Chapter 23: The Joyful Arrival





A young woman is laying in a hospital bed holding her newborn baby girl. She is surrounded in the dimly lit birthing suite by her family (from left): Father-in-law Fred, who is bald and aged and tiny with his cane; mother-in-law Michelle, who is towering and muscular; son Kyle who is tiny and wearing a T-shirt feature an all-female Beatles; daughter Kelly, who is tall like her grandmother; sister-in-law Emily, who is the tallest of them all in her basketball uniform; and sister-in-law Sarah, who is informal in camouflage pants and a green tank top that shows off her developing biceps.

With Klara’s due date approaching fast, the Tsai household buzzed with a mix of excitement and anticipation. Jake and Kyle had done their best to ensure that the nursery reflected Klara and Kelly’s vision. Toys, baby clothes, and essentials were neatly organized, ready for baby’s arrival.

Klara, heavily pregnant, navigated a delicate balance between her responsibilities at home and her role in the finalization of the Scythian acquisition. The pressure of impending parenthood and the integration of two very different cultures added to the complexity of her daily life. Despite Jake’s own struggles at work, Kelly had made it clear to her father that ensuring Klara’s comfort and preparing for the baby’s arrival were his top priorities.

One evening, as Klara sat on the couch, her baby bump more prominent than ever, Jake knelt on the floor rubbing her feet.

“Have you and Kelly decided on a name yet?” he asked, his attempt to connect tinged with a hint of longing.

He knew that his wife and daughter were actively discussing baby names, and it stung a bit that he hadn’t been included in those conversations. Ever since Kelly’s First Moon ceremony, Klara and Kelly’s bond had grown stronger as they bonded over shared experiences and conversations about womanhood. Jake and Klara still had a meaningful and intimate marriage, but it definitely wasn’t the equal partnership he’d once imagined for himself. The reality was that Kelly’s voice carried more weight than his now, a shift that had occurred naturally since her First Moon. That wasn’t unusual, of course, but Jake still found himself feeling a bit jealous of Klara and Kelly’s bond from time to time.

Klara glanced down at him, a mixture of fatigue and warmth in her eyes. “We’re still narrowing it down. We want something meaningful and fitting for our little girl. But don’t worry, we’ll let you know when we decide. In the meantime, don’t worry your handsome little head about it.”

Despite the reassurance, Jake couldn’t shake the sense of exclusion he felt.

That sense of exclusion lingered even as the excitement and nerves in the household intensified with each passing day. Kelly, having fully embraced her role as an older sister, took charge of making sure all the baby essentials were ready. She spent hours researching the best baby products, from swaddle blankets to bottles, and had even attended prenatal classes with Klara to better understand what to expect. Jake and Kyle found that the best way to support Klara was to simply follow Kelly’s orders.

In the midst of these preparations, Jake was still struggling to adapt to the changes at work. Sarah’s influence and assertiveness in the office had become increasingly evident. Senior management, including Ms. Reed and the Scythian delegation, praised Sarah for her strategic insights and leadership. Her ability to navigate the evolving corporate landscape and integrate Scythian principles into the company’s strategy earned her accolades and recognition.

During strategy meetings, Sarah confidently presented her ideas, which were met with enthusiasm and approval from both the American and Scythian contingents. Her assertiveness was seen as an asset, aligning well with the matriarchal leadership style advocated by the Scythians. Ms. Reed, in particular, publicly commended Sarah’s contributions, emphasizing the importance of embracing new perspectives and leadership styles in the changing corporate landscape.

On the other hand, Jake found himself increasingly sidelined. His suggestions were often dismissed, and sometimes he was even admonished for meddling. Nor did it help that so many of his colleagues assumed that he would be stepping down once Klara gave birth. The expectation that his domestic responsibilities would take precedence over his career was widespread within the office, and Jake had come to believe that this was why his ideas weren’t treated as worthy of consideration.

Late one Friday afternoon, Jake was summoned into Ms. Reed’s office. The meeting invitation had been titled “Transition planning”.

“Sarah and I have been looking ahead as we prepare for the next phase of the Scythian acquisition,” Ms. Reed explained. “And we’re trying to get a sense of what our personnel needs will be. I assume you’ll be taking extended paternity leave once Klara gives birth,” Ms. Reed remarked

“It’s great that you’re willing to take on that responsibility,” Sarah added, a hint of assumption in her tone.

