collegestudents – Mini GTS Fiction Stories about women who quite a bit larger than normal. Sun, 18 Feb 2024 19:11:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 collegestudents – Mini GTS Fiction 32 32 229544190 Chapter 5: The New Interns Thu, 10 Aug 2023 05:49:00 +0000 Over the next few weeks, Jake found himself collaborating with Klara on several projects, their combined expertise leading to innovative solutions and successful outcomes. As they worked together, Jake was pleasantly surprised to discover that Klara was not only intelligent and capable, but also genuinely respectful of his experience and insights.

Their interactions helped to dissolve some of Jake’s initial resentment towards Klara, as he recognized the value she brought to the team. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of satisfaction as he witnessed their joint efforts making a positive impact.

Meanwhile, Jake continued to handle the bulk of the Unit’s administrative tasks. While he still found the tasks beneath his skill level, he began to view them as a necessary component of the team’s success.

Jake kept his nose to the grindstone, and slowly he began to notice a shift in his relationship with Victoria.

One morning, Victoria approached Jake as he was sorting through several boxes of old compliance records. Patricia had let them get quite disorganized when she had led the unit.

“Jake, can I have a word?” she asked, her demeanor more serious than usual.

Jake stood up and faced her, a touch of apprehension in his gaze as he peered up into her eyes. “Of course, Ms. Waters. What can I do for you?”

Victoria looked at Jake with a slightly sheepish expression. “Jake, I’ve been observing your work over the past few weeks, and I must admit that I’m impressed. You’ve been collaborating effectively with Klara on those projects, and the results have been outstanding.”

Jake was surprised by Victoria’s words, but he nodded appreciatively. “Thank you, Ms. Waters. I believe Klara’s insights and my experience have complemented each other well.”

Victoria nodded in agreement. “Indeed. I can see that the partnership is proving to be beneficial for whole office. In light of that, I’ve been reevaluating the distribution of responsibilities within the Admin Team.”

Jake’s curiosity was piqued. “What do you mean?”

“Well, as you know, the newest batch of summer interns are starting next week and Anna suggested you’d be the perfect person to show them the ropes. She wants them to have as successful an experience as she did when she interned for you.”

“I’m honored that Anna sees me fit for the role,” Jake replied, a note of genuine appreciation in his voice. “I’d be more than happy to help the new interns settle in and provide them with guidance.”

Victoria smiled, and Jake noticed a hint of warmth in her expression. “I’m glad to hear that, Jake. I’m confident that the interns will benefit greatly from your mentorship. And with them handling the bulk of the clerical and administrative work, you’ll have more time to collaborate with Klara on priority projects.”

Jake was heartened by Victoria’s acknowledgment of his efforts and the new responsibilities that were being assigned to him. Over the next week, he took the time to prepare for the arrival of the summer interns, putting together informative materials, organizing their training schedule, and ensuring that everything would run smoothly.

As the interns filed in on Monday morning, Jake couldn’t help but notice that they were all female. Their youthful exuberance and towering heights made him feel somewhat self-conscious, and a few of them openly scoffed when they learned they would be reporting to him. As the day wore on, Jake found it challenging to command their respect. The young women seemed more interested in chatting amongst themselves and exchanging amused glances whenever Jake gave instructions or explanations. Their dismissive attitudes made Jake’s task of guiding and mentoring them feel like an uphill battle.

By the end of the day, Jake was feeling disheartened. But as he was preparing to leave the office, Klara tapped his shoulder. “Jake, can we talk for a moment?”

“Of course, Klara,” Jake replied, swiveling his chair around to face her.

Klara wheeled her own chair closer, and continued the conversation at a whisper. “I couldn’t help but notice that you’re having some challenges with the new interns.”

Jake let out a sigh, his frustration evident. “Yeah, you could say that. It’s just… I’m struggling to get them to take me seriously. It’s like they see me as someone beneath them because I’m a man.”

Klara nodded, and met his gaze with an understanding expression. “I can see how that might be difficult. But Jake, you have so much to offer them in terms of your experience and insights. Maybe it’s about finding a different way to connect with them.”

Jake leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “You might be onto something, Klara. I just need to figure out how to bridge that gap and make them see me as a valuable mentor.”

Klara smiled encouragingly. “I have faith in you, Jake. And if you need any help or ideas, I’m here to support you.”

Jake felt a sense of gratitude towards Klara for her genuine support and encouragement. Over the next few days, he took Klara’s advice to heart and started to approach his interactions with the interns from a different angle. He began sharing personal anecdotes about his early days at the company, emphasizing the importance of hard work, dedication, and learning from one’s mistakes. He also started involving them in discussions about the unit’s ongoing projects, giving them a taste of the strategic thinking and decision-making process.

Once they saw how much he was contributing to the company’s success, the interns’ attitudes toward him started to change.

Meanwhile, Jake’s partnership with Klara continued to flourish. They were collaborating even more now, and Jake’s admiration for Klara’s intelligence, warmth, and dedication only grew. Their conversations slowly expanded from purely professional topics to more personal ones, as their relationship deepened from colleagues to genuine friends.

Soon, Jake realized that his feelings for Klara were growing beyond friendship, and he found himself wanting to spend more time with her both inside and outside of work. Their interactions became increasingly charged with a sense of anticipation and underlying attraction. Jake’s heart raced every time Klara walked into the room, and he looked forward to their conversations and collaboration. He couldn’t help but notice the way Klara’s eyes lit up when she talked about their projects or how her laughter echoed through the office, brightening even the dullest days.

One evening, after they’d stayed late to finish up a priority project with a tight deadline, Jake mustered the courage to ask Klara out for coffee. To his delight, she agreed!

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