures that awaited them in the coming summer. At least for the moment, the challenges of the past seemed distant, and the possibilities of the future felt as boundless as the love that held their family together.

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Chapter 13: The Kindergarten Adventure Sun, 17 Sep 2023 01:27:00 +0000 The next couple years passed quickly and happily. Excitement filled the air as autumn approached yet again. Kelly and Kyle were about to embark on a new adventure – starting kindergarten. The twins had been eagerly anticipating this milestone, excited about the idea of making new friends, learning new things, and exploring the world beyond their home.

While Jake had enjoyed getting to spend so much time with his children the past five years, he was also restless for the school year to begin. He had been looking forward to returning to work, eager to rekindle his career after taking a break to care for the twins. He envisioned himself back in the corporate world, tackling challenges, and achieving new milestones. The prospect of reclaiming his professional identity was exhilarating.

One evening, as Jake was discussing his plans with Klara, his excitement was palpable. “Klara, I can’t believe how quickly the time has flown by. With the twins starting kindergarten soon, and it’s finally time for me to restart my career.”

Klara looked down at him, her expression unreadable. “It’s great to see you so motivated, baby.”

However, Klara’s tone shifted slightly, and she hesitated before continuing. “But there’s something we need to talk about. As you know, Kelly and Kyle’s new elementary school highly encourages parent volunteers to work with the students. It’s a big part of their child-focused approach to education. Starting kindergarten can be a big adjustment, and having a parent involved can provide a sense of security and comfort.”

Jake was shocked. “You want me to start volunteering at their school? I thought we were going to discuss me going back to work.”

“Be patient, dear.” Klara replied, smiling in spite of herself. “When we first open the pool each spring and the water’s still freezing, do we leap right into the deep end? No, of course we don’t. We start by dipping our toes into the shallow end. Think of this opportunity as a way of dipping your toes back into the shallow end of the workforce.”

“Klara, I appreciate your concern, but I was really looking forward to getting back to work. It’s essential for my career, and it’s been a long time coming.”

“I’ve made my decision, Jake.” Klara’s stated flatly, a new edge to her voice. “I’ve already notified the school that you will be a full time volunteer. Believe me, you will be very busy. And what could be more rewarding than helping your children maximize their potential?”

Jake knew Klara couldn’t understand why going back to work was so important to him. She was making mid-six figures since her latest promotion, so his paycheck wouldn’t be much of a contribution to their family anymore. And he knew she believed her decision would make him happy in the long run, even if it didn’t right now. Her years as an executive and the family’s sole breadwinner had made her supremely confident. As her confidence had grown, Jake’s time as a househusband and stay-at-home dad had left him more diffident. While Klara took care to include him in decision-making when she thought it was appropriate, in certain matters her will was now indomitable. And after five years of marriage, they had both grown more comfortable with him taking a more submissive role. After all, Klara was an excellent provider. She deserved his full support.

“If it makes you happy, then I am happy.” He felt his resistance to her decision melt away before he’d finished speaking the words.

Before he knew it, Labor Day had come and gone and it was the first day of school for him as well as the twins. After cleaning up the kitchen after breakfast, Jake got dressed quickly and then sought out his wife.

“How do I look?” he asked nervously.

Klara looked him up and down with a warm smile. “You look great, Jake,” she reassured him. “Just let me touch up a couple things.”

Jake tried not to squirm as Klara fussed with the uniform she had given him for his first day of school: A light blue short-sleeve collared shirt, knee-length brown pleated shorts, and an uncomfortable pair of white flat-soled shoes. The words “Volunteer Assistant” were embroidered on the left breast of the shirt in darker blue stitching. It didn’t fit him the best, feeling maybe a size too large.

Klara looked him over one last time and then nodded to herself. “There. You look good. Now, let’s get going. We don’t want to be late on your first day.”

They gathered Kelly and Kyle and headed out to Klara’s car. Kelly strapped Kyle into his rear-facing car seat, while Klara helped Jake up into his forward-facing booster seat. Then Klara and Kelly climbed into the front of the car. The drive to the elementary school was quick, and as they arrived, Jake couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia and anticipation.

“Remember, Kelly and Kyle, be yourselves, make friends, and learn as much as you can,” Klara said as she stopped the car in front of their new school. Her voice was filled with maternal affection.

Kelly nodded, her eyes wide with excitement. “Okay, Mommy!”

Kyle, ever the quieter of the two, simply smiled and nodded shyly.