The casual assumption about his future choices stung Jake. Determined to assert himself, he stood up from his chair, his frustration evident. Unfortunately, the dramatic move only emphasized how small he was relative to the two women looming before him.

“I haven’t made any decisions about paternity leave. Assuming things about my choices is not fair,” Jake asserted, his tone firm.

Ms. Reed exchanged a glance with Sarah, and the two women seemed momentarily taken aback. Sarah, recovering quickly, responded with a diplomatic smile that came across as a little patronizing.

“Of course, Jake. It’s just that, traditionally, these responsibilities fall on the father. But if you have different plans, we’re open to discussing them.”

Jake, feeling a mix of indignation and determination, was emphatic in his response. “I am committed to my role in this company. My family responsibilities don’t diminish that commitment. I’ll find a way forward that keeps my personal and professional goals aligned. And Kyle has already agreed to step up and share the domestic burden with me once the baby arrives.”

Ms. Reed, accustomed by this point to having Jake accept her directives without much resistance, seemed momentarily surprised by Jake’s assertiveness. After a pause, she leaned back against her desk, studying him with a newfound interest.

“Jake, we appreciate your dedication to the company, but the reality is that these expectations exist for a reason. It’s not about gender stereotypes; it’s about practicality,” Ms. Reed explained, her tone measured. “Despite your problematic… outspokenness at times, you’re a great assistant and I’d hate to lose you. But I need someone who will put my needs first. Sarah has raised concerns about your ability to juggle everything, and I think her concerns have real merit.”

Jake met her eyes unwaveringly. “I assure you both, I can manage my responsibilities effectively. Kyle and I have a plan, and I won’t let my family commitments compromise my dedication to this company.”

Sarah bent down and put her hand on his shoulder. “Calm down, Jake. There’s no reason to get so emotional. As Imani said, we appreciate your dedication, but we need to be realistic here.”

Ms. Reed leaned forward, her expression stern. “Jake, this is a crucial time for the company. We need everyone aligned and focused. Your situation, with impending fatherhood and all, could be perceived as a distraction by our Scythian counterparts. Sarah and I have been discussing your role extensively, and we believe it might be in the best interest of everyone if you consider stepping back temporarily.”

“I need some time to think about this,” Jake hedged, trying to keep the surging anxiety out of his voice. “I understand your concerns, but I don’t think you should make any rash decisions.”

Ms. Reed nodded, a semblance of understanding in her eyes. “Take the weekend. Reflect on what matters most to you, both personally and professionally. We’ll reconvene on Monday to discuss how we can move forward.”

Their suggestion weighed heavily on Jake’s shoulders over the weekend as he grappled with the unforeseen wrinkle. On Sunday morning, Jake sat at the kitchen table, nursing a cup of coffee. Klara, noticing the furrowed lines on his forehead, sat down beside him, concern etching her features.

“What’s wrong, Jake?” she asked, gently placing a hand on his back.

Jake sighed, his gaze fixed on the steam rising from his cup. “Ms. Reed and my sister are suggesting that I step back temporarily once you give birth. They think I might be too distracted to be effective as Ms. Reed’s assistant as the Scythian acquisition progresses. And they’re not sure how accepting the Scythians would be of me continuing to work with a newborn at home.”

Klara’s brows furrowed in concern as Jake shared the details of his meeting with Ms. Reed and Sarah. She listened attentively, her hand gently rubbing small circles on his back as he spoke.

“I understand their concerns, Jake,” Klara began, her voice soft yet steady. “The Scythian acquisition is a critical phase for the company, and perceptions matter. But I also know how much your job means to you.”

Jake looked up, meeting Klara’s eyes, searching for understanding. She continued, “You’ve worked so hard to get where you are, and I know I haven’t always made it easy for you. I don’t want you to feel like you have to choose between your career and your family. Maybe we can figure out a compromise that everybody can live with.”

Jake appreciated Klara’s support, her understanding touch providing a momentary respite from the weight of the decision he faced. As he continued gazing up at his wife, gratitude and hope mixed in with the turmoil already swirling around in his thoughts.

