Chapter 21: The Unplanned Pregnancy





A giant woman is standing in a pristine kitchen holding up a positive pregnancy test. A tiny man on a stepstool is looking up from washing the dishes.

The delegation returned home feeling a mixture of exhaustion and triumph. As the plane touched down on familiar ground, the sense of accomplishment was tangible among the entire delegation.

On the drive home from the airport, Klara and Jake wondered how the twins had managed being home alone for so long. But entering the house, everything looked surprisingly tidy.

They found the twins in the living room, engrossed in a game of chess. Kelly looked up with a mischievous grin as their parents entered the room.

“Welcome back, Mom and Dad! I trust the negotiations went well?” she asked, making a move on the chessboard that left Kyle scowling.

Klara and Jake exchanged amused glances at Kelly’s confident demeanor. Klara leaned against the doorway, a proud smile on her face. “It seems like you’ve been holding down the fort quite well, Kelly. Did Kyle give you any trouble?”

“He tried to challenge me a couple of times, but,” Kelly smirked, flexing her biceps playfully, “let’s just say he quickly realized who’s the boss.”

While Kelly was chatting with their mother, Kyle finally made his move. But after a quick glance back down at the board, Kelly moved her queen and knocked over his king. “Checkmate!”

As Kyle begrudgingly accepted his defeat, Klara and Jake settled into the living room, eager to hear about what the twins had been up to while they were overseas.

“So, spill it, you two. What happened while we were away?” Jake asked, climbing up onto the couch.

Kelly, still reveling in her victory, began the tale. “Well, once Kyle accepted that his sister knows best in all matters, we managed just fine. Aunt Emily’s team was in town to play MSU, and Gran took us to the game. Aunt Emily sank the winning basket right at the buzzer, and we got to see it. Mrs. Ramirez from next door sent her husband over with a plate of cookies she’d had him bake for us. Oh, and we had a movie night sleepover. I invited over a dozen or so of my besties, and I gave Kyle permission to invite Nadira. It was pretty chill.”

Kyle, having recovered from his chess defeat, chimed in, “Yeah, and Kelly insisted I prepare this massive pancake breakfast the next morning. I swear, she had me use just about every ingredient in the kitchen.”

Kelly defended herself with a grin, “Hey, you might be a pipsqueak but I’m a growing girl and so were our guests! And don’t pretend you didn’t enjoy it, Kyle.”

Kyle just shrugged, trying not to smile and failing. “If you say so, sis.”

As the twins bantered and laughed, Klara and Jake exchanged glances, both filled with a deep sense of gratitude for the supportive community they had built around their family.

“And how is school going?” Klara asked. “It seemed like eighth grade was off to a good a start for both of you when we left, but I know the school year had only just begun.”

“School’s been… interesting,” Kyle began, scratching his chin. “We had that science project due, you know, the one about ecosystems. Kelly insisted we make a miniature rainforest in a jar. It took forever, but it did look pretty cool in the end.”

Kelly interjected with a teasing grin, “You can thank me later when we get an A+. I have a reputation for acing projects, you know.”

Kyle rolled his eyes but couldn’t hide a smirk. “Yeah, yeah. But that’s only because all of the teachers love you.”

Kelly gave her brother a playful punch on the shoulder. “Don’t hate the player, bro, hate the game.”

“And what about you, Kelly?” Klara asked.

“In English class, we started reading ‘The Adventures of Becky Thatcher’ by Margaret Lampton. It was written way back in the 1800s, but it’s pretty funny so I think I’m going to like it. It’s about this girl whose mother is a prominent judge. They move to this town along the Mississippi River, near the border with the Wazhazhe Nation. She gets into all sort of trouble with this mischievous little orphan boy who lives with his aunt. Ms. Turner says it’s a classic for a reason.”

Kelly continued, “Oh, and in history, we’re learning about ancient civilizations. We’re doing this big project where we get to choose a civilization and do a presentation. I picked Greater Scythia because I knew that’s where you were headed.”

