bigmama – Mini GTS Fiction Stories about women who quite a bit larger than normal. Sun, 18 Feb 2024 19:03:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 bigmama – Mini GTS Fiction 32 32 229544190 Chapter 6: The Family Dinner Sun, 13 Aug 2023 02:02:00 +0000 Jake and Klara both enjoyed their casual coffee outing, and it laid the groundwork for their relationship to blossom into something beautiful and meaningful. Soon, Klara was taking him out on intimate dinner dates. Before long, they were spend all of their weekends together. Jake found himself enjoying Klara’s company more and more, and his initial nervousness gave way to a sense of comfort and joy whenever he was with her.

And if he was being honest, he was enjoying being sexually intimate again. He had done well for himself in college, reaping the benefits of being one of the only guys on a campus that was 92 percent female. But the well had run dry after he’d graduated, and he’d told himself that was okay since he needed to focus on his career anyway.

However, as their relationship grew stronger, they faced the challenge of keeping their romance a secret in the office. They both understood the potential complications that could arise from their colleagues’ perceptions and judgments. Klara was new to the company and was just starting to build her reputation, while Jake didn’t want to jeopardize the little bit of progress he’d made professionally since Anna had paired him up with Klara. So they both had good reasons to be apprehensive about revealing their relationship.

They became adept at maintaining a professional demeanor during office hours, refraining from any public displays of affection. Their conversations remained friendly and respectful, with no hints of their deeper feelings. Klara would occasionally drop by Jake’s desk to discuss work-related matters, their eyes subtly exchanging glances that spoke volumes about their shared affection.

Outside the office, however, they reveled in the happiness of their newfound relationship. Like most unmarried men, Jake still lived at home with his parents and soon his mother and sisters grew suspicious about his frequent absences. Jake’s mother and sisters began to notice his frequent absences and started asking questions about his whereabouts. He found himself crafting elaborate stories to explain his evenings and weekends, feeling a mixture of guilt and excitement as he juggled his double life.

Klara’s apartment felt like a sanctuary where they could truly be themselves, and they cherished the moments they spent there, away from prying eyes and judgment. One evening, as they were sharing a private moment in Klara’s bed, Jake’s phone rang with an incoming call. He grabbed it from the nightstand and glanced at the screen. His heart skipped a beat when he saw that it was his sister Sarah calling, and he exchanged a worried glance with Klara before answering the call.

“Hey, sis. What’s up?” Jake tried to sound casual, but his anxiety was palpable.

“Mom and I were just hoping you’d bring that secret girlfriend that you don’t think we know about to dinner tomorrow night. The whole family wants to meet her.”

“What makes you think I’m dating someone?” Jake asked, weighing his words carefully.

Jake could practically hear his sister rolling her eyes on the other end of the line. “Come on, Jake. We’re not blind. I know you think you’ve been pulling a fast one on us, but the whole thing is pretty obvious.”

“Who is it?” Klara asked, still cradling Jake under the bed sheets with one of her long powerful arms.

“It’s my sister, Sarah.” Jake whispered. “She wants me to bring my ‘secret girlfriend’ to dinner tomorrow night so the family can meet her.”

Jake and Klara shared a knowing look, their laughter bubbling up as they realized that their secret was no match for Jake’s perceptive sister.

“I guess I can’t avoid it any longer,” Jake said, a mix of resignation and amusement in his voice. “Looks like I’ll have to introduce you to my family.”

Klara chuckled softly, her fingers tracing gentle patterns on Jake’s arm. “Well, I’m looking forward to meeting your family, Jake. And I promise, I’ll do my best to make a good impression.”

Over the next day, Jake felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness as he prepared to bring Klara to his family’s dinner. He had never introduced a woman to his family before, and the fact that Klara was also his colleague added an extra layer of complexity to the situation. He filled Klara in on some basic details about his family, trying to prepare her for the experience.

When the evening arrived, Jake and Klara stood side by side outside his parents’ house, taking a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. Jake’s heart raced as the door swung open and he was greeted by his parents, his younger sister Emily, and of course, Sarah, who looked both smug and amused.

“Jake, you finally decided to bring your mystery woman,” Sarah said, her tone teasing as she exchanged a knowing glance with Klara.

Emily, the baby of the family, was just thrilled to see her brother. She ran down the steps and threw her arms around him, almost toppling him over in the process. She was only in kindergarten, but like all girls her age she was growing like a weed. Emily was a nearly a head taller than Jake by now, and still hadn’t gotten used to being so much bigger than him.

As Jake and Klara stepped into Jake’s family home, they exchanged a look that conveyed a mix of excitement and uncertainty. They knew that keeping their relationship a secret in the office was challenging enough, but the prospect of introducing Klara as Jake’s girlfriend to his family felt far more daunting somehow. Klara greeted Jake’s family with warmth and politeness, and her friendly demeanor quickly put them at ease.

As Jake’s father brought the turkey out, Jake’s mother Michelle gave him an affectionate pat on the ass. Michelle’s arm was bulging with muscle; she had held the high school record in the shot put for over a decade, and her success in the sport had earned her a full athletic scholarship and taken her to the Olympics. Even though she’d been retired from the sport for many years, she prided herself on keeping up her immense strength.

Jake’s father Fred could not have been more different from his immense wife, as soft and squishy (especially around the middle) as his wife’s physique was rock hard. A bald man with an impressive mustache, he was an excellent cook. He had been raised in a traditional family, and firmly believed that a man’s place was in the home, and that his thoughts out seldom to emerge from it. Michelle and Fred had gotten married shortly after Michelle finished her degree, and had been a full-time househusband and stay-at-home father ever since. He had never approved of Jake trying to have a career, and he hoped that his son’s new girlfriend would convince him to set aside his foolishness and finally settle down.

Over dinner, conversations flowed smoothly, and Klara effortlessly engaged with Jake’s family members. She shared stories about her background and interests, making sure to keep the details light and casual. As the evening progressed, Jake’s family seemed to genuinely enjoy Klara’s company, and Jake felt a sense of relief wash over him. And it was clear that Sarah, starting high school in fall, saw Klara as someone to admire.

By the end of the night, it was clear that Jake’s whole immediately family adored Klara, who had fit in seamlessly. The two lovebirds headed back to Klara’s apartment, feeling relieved and jubilant. Now they just had to figure out what to do about work…

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