“I don’t want to compromise on either front, Klara,” Jake admitted, his voice a mixture of determination and frustration. “I know the importance of this acquisition, but I also can’t step back from my responsibilities at home. Kyle has promised to step up and share the load. I’m grateful, but I don’t want him to lose focus on school because he has to pick up the slack here.”

Klara nodded, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Maybe there’s a way to make both work without sacrificing too much. Have you thought about proposing a temporary arrangement, maybe working from home more or adjusting your schedule? We can discuss it with Imani and Sarah, find some middle ground.”

Jake considered Klara’s suggestion. “It’s worth a shot. I need my work, but I definitely don’t want to let you or the kids down either. I’ve put too much into both aspects of my life to compromise on either.”

Over the course of the rest of the day, Jake and Klara brainstormed potential compromises. Jake was determined to present a plan that addressed the company’s concerns while allowing him to maintain a significant role. The thought of stepping back entirely gnawed at him, but he understood the delicate balance he needed to strike. Klara, despite the discomfort of being so far along in her pregnancy, was his patient sounding board, offering insights and encouragement.

Monday morning arrived with a tension that mirrored Jake’s internal conflict. He had spent the weekend refining his proposal, considering the delicate balance between his professional aspirations and impending fatherhood.

When Jake opened the door to Ms. Reed’s office, his boss and his sister were standing inside awaiting his arrival. The air was charged with an unspoken understanding that the decisions made today could shape not only Jake’s future in the company but also the general tenor of the Scythian acquisition going forward.

The two women remained standing as he entered the office and towered ever more intimidatingly over him as he drew closer.

“Thank you for taking the time to consider this matter over the weekend, Jake,” Ms. Reed began, her tone businesslike.

Jake nodded, ready to articulate his proposal. “Thank you for your willingness to discuss the matter further, Ms. Reed. I understand the concerns about potential distractions during this critical phase of the acquisition. However, I firmly believe that I can continue to contribute effectively to the company while managing my family responsibilities.”

Sarah raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. “Jake, we’ve already discussed how your situation might be perceived by the Scythians. It’s not just about the workload; it’s about optics.”

“I understand the importance of perception,” Jake replied, looking up at his sister with resolve. “But I believe I can continue to contribute in a meaningful way without compromising the acquisition. I propose a temporary adjustment to my work hours. By cutting back to half time, I know I’d be able to accommodate both my professional commitments and family responsibilities. This way, I can maintain some involvement without compromising on the quality of my work.”

Sarah crossed her arms, a skeptical expression still etched on her face as she stared down at him. But Ms. Reed nodded thoughtfully.

“I appreciate your willingness to find a solution, Jake. If you’re willing to train the new part-time assistant that will cover the rest of the day, and if you can demonstrate that productivity will not be compromised, it might address our concerns. However, we need to establish clear expectations and ensure that this arrangement doesn’t hinder communication or collaboration.”

Jake took a moment to absorb Ms. Reed’s response. He was relieved that she seemed open to the idea of a compromise, even though Sarah’s skepticism lingered in the air. The thought of training a new assistant and adjusting to part-time hours was daunting, but it was a price he was willing to pay to keep both his professional and family life intact.

“Thank you for considering the proposal,” Jake replied, nodding appreciatively. “I’m more than willing to train someone to cover the additional hours and ensure a smooth transition. I’ll make sure there’s no drop in productivity, and I’m confident that this arrangement will benefit both the company and my family.”

Sarah, still visibly unconvinced, interjected, “Imani and I would need to agree that whoever is hired is up to the task. Preferably someone who knows his place.”

Jake took a deep breath, maintaining his composure despite the underlying tension in the room and the criticism implied by his sister’s remark. “I’m confident that I can work with whoever the two of you select, and seamlessly integrate him into the team.”

Ms. Reed and Sarah exchanged glances, a silent conversation passing between them. After a moment, Ms. Reed spoke, “Very well, Jake. We’ll consider your proposal. However, I expect you to present a detailed plan on how you will manage your responsibilities, maintain productivity, and ensure a smooth transition with the new assistant. Klara could give birth any day now, so we need to move fast. Let’s reconvene tomorrow to discuss the details.”

