Category: Touch of Fate

Derek Peters was a completely unremarkable college freshman until he happened upon a meteor next to his car. The effect it has on him seemed rather unremarkable — until he realized the effect HE had on those around him!

  • Part 4: Upward and Onward

    Part 4: Upward and Onward

    Head pressed against the passenger-side door, Derek soaked in the steady hum of the car’s tailpipe scraping against the salt-bleached pavement. His world was occasionally punctuated by the whoosh of another vehicle passing in the opposite direction and a high-pitched squeal that accompanied each turn. He pulled the blanket closer against him to fend off… Read more

  • Part 3: Dawning Realizations

    Part 3: Dawning Realizations

    Derek awoke to the aroma of maple syrup and breakfast grease. Still too battered to stand, he surveyed his surroundings through swollen, partially closed eyes. It was a student apartment, with the anonymous white walls and brown, stain-hiding carpet. A couple fine art prints blown up to poster size were taped onto the wall. He… Read more

  • Part 2: The Consequences of Courage

    Part 2: The Consequences of Courage

    Over the course of the following week, Derek Peters suddenly found himself being noticed. When he walked down the hallway, all the girls’ heads turned toward him puzzled — as if searching for something potent that they just couldn’t quite remember. He didn’t instantly become the life of the party, but at least people had… Read more

  • Part 1: A Strange Discovery in the Snow

    Part 1: A Strange Discovery in the Snow

    A little more than 13 million years ago, a lush green planet closely circled a fading red star. A solar greenhouse, this planet was like an oversized Eden nestled just over 15 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Aquarius. Life had come suddenly to this planet, and taken only centuries to spread across the… Read more

  • Touch of Fate

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