Jake felt a swell of pride as he watched Kelly help her brother out of the car. The twins were growing up so quickly, and he couldn’t help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the part of their childhood that was now ending.

Once Kelly had closed the door, Klara turned her attention to her husband, her words carrying a tone of expectation. “Remember that your behavior reflects on all of us. Anna had to use some pull to get the twins admitted into this school, and I’d hate for her to come to regret it. I expect you to be courteous and obedient at all times.”

Once he’d agreed, Klara got out of the car and helped him down from his booster seat. As Jake stepped out of the car, he resisted the urge to adjust the uncomfortable uniform he was wearing. He watched as Klara gave each of the twins a hug and kiss, reminding them to be good students.

As Jake escorted the twins into the school building, he felt a pang of unease. While he had been looking forward to rejoining the workforce, this wasn’t what he’d had in mind. The idea of being a full-time volunteer at a school was a significant shift. However, he was determined to support his family and obey Klara’s decision.

As usual, Kelly was leading the way. “Me and Mommy visited the school last week, and she showed me our classroom. Come on, Kyle, I take you!”

Before Jake knew it, his children had vanished and he found himself surrounded by towering figures. It wasn’t just the teachers; after all, even in grade school, all of the girls were much bigger than he was.

As the last of the confused students were directed to the appropriate classrooms, found himself a loss at loss for where he was supposed to go. But eventually, one of the teachers spotted him in his uniform and directed him to the gymnasium.

When he got to the gym, the most massive woman he had ever seen was standing by the door. She was at least half a foot taller than Klara, and her wool sweater strained against her muscular body.

“You must be Kelly’s husband, Jake.” She said, after a glance at her clipboard.

“Oh yes! I’m Jake. You must be the headmistress, Agatha?”

“Headmistress Steelgrave,” She corrected sternly.

Remembering his conversation with Klara in the car, Jake backpedaled immediately. “My apologies, Headmistress. I thought I’d heard my wife refer to you as Agatha over the phone.”

Her frown deepened further. “We expect more formality from our volunteer assistants. Once you start working in the classroom, it’s important that the boys see you demonstrating proper deference to your superiors.”

Having made her point, and she stepped aside and permitted him to enter the gym.

Inside, Jake spotted a few dozen men seated on the bottom few rows of the bleachers, dressed exactly the same as he was. He moved quickly to join them.

After a few minutes, a new woman strode confidently across the gym and stood before them. She wasn’t quite as tall as Headmistress Steelgrave, but she was equally muscular. She was quite young looking, too, more like a college student than a working professional. Her long blonde hair flowed down one shoulder, coming to rest on her left breast. She was clutching a clipboard of her own. As she smiled at the assembled volunteers, Jake couldn’t help but notice how vibrantly white her teeth were.

“Welcome to Angelica Livingston Elementary, assistants!” the young woman began, her voice surprisingly youthful and girlish. “Many of you volunteered with us previously, but I see several names marked as new participants. Quiet please, so we can get started.”

The men surrounding Jake on a bleachers fell silent immediately.

“First let me introduce myself. You and the students will know me as Ms. Marshall. This is my first year here at the school. I’m currently finishing up my Master’s degree in Education, and I’ll be student teaching in Mrs. Walker’s classroom. But in addition, Headmistress Steelgrave has also asked me to serve as volunteer coordinator. Each of you will be assigned to a classroom and a teacher. But for matters outside of the classroom, I will be your first point of contact. When I’m not teaching, I will be visiting your classrooms and monitoring your performance. For our students to be successful, you gentlemen will need to provide the necessary support. If you want to be respected, you must earn it each and every day. No volunteer assistant is above the rules and anybody who violates them will be held accountable. Is that understood?”

Jake nodded right along with the other men on the bleachers.

She smiled brightly at their quick acquiescence. “With that out of the way, welcome! I have name tags made up for each of you already. I will read off your names one by one, followed by a teacher’s name, and a room number. When your name is called, take your name tag from me and then proceed directly to the room number identified.”

Ms. Marshall proceeded methodically down the list, and Jake watched as one man after another clambered down the bleachers, took his name tag, and then headed for the door. After a few minutes, he was the only one left.

“Jacob Tsai, Mrs. Walker, Classroom K-1,” she read finally, and then looked up from her clipboard.

“Looks like you’re with me, little man!” she said, smiling kindly as she handed him his name tag.

Looking at it as he pinned it to his shirt, he noticed that it just had his first name, “Jake”.