Jake nodded, grateful for the opportunity to prove that he could balance both his professional and family life effectively. As he left Ms. Reed’s office, the weight on his shoulders began to lift, replaced by a renewed sense of determination.

Jake worked tirelessly on his proposal, late into the night. He drafted a comprehensive plan outlining how he would divide his work hours, delegate tasks, and train the new part-time assistant. When they all met the next morning, Jake presented his plan with confidence. He highlighted his commitment to maintaining open communication and collaboration, ensuring that the team’s productivity wouldn’t be compromised.

Imani, despite her initial reservations, found herself impressed by Jake’s thorough approach. “It seems like you’ve put a lot of thought into this, Jake. If you can deliver on these promises, we might be able to make this arrangement work.”

Sarah, still skeptical, raised an eyebrow. “I hope you understand, Jake, that this is a trial period. If we see any drop in productivity or encounter issues with the new assistant, we’ll have to reassess the situation.”

Jake was determined to prove himself. “I understand, Ms. Mitty. I’m confident that this arrangement will be beneficial for everybody.”

Imani nodded, satisfied. “The admin floor is sending up a few candidates this afternoon for Sarah and I to interview. We’ll let you know once we’ve selected someone.”

The next few days were a whirlwind of activity for Jake. He juggled meetings at work, preparing for the arrival of the new part-time assistant, and ensuring that everything at home was in order for Klara’s impending delivery. The pressure was palpable, but Jake was determined to prove that he could successfully navigate both his professional and family responsibilities.

Klara, understanding the delicate situation, offered her unwavering support. She knew that Jake was facing a challenging balancing act, and her encouragement became a source of strength for him.

When Ms. Reed introduced the chosen candidate for the part-time assistant position, Mark, Jake couldn’t help but notice that he was the most attractive of the men that the admin floor had sent up for interviews. Still, Jake was determined to foster a smooth transition. He outlined the team’s dynamics, the ongoing projects, and the expectations for productivity. Despite the seemingly superficial reasons why Mark was selected, the younger man seemed receptive and eager to contribute.

Still, getting Mark up to speed took time. Klara’s due date came and went before productivity had returned to normal levels. A new date soon preoccupied the family’s thoughts: the day labor was scheduled to be induced.

But a couple days before that appointment, a sudden contraction took Klara by surprise as the family sat together in the living room watching a movie. Jake, cradled in her lap, felt her body tense all around him. The intensity of the sensation made both of them pause, and then exchange a look of excited realization.

“Looks like our little one might be eager to make an entrance,” Klara announced to the twins with a mixture of excitement and humor, trying to put everyone at ease.

Kelly leapt to her feet immediately and quickly rallied everyone. “Alright, folks, it’s go time. Kyle, grab the hospital bag. Dad, text Aunt Sarah and let her know we need a ride to the hospital. I’ll call Mom’s OBGYN and let her know that we’re on our way.”

Despite the unexpected turn of events, the nervous energy in the air was spiked with jubilant anticipation. As the family raced to complete their assigned tasks, a sense of unity prevailed that reminded them all of the strength that bound them together. Sarah made it to the house in record time, the professional tension between her and Jake forgotten as they focused on Klara’s immediate needs. The drive to the hospital was a mixture of anxious chatter and occasional glances at Klara, who handled the situation with remarkable composure.

Once at the hospital, the Tsai family congregated in the waiting area. Jake, Kyle, and Kelly exchanged glances, their shared concern etched on their faces. Sarah, trying to be a good aunt and a supportive sister, assured them that everything would be fine. After an hour or two of waiting, they were joined by Jake’s parents and his other sister Emily.

Mother and daughter had been in the middle of an intense one-on-one basketball game, which was why Kelly hadn’t been able to get a hold of either of them. Fortunately, Jake’s father was only watching from the bleachers and got his son’s text with the surprising news. In the rush to get to the hospital, nobody had changed their clothes. Emily was still wearing her white summer training jersey, while her mother was wearing workout clothes. While both women radiated muscular athleticism, Jake couldn’t help but notice how old his father was looking these days as he hobbled along with his cane.
When Jake’s mother had stopped by the house the week before, she had asked his wife about when Klara’s mother had taken a second husband. The question had caught Jake off guard at the time, as she had always been an outspoken proponent of strict monogamy when Jake was growing up. But watching his father, Jake could understand why his mother’s thoughts were trending in that direction; there was just no way his old man could be meeting all of her needs now, domestically or in the bedroom.