Kelly’s enthusiasm for her school projects and choice of Greater Scythia as her topic brought a smile to Klara’s face. “That’s an excellent choice, Kelly. Have you come to any conclusions so far?”

Kelly nodded eagerly. “I know gynarchy is controversial, but just look at how long Greater Scythia has dominated Eastern Europe. Nearly three thousand years! While empires have risen and fallen all around them. They must be doing something right.”

“Absolutely,” Klara agreed, her eyes filled with pride. “Your perspective on Greater Scythia’s resilience is insightful. It’s essential to understand different cultural systems, even those that might seem unconventional at first glance.”

“Don’t you find their male restrictions a bit… overbearing?” Jake asked.

Kelly leaned back, contemplating her father’s question. “Sure, the male restrictions might seem intense, but it’s all about maintaining stability and order. It’s not like the women are dominating for the sake of dominating.”

Klara just rolled her eyes. “Your father had been hung up on this topic for days now. Let’s move on. How about extracurriculars? Any new clubs or activities catching your interest?”

“Kelly and Nadira were both invited to join the Future Matriarchs of America!” Kyle exclaimed, eager to celebrate their success.

“That’s fantastic, Kelly!” Klara said, genuinely pleased. “I know that they’re really selective about who they invite. Getting involved in initiatives like that will not only be enriching for you but also contribute positively to the community. And you’ll make important contacts that will set you up well for future success.”

Klara and Jake spent the weekend focused on the twins. While Klara took Kelly to the spa to celebrate her acceptance into the Future Matriarchs of America, Kyle helped Jake unpack and take care of the laundry that had accumulated over the course of their trip.

When they arrived at the office on Monday morning, the returning delegation was greeted by applause from all of the assembled employees. And even as the rank and file returned to their desks, Anna lingered to convey her congratulations in person.

“You all did phenomenal work. The gears are already turning to get this acquisition underway. And I know all of the women on the Board of Directors are as thrilled as I am.”

Pulling Klara and Jake aside, she added: “Sarah really stepped up while you were away, helping me fill some of the leadership vacuum in the delegation’s absence. I always knew she was destined for a leadership role sooner or later, but now I’m definitely thinking sooner.”

The delegation’s success had boosted morale, and there was a renewed sense of purpose in the air as Klara and Jake headed to their respective offices.

Jake’s desk was just outside Ms. Reed’s office, and he could see the lights on inside even though her door was shut. After sparing a moment to ponder what might be going on in inside, he hung up his coat and logged into his computer. His inbox was overflowing with emails, and he tried not to feel overwhelmed by the tasks and responsibilities that awaited him.

Just as he was about to dive into the work, Ms. Reed emerged from her office, accompanied by his sister Sarah.

Ms. Reed, now widely recognized as a central figure in the delegation’s success, approached Jake’s desk with a confident smile. “Jake, just the person I wanted to see. Will you join us in my office? There’s a matter we need to discuss.”

In Ms. Reed’s office, the atmosphere was a mix of professionalism and anticipation. Jake, taking a seat, couldn’t help but wonder about the purpose of this unexpected meeting.

“Jake,” Ms. Reed began, her tone businesslike yet warm, “I wanted to personally acknowledge the invaluable support you provided during the Greater Scythia negotiations. Your logistical expertise and dedication played a crucial role in the success of our delegation. You’re an important part of my team, and that’s not going to change.”

“Thank you, Ms. Reed. I’m glad I could contribute to the company’s success,” Jake replied, appreciating the acknowledgment.

Ms. Reed continued, “But in light of our exciting new initiative in Greater Scythia, it’s clear that some restructuring needs to occur in order to better position us for the future.”

Ms. Reed looked at Sarah, who joined the conversation. “Jake, I’ve been given more responsibilities in your absence. I oversaw some of the internal coordination during the trip, and Imani has asked me to take on a more prominent leadership role on her team.”

