Chapter 27: The Foreign Supervisor






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As the dust settled from the office scandal, Jake found himself navigating a transformed professional landscape in the Office of Strategy Management, now led by his sister Sarah. Decisive as ever, she wasted no time moving into Ms. Reed’s old office. She was still unpacking boxes when he ventured inside for the first time since the regime change.

“How are you settling in?” Jake asked, trying to sound casual.

“Too soon to say! You barely caught me; I’ve meetings with the higher ups all day to get approval for my proposals to restructure the office.”

“You already have a restructuring plan?” Jake asked, stunned.

Sarah nodded, not looking up from the box she was unloading. “I really valued Imani’s mentorship during my time as her top deputy, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t see obvious areas for improvement.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Jake asked sincerely, his older brother instincts crowding out his anxious subordinate impulses.

Sarah just snorted. Undeterred by his sister’s dismissive response, Jake persisted in offering his assistance.

“Seriously, Ms. Mitty. I know you have a ton on your plate right now, and I want to help in any way I can. We’re family, after all,” he said, emphasizing the familial bond.

She looked up from her cluttered desk, recognizing the genuine concern in Jake’s voice. “I appreciate it, Jake. Actually there is one thing you can do. When you were Imani’s administrative assistant, it made sense for you to have the desk right outside of this office. But with my promotion, I feel that Isaac should really be stationed there instead. I won’t make you move until I have a new spot to put you in, but in the meantime, just make sure your desk is tidy and ready to be packed up quickly.”

Jake nodded, understanding the need for the office reshuffling. “Sure, Ms. Mitty. I’ll make sure everything’s in order, and I’ll be ready to move when you need me to.”

“Good,” Sarah replied with a hint of a smile. “I know it’s an adjustment, but I’m confident we can make this transition as smooth as possible. Now, run along. I have to prepare for my next meeting.”

As Jake returned to his desk, he couldn’t shake the sense of change that hung in the air. He knew that being relocated was only one small facet of the broader shift in the office dynamics that lay ahead. Jake noticed how his colleagues exchanged curious glances while Sarah was meeting with senior management. And throughout the day, he caught whispers about what the restructuring might entail.

Sarah must have impressed the senior management with her proposals, judging by the email waiting in his inbox when he arrived the next morning. He felt his pulse quicken as he read the subject line: “Exciting News: Key Leadership Promotions for Office of Strategy Management.”

As he opened the email, he realized his sister’s restructuring of the office had begun in earnest:

“We are thrilled to announce the promotion of three dedicated individuals to senior leadership positions within our newly expanded Office of Strategy Management. The promotions are effective November 24th.

“Marta Tymofichuk, a young rising star at Sylnazhinka Promyslovyy, has been appointed Deputy Chief Strategy Officer for International Expansion. She recently relocated from Neapolis to our headquarters in Matripolis as part of our ongoing efforts to integrate the two workforces. Since joining our strategy team, Marta has demonstrated unparalleled insight into the Eastern European marketplace. Leveraging that deep understanding of the local community and broader Scythian business environment, Marta will now play a crucial role in facilitating the completion of MatriCorp Dynamics’s acquisition of Sylnazhinka Promyslovyy

“Katerina Moncada, who started at MatriCorp Dynamics 15 years ago as a college intern, has been promoted to the position of Deputy Chief Strategy Officer for Domestic Operations. Kat has served for the last six years as the director of our Administrative Support Unit, playing a pivotal role in facilitating and streamlining the clerical and administrative support utilized throughout the company while diversifying our workforce with a significant number of government-subsidized male hires. Her hands-on experience not only showcases her commitment to our mission but also positions her uniquely to oversee strategy for our existing operations within the Matriarchal States.

“Additionally, we are pleased to announce the promotion of Bonnie Waters to the role of Deputy External Affairs Officer. Bonnie brings a valuable fresh perspective to our engagement with outside stakeholders. She has consistently demonstrated a commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture.”

Jake snorted reading that. Was Ms. Waters fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture when she joined in with Ashley Altenburg’s taunting? He tried to ignore the pit in his stomach as he continued reading.

“Finally, Isaac Winziger has been reassigned as the secretary to the Chief Strategy & External Affairs Officer. Isaac has worked as Sarah Mitty’s assistant for a number of years now, and will continue to provide administrative and clerical assistance to her in her new role. Isaac is a shining example of the achievements of our male hiring initiative, and evidence that this public-private partnership is a win-win for all involved.