His mind was saved from thinking any further about his parents being intimate in that way when Kelly pointed out to Kyle that he was now taller than their paternal grandfather. And sure enough, he was – if just barely. Kyle had been experiencing a bit of a growth spurt lately, though nothing like his sister’s; Kelly was wearing her jersey from the spring Under 18 club soccer league, and after only a few months it was already too small for her.

Nor could Jake fail to notice Sarah’s newly muscular physique from across the waiting room. The Scythian women placed great emphasis on physical fitness, and Sarah had been hitting the gym with them as a way to further develop a rapport outside of the office. These days, his sister was usually wearing business attire when he saw her, so he hadn’t noticed any change. But now, wearing a green tank top and camouflage cargo pants, her biceps were as impressive as their mother’s.

As the Tsais and Mittys continued to await news about Klara’s progress, the waiting room filled with a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Each family member grappled with the tense wait in a unique way.

Jake paced back and forth, his mind swirling with thoughts of the impending arrival of his third child.

Kyle, usually the laid-back and easygoing one, found himself nervously tapping his fingers on the armrest of his chair while his dangling feet swung back and forth.

Kelly, ever the organizer, was glued to her phone. She kept checking and double-checking the details of the preparations she’d planned out with Klara.

Sarah, so decisive in the office, was surprisingly quiet, her eyes occasionally glancing at the entrance of the labor and delivery area. She seemed younger to Jake somehow, more like the kid sister he’d grown up with and less like the stern and uncompromising manager.

Emily, back in town for the summer, took care to avoid hitting her head on the doorway as made trips to get snacks and drinks from the vending machine. Less bulky than her sister and mother, she still moved with a graceful athleticism.

The grandmother-to-be kept stretching in the middle of the room, as if gearing up for an athletic competition.

Only Jake’s father seemed serenely calm as they all waited.

The rhythmic ticking of the waiting room clock seemed to echo the slow passage of time, each tick and tock a reminder of the life-altering events unfolding in the labor and delivery area beyond the double doors. As the night grew long, the Tsai family continued their vigil.

Finally, a delivery room nurse emerged from the double doors, and the whole extended family collectively held their breath.

“Congratulations! You have a healthy baby girl,” the nurse announced with a warm smile.

Relief and joy flooded the waiting room as the family members exchanged wide smiles and hugs. Jake, feeling a mix of emotions, couldn’t help but glance at Kelly, who was already shedding tears of happiness.

Sarah, abandoning her usually composed demeanor, hugged Jake so tightly that she lifted him right off of the ground

“You did great, bro. Congratulations!” she whispered, her voice filled with genuine warmth.

Jake, overwhelmed with emotion, managed a grateful smile. “Thanks, Sarah. I appreciate it.”

The family was soon allowed to visit Klara and the newborn in the postpartum recovery room. As they entered, they were greeted by the sight of Klara cradling the baby girl in her arms, a radiant smile on her face.

“These people are your family, little one,” Klara whispered, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of love and exhaustion.

Jake, Kyle, and Kelly approached the bed, their faces filled with awe as they looked at the tiny bundle in Klara’s arms. Jake’s parents and sisters followed suit, creating a circle of family around the new mother and her baby.

“What’s her name?” Emily asked, unable to contain her curiosity.

Klara exchanged a meaningful look with Kelly before answering, “Kristina.”

“Kristina,” Jake repeated, the name rolling off his tongue with a sense of wonder. “Kristina Tsai. It’s perfect.”

Kyle, standing beside his father, couldn’t help but beam with pride. “Welcome to the family, Kristina. You’re going to have the coolest older brother ever.”

Kelly, already assuming the role of the doting older sister, gently touched Kristina’s tiny fingers. “I can’t wait to teach you all the things I know, little one.”

The room was filled with a warmth that transcended the physical space, a shared moment of joy that connected each family member to this new life. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that awaited them, there was a sense of completeness in that room. Jake forgot about the challenges ahead for a moment, and allowed himself to bask in the collective joy.

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