With the name tag pinned to his uniform, he followed Ms. Marshall out of the gymnasium and through the halls of the elementary school. After years spent mostly at home, the building felt cavernous. Brightly colored walls were adorned with children’s artwork and educational posters. As they marched through the school, Jake practically had to run to keep up with Ms. Marshall’s much longer strides.

When they got to the classroom, Mrs. Walker welcomed them warmly and provided Jake with a schedule of his responsibilities. Jake couldn’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed as he glanced at the list of tasks that included assisting in classrooms, helping with school events, and supervising the children during recess.

“Class, this is Jake, our new volunteer assistant. Can you all say hello to him?” Mrs. Walker encouraged the children.

“Hello, Jake!” the children chimed in unison. Kelly waved to him from the back of the classroom.

Jake couldn’t help but smile at their enthusiasm. “Hello, everyone! I’m excited to be here with you all.”

“I was just walking the kids through our morning routine,” Mrs. Walker explained. “Next up is the Pledge of Allegiance! We practiced a few times already, and now Erin is going to lead us through it.”

She gestured to the blonde girl in the red t-shirt standing at the front of the class.

“Her mother taught her the words when she became our state senator. Jake, why don’t you join us this time?”
Jake soon found himself at the front of the class, standing in front of the chalkboard next to the blonde girl in red. His chin barely cleared the chalk and eraser tray along the bottom edge of the chalkboard.

Facing the rest of the kindergarten class, Jake stood there with his hand over his heart staring up at the large flag pinned to the wall over the chalkboard. When Erin began to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, he took care to match her words and pacing along with the children.

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the Matriarchal States of America…”

While the girls’ voices were united in patriotic recitation, many of the boys seemed to be stumbling over the words which were still so new to them.

“…and to the sisterhood for which it stands, one Nation of women, by women, and for women, with compassion and camaraderie for all.”

It felt surreal to him, being in a room full of kindergartners, behaving like one of them. Standing at the front of the class, Jake felt like there was an uncomfortable spotlight on him. But he knew he had to follow the classroom rules.

After the Pledge of Allegiance, Mrs. Walker led the class through various lessons and activities. Jake tried his best to assist, helping students with their assignments, answering questions, and occasionally redirecting their attention when they got distracted. However, the children quickly picked up on the fact that Jake didn’t have the same level of authority as Mrs. Walker and Ms. Marshall. He couldn’t help but notice that the girls especially didn’t take him as seriously as they did their female teachers. It wasn’t long before they started testing his limits, talking over him, and occasionally disregarding his instructions.

By contrast, Mrs. Walker’s authority was absolute, and the children followed her instructions without question. Jake found himself impressed by her ability to maintain control while fostering a warm and nurturing atmosphere. He was beginning to understand why the headmistress had assigned Ms. Marshall to her classroom.

The staff lounge was restricted to faculty and female staff, so Jake sat with the other volunteer assistants in the cafeteria at lunch. They were all men like him, wearing the same uniform and following the same rules. They shared stories and discussed their experiences so far. Most of them had never worked outside the home. And even those who had worked had held subordinate positions like receptionists, file clerks, and janitors. Only one of the other volunteer assistants had attempted an actual career like Jake had. This was Tom’s fifth consecutive year as a volunteer assistant.

“It’s not easy, is it?” Tom leaned over and whispered. “Being a volunteer assistant is a lot different from the corporate world.”

Jake nodded in agreement. “It’s a major adjustment, that’s for sure. I’m used to collaborating as part of a team, and now I feel like I’m just following orders.”

Tom chuckled. “You’ll get used to it. Wait until you get to fourth grade and they start making you address the girl students as Ms. So-And-So. But whenever I get frustrated, I just have to remind myself that we’re here to support the education and growth of these children. It’s a noble cause.”

At recess, Jake joined the children on the playground. The boys and girls played together, but it was clear that the girls were more dominant and assertive. Jake watched as they organized games, set rules, and resolved conflicts among themselves. The boys, including his own son Kyle, all instinctively deferred to their much larger female classmates. He supposed that the same had been true when he was their age, but that wasn’t how he remembered it.

Jake held back with the other newbies and watched how the more experienced volunteer assistants engaged with the children. When arguments arose on the playground, they got actively involved with the younger kids. But they were far more cautious when one of the older, bigger girls in the upper grades was involved. Those girls spoke to the volunteer assistants politely, but it was clear that they didn’t view them as their equals.