“These promotions reflect MatriCorp’s confidence in the exceptional talents of its team members and our company’s dedication to nurturing leadership from within. As Marta, Kat, Bonnie, and Isaac take on their new roles, MatriCorp Dynamics looks forward to continued growth, innovation, and success. Please join me in congratulating them.

“Once her new deputies are in place, Sarah Mitty will be announcing further changes to best meet the Office of Strategy Management’s expanded role.

“Warm regards,

Klara Tsai

Chief Operations Officer”

The news of the leadership promotions sent a ripple of uncertainty through Jake. He couldn’t help but wonder about his own role in the evolving landscape.

And clearly he wasn’t the only one. Knowing he would be relocating soon, Jake worked diligently to get the paperwork that had piled up on his desk filed away in the appropriate cabinets. As he moved about the office, he overheard whispered conversations about the restructuring plans.

And worryingly, Ashley Altenburg antipathy toward him seemed to have intensified. She cornered him in the break room later that day with a fearsome scowl on her face.

“What the hell did you say to your wife about me, Jake?” she demanded angrily. “It makes no sense that I wasn’t promoted, so you must have poisoned the well. This is so unfair!”

Jake, taken aback by Ms. Altenburg’s accusation, tried to maintain composure. “Ms. Altenburg, I didn’t have any input into who got promoted, and I’ve been dealing with the fallout of Ms. Reed’s scandal just like everyone else.”

Ms. Altenburg, not satisfied with Jake’s response, continued to vent her frustration. “Don’t try to weasel out of this, pipsqueak. You’ve ruined everything for me, so I’m going to ruin everything for you! I’d watch my tiny little ass if I were you.”

As Ashley stormed off, Jake couldn’t help but feel a sense of injustice.

“What got her all riled up?” Ms. Waters asked, as she headed for to the refrigerator.

“Ms. Altenburg blames me for her not getting promoted,” Jake explained sullenly.

That made Ms. Waters chuckle. “Ashley didn’t get promoted because she ran her mouth about the pregnancy test and pissed off the senior management. She’s only got herself to blame.”

“Thanks for saying that, Ms. Waters. I’m surprised to hear you be so blunt, though; I thought the two of you were friends.”

Ms. Waters shook her head. “I feared her. I was intimidated by her. But I never liked her.”

Jake was still ruminating about the events in the break room when Sarah called him into her office for a private discussion. He entered, unsure of what to expect, and found his sister reviewing some documents on her desk.

“Have a seat, Jake,” Sarah said, gesturing to the smallest of the chairs in front of her desk.

As Jake settled into the chair, Sarah looked down at him with a mix of seriousness and consideration. “Jake, I’ve been evaluating the team and the changes we’ve made. I want to discuss your future role in the office.”

Jake sat patiently, his eyes fixed on his sister, eager to understand the direction his career would take.

“As you know,” Sarah began, “We have three senior administrative assistant positions available for my new deputies. While I’m sure you would perform… adequately in any of them, I think your unique experiences and skills would be best utilized as Marta’s assistant. Of the men under consideration, you’re the only one who’s been to Greater Scythia — hell, the only one who’s ventured outside of Matripolis. And your past experience mentoring interns makes you the ideal person to help Marta acclimate to western culture.”

Jake listened attentively as Sarah discussed the potential role of assisting Marta Tymofichuk, who had been appointed Deputy Chief Strategy Officer for International Expansion. While the suggestion intrigued Jake, he couldn’t help but wonder about the implications of such a significant change.

“I understand, Ms. Mitty,” Jake replied thoughtfully. “And I appreciate you considering my background for the role. However, I want to make sure that I can contribute effectively and continue to grow in my career. Do you think this role aligns with my long-term goals?”

Sarah shrugged. “Let’s be honest, Jake. You’re a man, and you’re not as young as you used to be. So your upward mobility is probably going to be pretty limited no matter what. But if you’re looking to make a real difference and help shape the tenor and tone of this merger, this opportunity allows you to do that. It isn’t just about supporting Marta; it’s also about leveraging your unique experiences to enhance our international strategy efforts. You’ve already demonstrated your ability to adapt and navigate different cultures, and I think that will be invaluable in this position. You’d be laying the groundwork for how men are perceived by all of the Scythian women that Marta will be overseeing.”