“You’ve gone above and beyond as my executive assistant, Jake, and tackled assignments that are outside of your title,” Ms. Reed noted. “But as my plate gets even fuller with this acquisition, I need my executive assistant to be fully dedicated to the duties you were originally hired for. Sarah’s new role as Deputy Chief Strategy Officer for International Expansion will take those higher level assignments off of your plate and allow you to refocus on my immediate needs.”

Jake listened to Ms. Reed’s words, a mixture of surprise and realization settling over him. It sounded like Sarah would be effectively taking over his previous role as Ms. Reed’s top deputy. While the news was unexpected, Jake couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride for his sister’s achievements.

“Jake, this isn’t a demotion,” Ms. Reed reiterated. “It’s a strategic move to clarify your role, more fully utilize Sarah’s prodigious talents, and ensure that our team is aligned with the demands of our expanding initiatives. Your role will still be critical, but we’re adjusting the responsibilities to match the evolving needs of the company.”

Jake nodded, a sense of acceptance settling in. “I get it. This Greater Scythia project is unique, and there’s a lot at stake. If Ms. Mitty is better suited to lead in this context, especially considering Greater Scythia’s cultural sensitivities, I’m on board.”

Ms. Reed expressed her appreciation. “Thank you, Jake. Your adaptability and dedication are just two of the many reasons why you’re a valuable asset to my team. Now, as we move forward, I’ll be working closely with Sarah on the strategic aspects of our expansion into Greater Scythia. I’ll need your continued support to ensure our day-to-day operations run smoothly, and you’ll likely still have a role to play in supporting Sarah’s efforts.”

While Jake began to adjust to the restructuring of the strategy office over the weeks that followed, Klara found herself increasingly fatigued amidst the post-trip debriefs and acquisition strategy meetings. At first, she attributed it to the intense negotiations and the emotional roller coaster of dealing with the Empress and the drama over the complication involving Code of Tomyris. But as the weariness persisted, she began to entertain a different possibility.

One morning, as Klara was getting ready for work, a sudden wave of nausea hit her. She was reminded of the morning sickness she’d experienced during her first trimester with the twins. As the days went by, the persistent queasiness in the morning persisted along with an unusual sensitivity to certain smells.

After a particularly strong bout of nausea one morning, Klara sat on the edge of the bed, deep in thought. She realized that her period was late, a fact she had attributed to the stress surrounding the pending acquisition. However, she could no longer dismiss the fact that she might be pregnant.

Klara slipped out of the office on her lunch break, and discreetly purchased a pregnancy test from a nearby pharmacy. The anticipation and nerves lingered throughout the workday, as her thoughts kept drifting to the test in her briefcase.

By the time she got home and held the pregnancy test in her hands in the master bath, she found herself surprisingly anxious.

Later that evening, in the privacy of the bathroom, Klara waited for the test results. The seconds felt like an eternity, and when she finally looked down, the positive result confirmed her suspicion.

She stared at the small plastic stick in her hands, a mix of emotions flooding over her. Joy, surprise, and a hint of apprehension. A new life was growing within her, and it marked the beginning of another chapter for her and her family.

That evening, as the family gathered for a quiet dinner, Klara’s gaze lingered on the faces of her husband and children. There was a warmth in her chest, a subtle realization that something had shifted. The children chatted excitedly about their week, and Jake, seemingly attuned to Klara’s mood, shot her a concerned glance. She shook her head subtly, as if to say: Later.

After dinner, as Jake stood atop his step stool washing dishes in the kitchen, Klara approached him with some measure of hesitation.

“Everything okay, Klara?” he asked gently, glancing up at her.

There was a moment of hesitation before she spoke. “Jake, I think… I think I might be pregnant.”

Jake’s hands paused in their dish washing duties, and he turned to look at Klara with a mixture of surprise and concern. The water droplets on his hands glistened under the kitchen lights, reflecting the uncertainty in his eyes.

“Pregnant?” he repeated, his voice a mix of emotions.