As recess came to an end, Ms. Marshall approached Jake and the other volunteer assistants. “Great job, everyone, for helping out during recess,” she commended. “Now, it’s time to head back to your assigned classrooms.”

Jake returned to Mrs. Walker’s classroom, and the afternoon passed in a blur of lessons, activities, and helping students. While he still felt out of place, he was too busy to dwell on it. And the children were starting to accept him as a regular presence, even though they still looked to the teachers instead of him when they needed help.

During one particularly challenging moment, Jake tried to redirect a group of children who were getting too noisy, but his efforts were met with giggles and dismissive looks. Mrs. Walker, noticing the disruption, stepped in and effortlessly restored order with a calm but authoritative tone. Afterward, she pulled him aside for a quiet word.

“Jake,” Mrs. Walker said kindly, “I appreciate your enthusiasm and eagerness to assist, but you may find it more effective to observe and learn how Ms. Marshall and I manage the classroom. Remember, this is your first day too, and just as much of a learning experience as it is for the children. We’ll get you more hands on gradually, so that everybody has time to adjust.”

Jake nodded. He felt somewhat deflated but understood her point. “If that’s what you think is best, Mrs. Walker.”

Jake limited his interactions with the children for the remainder of the afternoon, as he honored Mrs. Walker’s request that he focus more on observation than participation. He answered questions when asked, helped with tasks as needed, and tried his best to blend into the background. At the end of the school day, Jake helped the students with their belongings and then watched them shuffle out of the classroom, with only Kelly and Kyle hanging back. Mrs. Walker thanked him for his assistance and reminded him that he would have more opportunities to be actively involved as he gained experience.

As he walked with the twins to Klara’s car, Kelly couldn’t stop talking about her exciting day at school. She chatted animatedly about the new friends she had made, the fun activities they had done, and how much she admired Mrs. Walker and Ms. Marshall. It was clear that Kelly was thriving in this new environment, where she was surrounded by strong female role models. Kyle, although visibly exhausted, seemed content but quieter in comparison.

Once they were all secured in Klara’s car, Kelly repeated her account of her first day to her mother.

“Mommy, you won’t believe what we did in class today!” Kelly exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement. “We learned the Pledge of Allegiance, and I made a new friend named Lily. She has the prettiest hair, and we played together during recess.”

“That sounds wonderful, sweetheart,” Klara replied with a warm smile, clearly pleased by Kelly’s enthusiasm. “I’m so glad you had a great first day.”

Jake felt a twinge of guilt as he watched Klara and Kelly bond over their shared excitement about school. He wished he could be as enthusiastic about his own experience, but the reality of being a volunteer assistant was sinking in, and it was far from the career he had envisioned for himself.

As they settled in for dinner that evening, Klara asked Kyle about his first day at school. Unlike Kelly’s animated storytelling, Kyle’s response was more subdued.

“It was okay,” Kyle replied, looking down at his plate. “I played with the building blocks, and my teacher is nice.”

Jake couldn’t help but notice the contrast between his children’s experiences. Kelly was thriving in her new environment, making friends and embracing the structured learning environment, while Kyle seemed to be taking a more reserved approach to his first day.

After dinner, once he’d finished cleaning up the table and washing the dishes, he joined Klara in front of the television.

Once the evening news with Lena Fischer ended, Klara turned to Jake, her expression serious. “Jake, I hope you understand why I made this decision for you. It’s essential for the children’s development and our family as a whole. But it’s also a way for you to show me that you can adapt and excel in a different environment.”

Jake listened to Klara’s words, feeling a mixture of frustration and resignation. He knew that Klara was determined to see him succeed in his role as a volunteer assistant at the twins’ school, but it was challenging for him to accept this significant shift in his life. He had envisioned himself back in the corporate world, tackling challenging projects, and regaining his professional identity. However, Klara’s unwavering confidence in her decision left him with little room for argument.

“I understand, Klara,” Jake replied with a sigh. “I’ll do my best to excel in this role and prove to you that I can adapt to this new environment.”

She ruffled his hair affectionately. “Consider this experience as an opportunity to gain new skills, build connections, and showcase your dedication. If you excel in this role, it will open up doors for you in the future. And when the time is right, I’ll fully support your return to the corporate world. But I’m the one who will decide when the time is right. For now, I need you to focus on this commitment for the sake of our family and the children.”