Jake considered his sister’s words carefully. The prospect of assisting Marta Tymofichuk and contributing to the international expansion strategy intrigued him. He recognized the importance of breaking gender stereotypes and fostering positive perceptions among the Scythian women at the forefront of the company’s expansion. In the long run, that would matter more than a bigger paycheck or a fancier title.

“Ms. Mitty, I appreciate your perspective, and I’m excited to take on this role,” Jake replied, his determination evident.

Sarah nodded, appreciating her brother’s enthusiasm to embrace the challenge. “Good. I’ll make the necessary arrangements, and you can start transitioning into your new role. Marta will show you to your new desk in the morning. It’s a big change, but I have faith in your ability to adapt.”

As Jake left his sister’s office, he felt a mix of excitement and apprehension about the upcoming changes. The prospect of working closely with Marta Tymofichuk and influencing the perception of men in the Scythian workforce presented a unique opportunity for him. However, he didn’t want to underestimate the challenges that lay ahead.

When he arrived the next morning, Mistress Tymofichuk was waiting for him at the entrance.

“You are the little man they assigned to me, yes?” she asked, her English heavily accented.

Jake nodded. Up close, her towering height and solid build were even more intimidating.

“I told them I no work with men. Men should stay home, cook, clean, take care of the babies. But they say I must work with man if I want promotion, so I am stuck with you. Follow me. I show you where you sit now.”

Jake felt the butterflies in his stomach stir to life; this wasn’t exactly the most promising start. But he couldn’t dwell on it for long, because she walked briskly and it was a struggle to keep up with her long strides as she navigated her way briskly through the building. Finally, they arrived at her new office, at the opposite end of the Office of Strategy Management from Sarah’s corner office.

Mistress Tymofichuk pointed to a desk that was completely bare except for a computer, monitor, and man-sized keyboard and mouse.

“You sit, tiny man, and no cause me any problems. Yes?”

Jake looked up at her and nodded. “Yes.”

Jake took a deep breath as he settled into his new desk, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation about working with Mistress Tymofichuk. He knew that gaining her trust and respect would be no easy feat, especially given her obvious reluctance to work with men.

Over the course of the week, Jake observed his new boss discreetly. Marta Tymofichuk was a formidable presence, with her imposing stature and no-nonsense demeanor. Her expectations for the women on her team were clear: they were to be efficient, organized, and diligent. Her expectations for Jake were equally clear: He was not to speak unless spoken to, stay out of the way and, in her words, “not cause any problems.”

The following Monday, when Jake finally demanded something to work on, Mistress Tymofichuk responded by assigning him menial tasks. Jake felt frustrated by the lack of meaningful assignments and opportunities to demonstrate his capabilities. However, he remained patient and focused, determined to earn Marta’s trust through his diligence and dedication.

After a couple weeks of alphabetizing paperwork and cleaning up conference rooms after meetings, Mistress Tymofichuk reluctantly allowed him to begin managing her schedule and handling her correspondence. She was meticulous about her time and expected Jake to be equally precise. Any oversight or mistake was met with a stern reprimand. But Jake was undeterred and worked tirelessly to meet her exacting standards. He seized every opportunity to anticipate Mistress Tymofichuk’s needs and proactively address them. Whether it was preparing briefing materials for meetings or providing insight into cultural nuances of the Matriarchal States, Jake went above and beyond to exceed expectations and demonstrate his value to the team.

Despite his efforts, Mistress Tymofichuk remained guarded and reserved in her interactions with Jake, maintaining a professional distance that made it challenging for him to establish a rapport with her. Her terse communication style and blunt demeanor further compounded Jake’s struggles to connect with her on a personal level.

Still, by early December Jake’s perseverance and dedication had begun to yield gradual progress. Mistress Tymofichuk begrudgingly began to acknowledge Jake’s reliability and competence in handling his assigned tasks. She even occasionally sought his input on minor matters, a small but significant step toward building a more collaborative working relationship.

He knew that the women reporting to Mistress Tymofichuk were also frustrated by her direct and authoritative management style. She prioritized efficiency and results, often overlooking the niceties expected of interpersonal relationships within the team. The Eastern European work culture she was accustomed to was more structured and formal, contrasting with the laid-back and collaborative atmosphere that had previously defined the office.

But when these clashes caused tension, Jake seized the opportunity to step in and smooth things over. Jake’s efforts to bridge the cultural divides further earned him Mistress Tymofichuk’s respect. While she was still reluctant to involve him in the actual work of the team, she started calling him into her office to explain cultural nuances or get his opinion on how to navigate sensitive interpersonal interactions. Gradually, a mutual understanding started to emerge between them. And the other women working on the team appreciated Jake’s efforts to soften their boss’s hard edges. They began to affectionately refer to him as “our little Marta Whisperer”.