Klara nodded, her eyes searching Jake’s face for a reaction. “Yes, I took a test today, and it was positive. I wanted to talk to you about it before we share the news with the kids.”

Klara held out the pregnancy test, and Jake set the dish he was holding down and dried his hands on a towel so he could examine it. Once he’d reached the same conclusion that Klara had, he looked up at his wife with a thoughtful expression. “Wow. I mean, that’s… unexpected. How are you feeling about it?”

Klara sighed, her gaze distant. “Honestly, I’m not sure. It wasn’t exactly planned, and with everything happening at work, I didn’t anticipate this. But at the same time, there’s a certain joy in the idea of expanding our family.”

Jake, still processing the news, ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah, joy, of course. But, Klara, you know what this could mean, right? Another child, especially now, with the company’s recent expansion and your pivotal role in it, it’s… it’s a lot.”

Klara nodded, understanding the reasoning underlying Jake’s concern. “I know, Jake. It’s a major decision, and I haven’t fully wrapped my head around it. But I also don’t want to let the fear of the unknown overshadow the joy and potential this new life brings.”

Jake looked increasingly anxious perched on his step stool, a furrow in his brow. “It’s just, we’ve worked so hard to get to where we are. The kids are growing, and our careers… you’re on the verge of something big, Klara, and I’ve fought so hard to get where I am. Another child, it would change things.”

Klara watched Jake with a mix of understanding and empathy. She knew his concerns were well-founded, and the timing was undoubtedly challenging. The weight of their responsibilities at work and the delicate balance they had achieved as a family were crucial considerations.

“I get it, Jake. I do. And your concerns are completely valid,” Klara said, reaching out to touch his arm. “We’ve worked hard to build this life, and I wouldn’t want to jeopardize it. But at the same time, life has a way of throwing unexpected joys our way amidst the challenges. I would hate to close the door on a beautiful and amazing future out of fear.”

Jake nodded, appreciating Klara’s point. “Let’s take some time to think about it. We can discuss it more thoroughly after the kids go to bed.”

“Okay, but I’m going to bring Kelly into the decision-making process tomorrow. She’s a woman now, and mature enough to understand. Her opinion carries at least as much weight as yours does.”

“Kelly? I mean, I don’t disagree that she’s more mature now, but isn’t this a decision for us to make as parents?” Jake questioned, a hint of concern in his voice.

Klara met Jake’s gaze with a determined look. “Jake, we’re not just making this decision as parents. We’re making this decision as a family. And at the First Moon ceremony, you accepted that Kelly is now a leader of this family. “

After school the next day, Klara and Jake sat down with Kelly to share the unexpected news and discuss its potential impact on their lives.

“Mom, Dad, this is incredible! A little sister? That’s like, the best news ever!” Kelly exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Or a little brother,” Jake reminded her. “I’m happy you’re so excited, Kel, but we also need to consider the bigger picture. The company your mom and I work for is expanding, and your mom is taking on more responsibilities. Another child could change a lot of things for us.”

Kelly nodded, understanding the weight of Jake’s concerns. “I get that, Dad, I really do. But think about it—I’m a woman now, and Kyle’s helping out a lot more around the house. We can totally help take care of the baby.”

Klara couldn’t help but smile at Kelly’s enthusiasm. “Your excitement is infectious, Kelly. But we also need to consider the challenges, especially when it comes to your father and I managing our work responsibilities.”

Kelly raised an eyebrow, her tone playful. “Come on, Mom. You’re like the Wonder Woman of the business world. A baby won’t change that. And Dad, baby or no baby, you’re not exactly flying up the corporate ladder. Nadira’s sister can get somebody else to answer her phone and manage her calendar.”

Klara chuckled at Kelly’s playful jab at her father’s career, and turned to Jake with a teasing smile. “Kelly has a point, Jake. We’re a strong team, and we’ve navigated challenging situations together. I’m sure we can handle this one too.”

But even as the three of them debated the matter, none of them could have known that Kyle would soon make a major decision that would shape all of their lives for many years to come.

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