They watched a rerun of “Mother Knows Best”, and then Jake got up to help Kelly and Kyle brush their teeth. He noticed that Kelly, who had always been more outspoken and assertive, was a little less deferential to him. After they were done in the bathroom, he always read the twins a story. This time, she insisted on choosing the book herself. And when she got into bed, she adjusted her blankets to her liking without letting him help. Jake couldn’t help but feel a pang of discomfort, remembering the struggles he’d had when she was a toddler.

As he left the twins’ room, Jake couldn’t help but wonder if Kelly’s experience at school, surrounded by strong female authority figures, was starting to influence her behavior at home. It was something he would need to keep an eye on and discuss with Klara.

“Something bothering you?” Klara asked, when he rejoined her in the living room.

Jake nodded, deciding to share his observations about Kelly. “Everything is fine, Klara. I just noticed that Kelly was a bit different tonight, a little less deferential. I wonder if it’s because of her experiences at school today.”

Klara smiled knowingly. “It’s entirely possible, Jake. But the assertiveness you’re describing is a sign that Kelly’s growing and thriving, which is exactly what we want for her. It’s important for you to embrace this change, even if it means a slight shift in her tone.”

Jake couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease about the changes he was witnessing in Kelly’s behavior. He hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts, before speaking up. “Klara, I understand that Kelly’s growth and development are crucial, and I want nothing more than for her to thrive. But I also want to make sure we maintain a balance at home. We’ve always worked together as parents, and it’s essential that we continue to do so.”

Klara gave him a patient look, her eyes softening as she reached out to take his hand. “Jake, I appreciate your concern, but we can’t stifle her development because of our own insecurities.”

Jake nodded, acknowledging her point, but he still felt uneasy. “I just don’t want her to lose the respect and discipline we’ve worked so hard to instill in her. It’s important that she understands boundaries and respects authority.”

Klara leaned in closer, her tone gentle yet firm. “Jake, you need to trust me on this. I have full confidence in our daughter’s ability to maintain respect and discipline while also developing her assertiveness and independence. And as for boundaries and respecting authority, that’s precisely what she’s learning at school, under the guidance of experienced teachers and administrators.”

Jake sighed, realizing that Klara had made up her mind and that further argument would likely be futile. He gave her a resigned smile. “Alright, Klara. I trust your judgment. I just need some time to adjust to all of this.”

Klara squeezed his hand reassuringly. “Thank you for understanding, Jake. Oh, and before I forget: I’ll be out of town on a business trip next week. I’ve arranged for your sister to pick you and the twins up from school while I’m gone. Sarah will be staying in the guest room and watching the twins so that you can use the evenings to catch up on housework.”

Jake nodded, trying not to dwell on how he accepted Klara’s latest unilateral decision without protest. “That sounds like a good plan, Klara.”

After the show she was watching ended, Klara turned off the TV, and they made their way to the bedroom. Jake got ready for bed, changing out of his volunteer assistant uniform and into his pajamas. Klara did the same, and they climbed into bed together.

As Klara settled comfortably into her side of the bed, her breathing soon became slow and steady, and Jake knew that she had fallen easily to asleep. However, Jake found himself unable to follow suit. The room was quiet, except for the soft hum of the air conditioning, and the gentle rhythm of Klara’s breathing beside him.

Jake’s thoughts swirled with a sense of unease that had been building throughout the day. He couldn’t shake the feeling that he was slowly losing control over his life. Klara’s decision for him to become a full-time volunteer assistant at the twins’ school had upended his plans for returning to his career. He had been eager to reclaim his professional identity, but now he felt like he was adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

As he lay there in the darkness, his mind raced with questions and doubts. How would he cope with the challenges of being a volunteer assistant at a school, surrounded by strong and assertive women? How could he balance his role as a parent with his newfound responsibilities at the school? And what would become of his own aspirations and ambitions?

Jake knew that Klara had made this decision with the best interests of their family in mind, but he couldn’t help but feel a sense of powerlessness. He had always been a supportive husband, willing to take on a more submissive role in their relationship, but this felt different. It felt like he was losing a part of himself, and he wasn’t sure how to reconcile that with the expectations placed upon him.

As the minutes turned into hours, Jake continued to stare up at the ceiling, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts and emotions. He knew that he needed to find a way to adapt to this new chapter in their lives, but he also couldn’t deny the growing sense of foreboding that lingered in the back of his mind.

Eventually, exhaustion overcame him, and he drifted into a fitful sleep, still wrestling with the uncertainty of the future and the weight of the decisions that had been made for him.

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