On the last afternoon at work before the office closed for the winter solstice, Jake glanced up to see Marta Tymofichuk striding purposefully through the office, her expression unusually animated. She was accompanied by a ruggedly handsome Slavik man wearing a kubanka, and a young girl who clung to his hand with a shy smile. The girl’s blonde hair and blue eyes matched Marta’s perfectly.

Jake’s curiosity was piqued as he observed Marta’s interaction with her husband and daughter. Gone was the stern and reserved demeanor she usually displayed at work; instead, she appeared relaxed and affectionate.

The three of them stopped at his desk. Bending down to their eye level, she said “Dorohi moyi, tut ya provodzhu vsi dovhi hodyny, koly ya daleko vid vas obokh.”

Jake didn’t understand the words, but recognized them as Scythian. Turning toward Jake, Mistress Tymofichuk switched to English.

“This is Jake, my assistant. He’s the one who helps me keep everything in order. Jake, this is my daughter Vira and my husband Oleksandr.”

Jake stood up from his desk and extended his hand, offering a warm smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both. Mistress Tymofichuk is a force to be reckoned with, and it’s been a privilege to work for her.”

Oleksandr shook his hand firmly, his blue eyes twinkling with warmth. “It is nice to be meeting you, Jake. You are very brave to work in a place such as this.”

The young girl, who was almost exactly eye level with Jake, continued to stare at him curiously. Mistress Tymofichuk gently nudged her forward. “This is our daughter, Vira. Say hello, Vira.”

Vira smiled shyly and mumbled a quiet greeting, her cheeks flushing pink with embarrassment.

Jake offered her a friendly smile. “Hi, Vira. It’s nice to have someone I don’t have to crane my neck to make eye contact with. How old are you?”

When the girl just looked down at her shoes, her mother spoke up for her. “She is around 17 months. She turned one years old in July. She’s only been talking for a few months now.”

“Wow,” Jake replied, still maintaining eye contact with the young girl. “You’re quite big for such a young age. Are you excited for the holidays?”

Vira nodded enthusiastically, her shyness melting away as her face filled with excitement. “We’re gonna go see Grandma!”

“How exciting!” Jake replied. “And I’m sure your grandmother can’t wait to see you.”

Vira nodded. “And we gonna go up in the sky in a plane!”

Despite the toddler’s limited vocabulary, Jake noticed that her English was less heavily accented than Mistress Tymofichuk’s and Oleksandr’s.

“That’s wonderful!” Jake enthused. “I hope you all have a really great time.”

“Thank you, Jake,” Mistress Tymofichuk said, her tone softer than usual. “We are looking forward to spending time with family back in the motherland. Have a merry solstice and a happy new year.”

“You too, Mistress Tymofichuk. Nice to meet you, Vira. Nice to meet you, Oleksandr.”

As Jake bid farewell to Mistress Tymofichuk, Oleksandr, and their daughter Vira, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of warmth and connection with his boss’s family. Seeing Marta in this light, as a loving wife and mother, humanized her in a way that her professional demeanor at work had not allowed.

As the Tymofichuk family departed from the office, Jake returned to his desk, reflecting on the journey he had embarked upon since assuming his new role. Working alongside Marta had been challenging, but it had also been rewarding. He had gained valuable insights into the intricacies of international business and had developed a newfound appreciation for cultural diversity.

A sense of optimism and cheer washed over Jake as he prepared to leave the office for the winter break. The past couple months had been filled with challenges and uncertainties, but also with growth and newfound connections. As he packed up his belongings and shut down his computer, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

Despite the initial hurdles he faced in his new role as Marta Tymofichuk’s assistant, Jake had persevered and earned her respect. Through his dedication and hard work, he had gradually built a collaborative working relationship with Marta and had become an integral part of her team.

As he walked out of the office and into the crisp winter air, Jake’s thoughts turned to the upcoming holidays. While he was excited to spend time with his own family and enjoy the festivities, he couldn’t shake off a lingering sense of wariness about Nadira staying with them for the holidays. But despite his concerns, Jake set off to enjoy the holidays with his loved ones with a renewed sense of purpose and upbeat determination, ready to embrace whatever the future held.

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